How to fix Australia permanently…

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 12th February, 2025

How to fix Australia permanently…

The purpose of non-white immigration into Australia is to diminish the quality of life of white Australian citizens and replace them with non-white immigrants to Australia.

The Australian federal, state and territorial governments have been deliberately increasing their debts for decades in order to necessitate higher taxes and thereby control Australian citizens.

The Australian federal government needs a mission statement…

Australia needs a publicly owned, federal “Australian Bank” that lends without charging interest.

The only Australian federal government tax should be the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) should be charged by the Australian federal government at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia.

Australian federal government employees have a fiduciary duty to Australian citizens…

It is possible to run Australia on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia and Australian local government rates.

Condensed lists of proposed Australian federal government services and proposed Australian local government services…

Equitable allocation of Australian federal government spending…

List of thirty-five (35) proposed Australian ministers in the Australian federal government…

How to repay all Australian federal, state and territorial government debts in five years or less…

Abolish the Australian state and territorial governments so that only the Australian federal government and Australian local governments remain.

Move the Australian federal government from southern New South Wales to southern Queensland.

Other improvements to make to Australia so that it functions properly…

How to fix Australia permanently…

> Ban non-white immigration into Australia.

The current ethnic composition and citizenship composition of Australia is estimated to be as follows:

100% – Population of Australia – 27.2 million

3% – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 0.8 million

45% – White (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 12.2 million

32% – Non-white (predominantly) – Australia citizens – 8.7 million

7% – Non-white (predominantly) – Non-citizens of Australia – 2.0 million

13% – Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 3.5 million

Australia – Population and Demographic Data – 1900 to 2022

> Ban immigration of white people who cannot read and write the native language of Australia, being English, into Australia, since it will not be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia.

Only allow immigration of white people who can read and write the native language of Australia, being English, into Australia, since it will be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia.

Limit immigration into Australia to predominantly white people originating from white countries around the world (not predominantly Jewish (i.e. predominantly Edomitish) people originating from white countries around the world), who can read and write the native language of Australia, being English, since it will therefore be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia, including the following white countries around the world (whose estimated populations are shown):

Ireland – 5 million
Northern Ireland – 2 million
Scotland – 5 million
England – 56 million
Wales – 3 million
France – 67 million
Belgium – 11 million
Netherlands – 17 million
Germany – 83 million
Switzerland – 10 million
Liechtenstein – less than 1 million
Austria – 9 million
Czech Republic – 11 million
Poland – 38 million
Lithuania – 3 million
Latvia – 2 million
Estonia – 1 million
Finland – 6 million
Sweden – 10 million
Norway – 5 million
Denmark – 6 million
Iceland – less than 1 million
Ukraine – 41 million
Russia – 146 million
United States of America – 331 million
Canada – 38 million
Australia – 27 million
New Zealand – 5 million

> In any given financial year, from 1st July to the following 30th June, one year later, immigration into Australia over the course of that financial year should not exceed 0.10% of the number of Australian citizens living in Australia at the start of that financial year.

For example, if the number of Australian citizens living in Australia at the start of any given financial year is 25 million, then immigration into Australia over the course of that financial year should not exceed 0.10% of 25 million, being 25,000 people.

Australia – Population and Demographic Data – 1900 to 2022

Very soon after I finished Year 12 in secondary school in late 1990, I was sitting in traffic on a Friday afternoon in Sydney, New South Wales, which was banked up a long way. It was an eye-opening welcome for me as a secondary school leaver to adult life in Australia.

The last time traffic in Sydney, New South Wales was free of congestion was in about 1979, when the size of the population of Australia was about 14 million, so I would obviously like to see the size of the population of Australia decrease from the current circa 27 million to as close to about 14 million as possible, as a result of forcible relocation of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan, deportation of non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin and repatriation of non-white Australian citizens, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin.

> Forcibly relocate Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan, since their ancestors lived in Khazaria after the time of Christ.

Jewish people are descendants of Esau and the Edomites.

