By Andrew Mackinnon
The geographical size of the United States of America is 9.8 million square kilometres. Its estimated population in 2014 is 318 million people. Therefore its estimated population density in 2014 is 32.4 people per square kilometre.
United States of America
Geographical size: 9.8 million square kilometres
Estimated population (2014): 318 million people
Estimated population density (2014): 32.4 people per square kilometre
The geographical size of India is only 3.3 million square kilometres, which is just over one third of the size of the United States of America. If India had the same population density as the United States of America, being 32.4 people per square kilometre, then India would have a population of just 107 million people.
However, as everybody knows, the population of India is much, much greater. In 2011, India’s population was 1,210 million (1.2 billion) people, which is almost four times as large as the population of the United States of America.
Therefore, using the yardstick of the population density of the United States of America, India is overpopulated by a staggering 1,103 million people (1.1 billion) and 1,030.8%, being 1,210 minus 107 and 1,103 / 107 x 100%, respectively.
Geographical size: 3.3 million square kilometres
Estimated population (2011): 1,210 million people (1.2 billion people)
Estimated population density (2011): 368.1 people per square kilometre
Calculated population based on the population density of the United States of America of 32.4 people per square kilometre:
107 million people
Extent of overpopulation in 2011 based on the above calculation:
1,103 million people (ie. 1,210 million minus 107 million) (1.1 billion people)
Extent of overpopulation in 2011 based on the above calculation and expressed as a percentage:
1,030.8% (1,103 / 107 x 100%)
The geographical size of China is 9.6 million square kilometres. Interestingly, China is only 230,000 square kilometres smaller than the United States of America in size, making it almost the same size. If China had the same population density as the United States of America, being 32.4 people per square kilometre, then China would have a population of just 311 million people respectively.
However, as everybody knows, the population of China is much, much greater. In 2011, China’s population was 1,344 million (1.3 billion) people, which is more than four times as large as the population of the United States of America.
Therefore, using the yardstick of the population density of the United States of America, China is overpopulated by a staggering 1,033 million people (1.0 billion) and 332.2%, being 1,344 minus 311 and 1,033 / 311 x 100%, respectively.
Geographical size: 9.6 million square kilometres
Estimated population (2011): 1,344 million (1.3 billion)
Estimated population density (2011): 140.0 people per square kilometre
Calculated population based on the population density of the United States of America of 32.4 people per square kilometre:
311 million people
Extent of overpopulation in 2011 based on the above calculation:
1,033 million people (ie. 1,344 million minus 311 million) (1.0 billion people)
Extent of overpopulation in 2011 based on the above calculation and expressed as a percentage:
332.2% (1,033 / 311 x 100%)
Incidentally, the geographical size of the continent of Africa is 30.4 million square kilometres, which is just over three times the size of the United States of America. If the continent of Africa had the same population density as the United States of America, being 32.4 people per square kilometres, it would have a population of 985 million people.
Interestingly, the population of the continent of Africa in 2021 is 1,394 million (1.4 billion).
Therefore, using the yardstick of the population density of the United States of America, the continent of Africa is overpopulated by 409 million people and 41.5%, being 1,394 minus 985 and 409 / 985 x 100%, respectively.
Geographical size: 30.4 million square kilometres
Actual population (2021): 1,394 million (1.4 billion)
Actual population density (2021): 45.9 people per square kilometre
Calculated population based on the population density of the United States of America:
985 million people
Extent of overpopulation in 2021 based on the above calculation:
409 million people (ie. 1,394 million minus 985 million) (0.4 billion people)
Extent of overpopulation in 2021 based on the above calculation and expressed as a percentage:
41.5% (409 / 985 x 100%)
Based on the population density of the United States of America in 2014, India and China are overpopulated by 1.1 billion people (1,103 million people) and 1.0 billion people (1,033 million people) respectively. Totalling 2.1 billion people, about 25.9% of the world’s population of about 8.1 billion today, it is not difficult at all to see that an imminent threat to the quality of life of citizens in white countries around the world is this overpopulation in just two countries – India and China.
