I have come to the conclusion that the origin of non-white people on the earth is fallen angels having sexual intercourse with white women.

By Andrew Mackinnon

I believe that Adam and Eve were real historical people, like the Bible clearly indicates, and that they were both white people.

I believe that Noah, his wife, his three son’s Shem, Ham and Japeth and their three wives, who survived the flood by taking refuge in the ark that Noah built, were, most likely, all white. Read more...

Non-white immigration into white countries around the world causes skills shortages in white countries around the world, rather than solves skills shortages in white countries around the world…

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 21st June, 2024

Non-white immigration into white countries around the world causes skills shortages in white countries around the world, rather than solves skills shortages in white countries around the world, because non-white immigrants to white countries around the world mostly have few skills, so that more people with skills are required in white countries around the world to serve their needs. Read more...

Protect white countries around the world from the irresponsible overpopulation of India and China of 2.1 billion people.

By Andrew Mackinnon

The geographical size of the United States of America is 9.8 million square kilometres. Its estimated population in 2014 is 318 million people. Therefore its estimated population density in 2014 is 32.4 people per square kilometre.

United States of America