Forcibly relocating Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan will reduce the size of the population of Australia from its current circa 27 million people, thereby significantly reducing demand for goods, services and assets in Australia, including demand for groceries, residential properties for rent and residential properties, thereby causing prices of goods, services and assets in Australia to decrease, including prices of groceries, rents for residential properities and prices of residential properties, as well as freeing up a large number of residential properties for Australian citizens to occupy, instead of the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) who are currently living in Australia.

Forcibly relocating Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan will also reduce the supply of labour in Australia, causing salaries and wages of Australian citizens to increase and unemployment in Australia to decrease, as well as reduce congestion on the roads in Australia, congestion on public transport in Australia and congestion in general in Australia, resulting in more space per person in Australia.

Forcibly relocating Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan will also result in fewer people living in Australia and sharing Australia’s resources (i.e. land, water, food, construction materials, houses, apartments, coal, minerals, natural gas, motor vehicles, bicycles, et cetera), so that there will be more resources per person in Australia, making everybody in Australia more prosperous.

> Deport non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds), numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin.

Deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds), numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin will reduce the size of the population of Australia from its current circa 27 million people, thereby significantly reducing demand for goods, services and assets in Australia, including demand for groceries, residential properties for rent and residential properties, thereby causing prices of goods, services and assets in Australia to decrease, including prices of groceries, rents for residential properities and prices of residential properties, as well as freeing up a large number of residential properties for Australian citizens to occupy, instead of the circa 2 million non-white non-citizens of Australia who are currently living in Australia.

Deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds), numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin will also reduce the supply of labour in Australia, causing salaries and wages of Australian citizens to increase and unemployment in Australia to decrease, as well as reduce congestion on the roads in Australia, congestion on public transport in Australia and congestion in general in Australia, resulting in more space per person in Australia.

Deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds), numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin will also result in fewer people living in Australia and sharing Australia’s resources (i.e. land, water, food, construction materials, houses, apartments, coal, minerals, natural gas, motor vehicles, bicycles, et cetera), so that there will be more resources per person in Australia, making everybody in Australia more prosperous.

> Repatriate non-white Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin.

Repatriating non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin will reduce the size of the population of Australia from its current circa 27 million people, thereby significantly reducing demand for goods, services and assets in Australia, including demand for groceries, residential properties for rent and residential properties, thereby causing prices of goods, services and assets in Australia to decrease, including prices of groceries, rents for residential properities and prices of residential properties, as well as freeing up a large number of residential properties for Australian citizens to occupy, instead of the circa 8.7 million non-white Australian citizens who are currently living in Australia.

Repatriating non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin will also reduce the supply of labour in Australia, causing salaries and wages of Australian citizens to increase and unemployment in Australia to decrease, as well as reduce congestion on the roads in Australia, congestion on public transport in Australia and congestion in general in Australia, resulting in more space per person in Australia.

Repatriating non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin will also result in fewer people living in Australia and sharing Australia’s resources (i.e. land, water, food, construction materials, houses, apartments, coal, minerals, natural gas, motor vehicles, bicycles, et cetera), so that there will be more resources per person in Australia, making everybody in Australia more prosperous.

To be continued…


The purpose of non-white immigration into Australia is to diminish the quality of life of white Australian citizens and replace them with non-white immigrants to Australia.

The purpose of non-white immigration into Australia is to diminish the quality of life of white Australian citizens and replace them with non-white immigrants to Australia.

To be continued…


The Australian federal, state and territorial governments have been deliberately increasing their debts for decades in order to necessitate higher taxes and thereby control Australian citizens.

Unfortunately, Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists), like Scott Morrison, Joshua Frydenberg, Daniel Andrews and Gladys Berejiklian, have been deliberately increasing Australian federal, state and territorial government debts, in order to obligate Australian citizens to onerously pay interest on these debts out of their taxes to the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) to whom these debts are owed as bondholders.