Over the past two decades, citizens in white countries around the world have constantly been told by the predominantly Jewish-controlled (i.e. Edomitish-controlled) mainstream media that their standard of living is too high and that it is unsustainable. We have been told that “we’ve won the lottery of life” by being born into these white countries around the world when the standard of living in non-white countries such as India and China is much lower. However, it is now completely obvious that the standard of living we formally enjoyed in white countries around the world up until about the year 2000 was the way that life was meant to be on planet earth for human beings. The obvious reason why citizens of India and China suffer and simmer in such abject poverty and misery is that they created it themselves by growing their populations explosively and irresponsibly.
The obvious solution to this lamentable situation is to not allow the populations of India and China to continue to spill over into white countries around the world through immigration, but to rather force India and China to lie in the bed that they have made for themselves by banning immigration from these two countries so that they will have no choice but to figure out their own solutions for this most desperate problem of overpopulation that they have created themselves.
My contention is very simple. Immigration from India and China to white countries around the world, such as the Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, should be banned and the outsourcing of jobs from these white countries around the world to India and China (as well as to other non-white countries) should be properly identified as the treasonous behaviour that it really is. Allowing citizens of India and China to immigrate to these white countries around the world does absolutely nothing to solve the problem of overpopulation in India and China, however it quite obviously dramatically impairs the quality of life of citizens of these white countries around the world. As the populations of these white countries around the world grow due to non-white immigration and as the jobs of the citizens of these white countries around the world are outsourced to India and China (as well as to other non-white countries), there are quite obviously more people in these white countries around the world competing for fewer jobs, so that the rates of unemployment in these white countries around the world increase.
Not only are there more people competing for fewer jobs, but there are more people competing for a relatively fixed amount of residential property – housing, so that house prices increase dramatically. (Certainly, the amount of land in each country is obviously absolutely fixed.) This causes the price of this fourth most basic need of shelter (after water, food and clothing) to increase so dramatically that it becomes out of reach of the average citizen of white countries around the world, who has no sociopathic aspirations to climb the ranks of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan and earn an exorbitant income, but who just wants to live a peaceful life based on love, made in the image of God as they are. By increasing the price of residential property, immigration renders the life of these average citizens of white countries around the world untenable, leading to the widespread social evils of frustration, depression and despair. This is the ill wind that originates from the synagogue of Satan.
It is therefore becoming increasingly obvious that governments of white countries around the world, controlled as they are by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists), are deliberately betraying white citizens and destroying these white countries around the world through the outsourcing of jobs to non-white countries and through non-white immigration, with the objective of so damaging these white countries around the world, economically, financially and socially, that their citizens have no choice in their weakened state but to surrender to the agenda that the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan wants to impose on them. This agenda includes privatisation of all essential services, such as water, electricity generation and telecommunications, together with increasing centralisation of governmental and legislative control, such as we have witnessed in the European Union over the past fourteen years since its establishment in its current form in 2009.
The Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan literally wants a return to the feudalism of earlier centuries, whereby all assets are owned by the wealthy and maintained for their benefit by an underclass of impoverished, easily controllable citizens in their multitudes. However, there are many more of ‘us’ than there are of ‘them’. Together, in our millions, we are absolutely capable of opposing the agenda of the synagogue of Satan and effecting the kind of change that will actually benefit humanity instead.
It is absolutely essential that white countries around the world protect themselves from the overpopulation of India and China. White countries around the world did not create these problems, therefore the governments of white countries around the world must not allow white citizens to bear the consequences of them.
Businesses operating in white countries around the world, such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, which formerly employed citizens of these respective white countries around the world to drive their operations, have taken advantage of the oversupply of labour provided by the overpopulation in India and China. Not being satisfied with their existing profits, they have greedily sought to increase their profits further by outsourcing jobs to India and China (as well as to other non-white countries). For an Australian company, for example, led by Australian directors who reside in Australia, to outsource Australian jobs overseas to China so that they can manufacture their products more cheaply, in order to increase their profits, by continuing to sell to Australian citizens, is treasonous behaviour. The obvious loser arising from this outsourcing is Australian citizens whose jobs have been sent overseas to China.
We have constantly been told over the past two decades that citizens of white countries around the world are consuming too many of the world’s resources while people in non-white countries like India and China suffer in poverty. What has been deliberately omitted from this narrative by the predominantly Jewish-controlled (i.e. Edomitish-controlled) mainstream media and predominantly Jewish-controlled (i.e. Edomitish-controlled) think tanks promoting it, is that the oversupply of people in India and China, totalling 2.1 billion people, is the real reason for the desperate poverty and struggle of the citizenry in these two countries. India and China are mired in poverty as a direct result of their own highly irresponsible, foolish, explosive population growth over the past century.
