Protect white countries around the world from the irresponsible overpopulation of India and China of 2.1 billion people.

By Andrew Mackinnon

The geographical size of the United States of America is 9.8 million square kilometres. Its estimated population in 2014 is 318 million people. Therefore its estimated population density in 2014 is 32.4 people per square kilometre.

United States of America

How to create jobs in Australia…

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 27th August, 2024

The way to create jobs in Australia is not for the Australian federal, state and territorial governments to predominantly spend billions of dollars on infrastructure projects, thereby creating a disproportionately small number of constructions jobs and associated administration, accounting, management and other jobs, while delivering excessive and undeserved super profits to the entities which deliver the infrastructure projects, such as Australian companies, all at the expense of taxpaying Australian citizens. Read more...