That is why former Australian Treasurer Joshua Frydenberg has shamelessly wasted little time in taking up employment with Goldman Sachs, a multinational investment bank that is headquartered in New York City, New York, United States of America, after being voted out of office as the elected representative for the Australian federal electorate of Kooyong in the last Australian federal election on 21st May, 2022, so that Joshua Frydenberg is now the chairman of Goldman Sachs in Australia and New Zealand.

Interestingly, while there is sufficient information available from the mainstream media in Australia confirming the appointment of Joshua Frydenberg as the chairman of Goldman Sachs in Australia and New Zealand, which can be accessed on the internet via search engines, there is nothing on the official Goldman Sachs web page for Goldman Sachs in Australia and New Zealand to indicate that Joshua Frydenberg is the chairman of Goldman Sachs in Australia and New Zealand.

It is like Goldman Sachs in Australia and New Zealand is trying to fly under the radar.

The Australian federal government, predominated by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) like Joshua Frydenberg, has been deliberately increasing the Australian federal government debt for decades via flagrantly wasteful spending, in order to justify selling publicly owned Australian federal government entities, which is widely known by Australian citizens as “privatisation” and widely disliked by Australian citizens, by claiming that the Australian federal government desperately needs to sell publicly owned Australian federal government entities in order to generate funds to deliver new projects (e.g. infrastructure), while continuing to repay principal and interest out of taxpayer funds on the Australia federal government debt it has deliberately increased via flagrantly wasteful spending.

Who do you think the principal and interest on this Australia federal government debt is paid to?

The principal and interest on this Australian federal government debt is partly paid to Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) who have carefully counted their money and eagerly lent to the Australian federal government in anticipation of the coupon payments (i.e. interest payments) they will receive from the Australian federal government bonds they buy from the Australian federal government, in order to jubilantly increase their net worth after paying income tax on the coupon payments they receive, if, in fact, they do pay income tax on the coupon payments they receive.

The principal and interest on this Australia federal government debt is also partly paid to Australian citizens via their superannuation balances, which have been partly invested by purchasing Australian federal government bonds (i.e. loaning principal to the Australian federal government out of their compulsory superannuation contributions), so that they are entitled to earn interest on the principal loaned to the Australian federal government via coupon payments made by the Australian federal government on these Australian federal government bonds.

Therefore, Australian citizens are partly paying principal and interest on this Australian federal government debt via their taxes to themselves as owners of their superannuation balances, which have been partly invested by purchasing Australian federal government bonds (i.e. loaning principal to the Australian federal government out of their compulsory superannuation contributions).

This does not benefit Australian citizens.

Australian federal government entities that the Australian federal government has sold, so that it can “afford to pay the interest bill on its Australian federal government debt” that it has deliberately increased via flagrantly wasteful spending, include Commonwealth Bank of Australia in the 1990s, QANTAS (Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services) in the 1990s and Telecom Australia in the 1990s and beyond.

Who do you think buys these Australian federal government entities?

Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) buy these Australian federal government entities via purchasing shares in the privately owned entities (e.g. Telstra) formed as a result of the sale of these Australian federal government entities, which are highly successful and well-managed Australian federal government entities by virtue of the diligence of the Australian federal government employees who have run them for decades prior to their sale.

Australian citizens also buy these Australian federal government entities via purchasing shares in the privately owned entities (e.g. Telstra) formed as a result of the sale of these Australian federal government entities and via purchasing these shares indirectly via their superannuation balances, which have been partly invested by purchasing these shares.

Once these highly successful and well-managed Australian federal government entities have been sold, the newly installed management teams of the privately owned entities (e.g. Telstra) formed as a result of the sale of these Australian federal government entities increase the prices of the services these entities provide, which are paid by Australian citizens, in order to seek to maximise the profits they generate from these former Australian federal government entities, which, theoretically, should have operated on not-for-profit bases when they were formerly owned by the Australian federal government, so that the prices of the services they provided when they were formerly owned by the Australian federal government should have been lower and, in fact, always were lower.

This the kind of greedy approach that is exhibited by the multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs and the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) like Joshua Frydenberg who work for Goldman Sachs.