I have not yet discovered what the causes of this completely irresponsible overpopulation in India and China are. In India, I suspect that the causes are a belief that having children brings prosperity, because the children will work on behalf of the parents, and also a desire for the social status that large families bring. However this is only speculation on my part. In China, I suspect that the cause is a citizenry that was brainwashed last century by the rulers to believe that it was in their best interests to multiply (e.g. Chairman Mao last century who advocated vigorous population growth) when, in fact, the rulers wanted population growth in order to lower the living standards per person so that it was easier to control and rule over the citizenry.
Could population growth in white countries around the world, arising from non-white immigration into white countries around the world, be the same means by which governments in white countries around the world are seeking to control white citizens – by diminishing their standard of living and therefore weakening and disempowering individual white citizens? I believe that this is exactly what is happening. Nobody in white countries around the world, such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, can deny that since about the year 2000, the average quality of life of each citizen in these white countries around the world has declined dramatically.
What the citizens of India and China have failed to grasp is the simple mathematics which dictate that the more people there are, the lower their quality of life is, because the resources in those countries, such as land, water and food are relatively fixed. Therefore, as the number of people in those countries increases through population growth, the share of each individual person in these resources of those countries decreases, leading to a lower quality of life.
Non-white immigration into white countries around the world serves to escalate tension, animosity and conflict between the existing white citizens and the newly arrived non-white immigrants. This is intended by the governments of white countries around the world, because these governments are under the control of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists). These governments of white countries around the world actively promote this non-white immigration.
(The governments of white countries around the world, such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are mostly under the control of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists).)
These governments of white countries around the world deliberately send jobs overseas while simultaneously promoting non-white immigration into white countries around the world, with the express intention of fomenting tension, hostility and conflict between the existing white citizens of these countries and the newly arrived, non-white immigrants, whose arrival is correctly perceived by the existing white citizens as causing a decline in their quality of life. Since there are fewer jobs available, due to outsourcing of jobs overseas that government policy has enabled, and since there are more people competing for the fewer jobs available due to the arrival of non-white immigrants, the share of each white citizen in the resources of the country decreases. This share in the resources of the country is a reliable proxy for quality of life, which also decreases.
Following is what the Australian federal government, for example, needs to do to protect Australian citizens, for example, in the white country of Australia, for example, from the explosive, irresponsible population growth of India and China:
> Introduce legislation to ban non-white immigration into Australia, including non-white immigration into Australia from India and China.
Population growth through immigration leads to higher house prices, lower wages and overcrowding, all of which negatively impact existing Australian citizens severely. It is completely contrary to the best interests of existing Australian citizens to impose immigration upon them against their will.
People need to stay in their countries of origin, such as India or China, and work to patriotically fix the problems in their countries of origin, rather than simply seeking to immigrate to a more attractive country. People need to bloom where they are planted, unless it is impossible for them to do so, such as if they live in a country like Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, which the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan has decimated via war for no justifiable reason.
> Introduce legislation to prohibit foreign ownership of residential property in Australia by foreign citizens, such as citizens of India or China, who are not Australian citizens, and by foreign entities, such as foreign companies and foreign trusts.
This treasonous allowance by the Australian government of foreign ownership of residential property in Australia has been responsible for dramatically increasing the demand for residential property in Australia and therefore dramatically increasing residential property prices in Australia, so that they have become far out of reach of existing Australian citizens. Since shelter is the fourth most basic need after water, food and clothing, foreign ownership of residential property in Australia, that forces its price up far out of reach of existing Australian citizens, should not be tolerated under any circumstances.
> Introduce legislation to impose tariffs on goods imported from non-white countries, such as India and China, in order to make goods imported from non-white countries more expensive and less attractive to Australian citizens for purchase. This will discourage Australian companies from moving jobs overseas to non-white countries, such as India and China, in order to decrease their wages expense and increase their profits further, because goods that they produce in Australia by employing Australian citizens will not have any tariffs imposed on them. Goods produced domestically in this manner will therefore be more likely purchased by Australian citizens in preference to competing imported goods, whose prices will be inflated by the tariffs imposed on them. The revenue from the tariffs, collected by the Australian federal government, can be used to benefit all Australian citizens.