This is all certainly organised crime by the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) who occupy the Australian federal government and who orchestrate all of this.

In my opinion, it is treason, which, in my opinion, is a capital crime whose convicted perpetrators should receive capital punishment involving death by hanging.

Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, former Australian Treasurer Peter Costello, former Australian Prime Minister and former Australian Treasurer Paul Keating and former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke, who were all variously involved in orchestrating the sale of the Australian federal government entities, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, QANTAS and Telecom Australia, including deliberately increasing the Australian federal government debt beforehand via flagrantly wasteful spending, in order to justify the sale of these Australian federal government entities to Australian citizens, are all Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) but they are only puppets and front men for the many more Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) who occupy the Australian federal government and who were also involved in this treason, such as the many more of them who were involved in deliberately increasing the Australian government debt via flagrantly wasteful spending.

Ironically, former Australian Treasurer Joshua Frydenberg is one of the very few former Australian Treasurers who is actually qualified for the role, holding tertiary qualifications in both economics and law from Monash University in Melbourne, Victoria with presumably high levels of attainment.

However, Joshua Frydenberg does not care about using his formidable skills to improve Australia for the benefit of Australian citizens.  As a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist), his focus is on ensuring that Australian citizens continue to pay tribute as slaves to Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) via interest out of their taxes to the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) to whom Australian federal, state and territorial government debts are partly owed as bondholders.

That is why the Australian federal government debt increased by more than $300 billion during Joshua Frydenberg’s time as the Australian Treasurer from 24th August, 2018 to 23rd May, 2022.

One might say, “But the cause of that increase in the Australian federal government debt was COVID-19 and all of the payments made by the Australian federal government to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities.”

That is true.  However, the overwhelming majority of this increase in Australian federal government debt of more than $300 billion is owed to the Reserve Bank of Australia. Importantly, the Australian federal government, including highly qualified Joshua Frydenberg as the Australian Treasurer, made very sure that Australian citizens are obligated to pay interest to the Reserve Bank of Australia on the overwhelming majority of this increase in Australian federal government debt of more than $300 billion owed to the Reserve Bank of Australia, despite that the Reserve Bank of Australia created the overwhelming majority of this increase in Australian federal government debt of more than $300 billion owed to the Reserve Bank of Australia out of nothing.

The Australian federal government debt is currently circa $1,160 billion. (“National Government Debt”, one-third of the way down the web page)


The Australian federal government needs a mission statement…

The Australian federal government needs a mission statement such as the following:

“The purpose of the Australian federal government is to serve the best interests of Australian citizens and improve Australia for their benefit, as a positive example to other countries around the world.”


Australia needs a publicly owned, federal “Australian Bank” that lends without charging interest.

Australia needs a publicly owned, federal “Australian Bank” that operates on a not-for-profit basis and lends to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities, for mortgages, personal loans, business loans of all types and sizes and loans of all types and sizes to not-for-profit entities, without charging any interest on this lending to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities.

The Bank of England has admitted that commercial banks create money out of nothing when they lend at interest.

However, various rates of around 1% or less would need to be charged by the Australian Bank on all lending by the Australian Bank to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities, in order to cover the various incidences of default on loans to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities.

This Australian Bank should operate on a not-for-profit basis and cover its operating costs by charging account-keeping fees and transaction fees, paid by Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities, who and which use the Australian Bank, which account-keeping fees and transaction fees should be limited to covering the actual costs incurred by the Australian Bank to administer the accounts of Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities and to process the transactions of Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities.

Money is created when the Australian Bank lends to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities, so that the money supply in Australia increases.

Money is destroyed when Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities repay principal on loans they owe to the Australian Bank, so that the money supply in Australia decreases.

Therefore, when Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities borrow more money per unit time from the Australian Bank than Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities repay per unit time to the Australian Bank, such as when the total amounts of money lent by the Australian Bank to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities increase as higher multiples of their respective incomes, profits and operating surpluses, the money supply in Australia increases.

Therefore, when Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities borrow less money per unit time from the Australian Bank than Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities repay per unit time to the Australian Bank, such as when the total amounts of money lent by the Australian Bank to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities decrease as lower multiples of their respective incomes, profits and operating surpluses, the money supply in Australia decreases.

The size of the money supply in Australia can be increased and decreased to control inflation by increasing and decreasing the total amounts of principal that the Australian Bank is allowed to lend to Australian citizens, Australian businesses (such as sole traders, partnerships and companies) and Australian not-for-profit entities (such as churches and charities), expressed as higher and lower multiples of the incomes of Australian citizens, profits of Australian businesses and operating surpluses of Australian not-for-profit entities.

These multiples should be different for different types of borrowers, such as Australian citizens, Australian businesses (including sole traders, partnerships and companies) and Australian not-for-profit entities (including churches and charities).

For example, the Australian Bank could be limited to lending 4.0 times the income of any given Australian citizen, so that the total borrowing of that Australian citizen, such as including a mortgage and a personal loan, is not allowed to exceed 4.0 times the income of that Australian citizen.

For any given married couple of Australian citizens, the Australian Bank could be limited to lending 4.0 times their combined income, so that the total borrowing of that married couple of Australian citizens, such as including a mortgage and personal loans, is not allowed to exceed 4.0 times the combined income of that married couple of Australian citizens.

The analog of interest-only loans, being loans with no repayments whatsoever until repayment of the entire principal of the loan, would not be allowed by the Australian Bank under any circumstances.

The size of the money supply in Australia can also be increased as necessary by way of the Australian Bank creating money out of nothing as necessary in the account of the Australian Treasury with the Australian Bank for the Australian Treasury to spend into circulation as necessary on behalf of the Australian federal government.

(The manner in which the Australian Bank creates money out of nothing as necessary in the account of the Australian Treasury with the Australian Bank is by debiting its asset account of “Australian Currency” for the amount of money created and crediting its liability account of the account of the Australian Treasury with the Australian Bank for the amount of money created.)

The size of the money supply in Australia can also be decreased as necessary by way of the Australian Bank destroying money collected by the Australian Treasury via Goods and Services Tax (GST) paid by Australian citizens into the account of the Australian Treasury with the Australian Bank.

(The manner in which the Australian Bank destroys money collected by the Australian Treasury via Goods and Services Tax (GST) paid by Australian citizens into the account of the Australian Treasury with the Australian Bank is by debiting its liability account of the account of the Australian Treasury with the Australian Bank for the amount of money to be destroyed and crediting its asset account of “Australian Currency” for the amount of money to be destroyed.)

However, it is best for the Australian federal government to avoid directing the Australian Bank to create money and bringing it into circulation, in order to increase the size of the money supply by spending the money on one or more Australian federal government projects, because the primary way for the Australian Bank to subsequently destroy this money, in order to subsequently decrease the size of the money supply, is to destroy money in the form of tax collected by the Australian federal government from taxpayers in Australia, namely Goods and Services Tax (GST).

(Nevertheless, it is also possible for the Australian Bank to destroy money in the form of tolls (or other forms of payment) collected by the Australian federal government from Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities, which they have paid during the course of using roads (or receiving other goods (e.g. steel) or services (e.g. electricity)) that the Australian federal government has financed and built (or produced or provided), by directing the Australian Bank to create money and bringing it into circulation.

This a powerful form of economic management which must be exercised in a disciplined manner.)

Since the lowest possible taxation in Australia is the most desirable, in the form of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), there should be little opportunity for the Australian federal government to destroy tax collected in order to decrease the size of the money supply as necessary.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Australian federal government is needed to fund the operation of the Australian federal government, to fund the services that the Australian federal government delivers to Australian citizens and to fund the projects that the Australian federal government embarks upon and completes, such as infrastructure projects.

If the Australian federal government has a shortfall in revenue from Goods and Services Tax (GST), it should only direct the Australian Bank with caution to sparingly create money by debiting its asset account called “Currency” with newly-created-out-of-nothing money and crediting its liability account of the account of the Australian federal government for the same amount, so that the Australian federal government can spend that money into circulation, such as by paying the salaries and wages of Australian federal government employees, since the primary way for the Australian federal government to destroy money in circulation that has been created by the Australian Bank in this manner, as opposed to money that has been created by the Australian Bank lending to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities, is for the Australian Bank to destroy Goods and Services Tax (GST) that has been collected by the Australian federal government by debiting its liability account of the account of the Australian federal government for the amount of Goods and Services Tax (GST) to be destroyed and crediting its asset account called “Currency” for the same amount.

Therefore, if the Australian federal government has a shortfall in revenue from the Goods and Services Tax (GST), it is obviously best if the Australian federal government anticipates collecting sufficient Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the future, before directing the Australian Bank to create money by debiting its asset account called “Currency” with the newly-created-out-of-nothing money and crediting its liability account of the account of the Australian federal government for the same amount, so that the Australian Bank can destroy that money in the future by destroying Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Australian federal government in the future.


The only Australian federal government tax should be the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Abolish income tax, since income tax is inequitable and therefore intolerable.

For example, even with a flat rate of income tax of 25% on all income earned by Australian citizens aged 18 years or over, by abolishing the tax-free threshold, somebody earning $120,000 per year pays $30,000 per year in income tax, whereas somebody earning $60,000 per year pays $15,000 per year in income tax.

However, both of these hypothetical somebodies receive the same level of Australian federal government services, despite that the higher-earning somebody pays twice as much income tax as the lower-earning somebody.

This constitutes a large transfer of wealth from the higher-earning somebody to the lower-earning somebody, which is inequitable and therefore intolerable.

Abolish capital gains tax (CGT), since it is a highly offensive violation of property rights of Australian citizens and Australian entities over assets exhibiting capital gains.

Capital gains tax in Australia constitutes less than 10% of all tax revenue collected in Australia by the Australian federal government.

In fact, the percentage of total tax revenue collected by the Australian federal government that is attributable to capital gains tax is so small that I have not been able to find out what this percentage actually is on any Australian federal government website. The Australian federal government has deliberately concealed this information from Australian citizens and Australian entities.

The Australian federal government does not levy capital gains tax on Australian citizens and Australian entities because it needs tax revenue from capital gains tax. The Australian federal government levies capital gains tax on Australian citizens and Australian entities only because it does not want them to have the full capital gains to which they are legitimately entitled. Capital gains should not be taxed under any circumstances.

Capital gains tax is in direct opposition to property rights and should be abolished. With capital gains tax in force, if an Australian citizen saves up some money and then invests it in shares (or any asset), they quite obviously do not have full property rights to the asset they purchased, because if they later sell this asset for more than they paid for it, the Australian federal government wants a cut of the capital gain via capital gains tax. If they have full property rights to the asset they purchased, they could sell this asset and keep the full amount they receive for it without paying any capital gains tax.

An Australian citizen who trades shares in order to make capital gains and who then withdraws a portion of their accumulated capital, in order to fund their living expenses, does not earn any income and should not be taxed on the capital gains they make. Instead, they are consuming a portion of the capital they have accumulated, in order to fund their living expenses.

However, income tax should be abolished, so that there should no longer be any need to tax income anyway.

Abolish fuel tax, which the Australian federal government claims is used to construct and maintain roads in Australia, since all Australian citizens benefit from roads in Australia and the transport of goods they make possible, including those who do not drive motor vehicles, so that the construction and maintenance of roads in Australia should be paid for by the Australian federal government out of the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Abolish all business taxes on business profits generated by businesses in Australia, since business profits should only be taxed after they are paid to the owners of the businesses in Australia which generated them via income tax, including dividends paid out of company profits generated by companies in Australia to the shareholders of the companies in Australia who own them.

However, income tax should be abolished, so that there should no longer be any need to tax business profits generated by businesses in Australia after they are paid to the owners of the businesses in Australia which generated them via income tax.

There should be no taxes on the profits of businesses in Australia (i.e. sole traders, partnerships, companies, corporations, et cetera), which are distributed to Australian citizens and citizens of other countries who own the businesses in Australia (i.e. proprietors, partners, shareholders, et cetera) as income of those Australian citizens and citizens of other countries, which could then be subject to income tax in Australia and those other countries. This means that the profits of businesses in Australia, which are distributed to the Australian citizens and citizens of other countries who own the businesses in Australia which generated them, should only be taxed once as income of the Australian citizens and citizens of other countries who own the businesses in Australia which generated them via income tax.

However, income tax should be abolished, so that there should no longer be any need to tax business profits generated by businesses in Australia after they are paid to the owners of the businesses in Australia which generated them via income tax.

Abolish all other Australian federal government taxes, including the Medicare Levy, with the exception of the Goods and Services Tax (GST).


The Goods and Services Tax (GST) should be charged by the Australian federal government at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) should be charged by the Australian federal government at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia, including food and rent, with no exceptions apart from the obvious exception of second-hand goods, in order to facilitate efficient administration of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) by Australian citizens, Australian businesses, Australian not-for-profit entities and Australian federal government entities.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) should not be charged on second-hand goods under any circumstances.

There should be no other exceptions to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) under any circumstances, including food and rent, in order to facilitate efficient administration of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) by Australian citizens, Australian businesses, Australian not-for-profit entities and Australian federal government entities.

The Australian federal government treats all Australian citizens equally via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), by charging each of them the same flat rate.

A flat rate of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 25% charged by the Australian federal government on all goods and services sold in Australia, including food and rent, with no exceptions apart from the obvious exception of second-hand goods, would make all Australian citizens who pay Goods and Services Tax (GST) contributors to the operation of Australia and therefore legitimate stakeholders in the Australian federal government.

At the current rate of Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10%, the Australian federal government collected $81.7 billion in Goods and Services Tax (GST) during the 2022 to 2023 financial year (not the 2021 to 2022 financial year).

However, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is currently not charged on food or rents for residential properties in Australia.

The population of Australia was about 26.3 million at the start of the 2022 to 2023 financial year.

Charging the Goods and Services Tax (GST) at a rate of 10% on food during the 2022 to 2023 financial year would have raised circa 26.3 million x $120 spent on food per person in Australia per week on average x 10% GST x 52 weeks, which is circa $16.4 billion.

Assuming that 31% of people living in Australia live in residential properties as renters (rather than owner-occupiers), charging the Goods and Services Tax (GST) at a rate of 10% on rent for residential properties during the 2022 to 2023 financial year would have raised circa 26.3 million x 31% x $280 spent on rents for residential properties per person in Australia per week on average x 10% GST x 52 weeks, which is circa $11.9 billion.

Therefore, by charging the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on food and rents for residential properties at a rate of 10% in Australia, the total amount of Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Australian federal government in the 2022 to 2023 financial year would have been $81.7 billion plus circa $16.4 billion plus circa $11.9 billion, which equals circa $110 billion.

Therefore, at a rate of Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia, including food and rent, the total Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Australian federal government during the 2021 to 2022 financial year would have been circa $110 billion x 25% / 10%, which equals circa $275 billion.

The amount of taxation revenue that is required each year to fund the Australian federal government and the services it provides is circa $275 billion, which includes provision for up to $30 billion of spending by the Australian federal government each year on necessary infrastructure.

Necessary infrastructure which cannot be funded via $30 billion of Goods and Services Tax (GST) each year will need to be funded via borrowing from the publicly owned Australian Bank, which will need to be repaid via fees charged by the Australian federal government to Australian citizens to use this infrastructure on a user-pays basis.

(Any additional money that the Australian federal government pays to recipients of welfare payments in Australia, including the Age Pension, in order to cover the higher flat rate of Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 25%, will be received back by the Australian federal government as Goods and Services Tax (GST) in amounts that are more or less the same via purchases that these recipients of welfare payments make, on which they necessarily pay Goods and Services Tax (GST) at the higher flat rate.

Therefore, the higher flat rate of Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 25% will not result in the Australian federal government needing to effectively increase the amount of taxpayer funds it spends on welfare payments.)

If anybody wonders how Australian citizens could possibly fund their common needs with a flat rate of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia, including food and rent, with no exceptions apart from the obvious exception of second-hand goods, which would raise circa $275 billion in taxation revenue in one year, I’ll tell you.

Do not provide the entities responsible for delivering Australian federal government projects with super profits, such as the $50 billion that the Australian federal government committed for a fleet of twelve submarines in 2019, which has now infamously increased to an even larger amount.  Start looking at the largest amounts to find waste in Australian federal government spending and work your way down – all the way down.  Australian federal government spending could easily be reduced by one-third with no reduction in the quality of Australian federal government services provided.

The objective of the Australian federal government should be to spend just enough and no more, in the course of delivering Australian federal government services to Australian citizens who benefit from them, to ensure that they are high-quality services and to ensure that they remain high-quality services, because Australian citizens fund Australian federal government services via Goods and Services Tax (GST) they pay to the Australian federal government.

The more Australian federal government services cost to run, the more Goods and Services Tax (GST) Australian citizens will need to pay in order to fund these services and the more time Australian citizens will need to spend working each week in order to earn income (i.e. money) so that they can pay Goods and Services Tax (GST) to fund these services, thereby leaving Australian citizens with less time to spend working each week in order to earn income (i.e. money) to provide for their own needs, thereby leaving Australian citizens with less income (i.e. money) each week to provide for their own needs, thereby decreasing their quality of life.

The less Australian federal government services cost to run, the less Goods and Services Tax (GST) Australian citizens will need to pay in order to fund these services and the less time Australian citizens will need to spend working each week in order to earn income (i.e. money) so that they can pay Goods and Services Tax (GST) to fund these services, thereby leaving Australian citizens with more time to spend working each week in order to earn income (i.e. money) to provide for their own needs, thereby leaving Australian citizens with more income (i.e. money) each week to provide for their own needs, thereby increasing their quality of life.

It should be possible to fund the primary functions of the Australian federal, state and territorial governments, excluding “Australian Infrastructure”, as I have defined them notionally in the list of proposed Australian federal goverment services in the section below titled, “It is possible to run Australia on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia and Australian local government rates.”, via Goods and Services Tax (GST) of about $246.680 billion per year.

(However, the primary functions of the Australian federal, state and territorial governments, excluding “Australian Infrastructure”, as I have defined them notionally in the list of proposed Australian federal goverment services below, do not include spending on the delivery of all strictly necessary Australian federal, state and territorial government infrastructure projects (such as the construction of new Australian federal, state and territorial government buildings, roads, schools, universities, hospitals, railway lines, dams, power stations and ports), which is accounted for under “Australian Infrastructure” in the list of proposed Australian federal goverment services below.)

This leaves up to $30.000 billion per year in Goods and Services Tax (GST), which can be spent on the delivery of all strictly necessary Australian federal, state and territorial government infrastructure projects (such as the construction of new Australian federal, state and territorial government buildings, roads, schools, universities, hospitals, railway lines, dams, power stations and ports), which is accounted for under “Australian Infrastructure” in the list of proposed Australian federal goverment services below.

(The annual budget of Australian Infrastructure of up to $30.000 billion (i.e. a maximum of $30.000 billion) can be preserved by reducing wasteful or unnecessary spending on the primary functions of the Australian federal, state and territorial governments, as I have defined them notionally in the list of proposed Australian federal goverment services below, in order to free up Goods and Services Tax (GST) to allocate to the annual budget of Australian Infrastructure, thereby preserving the annual budget of Australian Infrastructure.

It is possible to reduce salaries and wages paid to Australian federal, state and territorial government employees who carry out the primary functions of the Australian federal, state and territorial governments, as I have defined them notionally in the list of proposed Australian federal goverment services below, to more realistic levels, such as by linking the amounts paid in salaries and wages to these Australian federal, state and territorial government employees to the performance of these Australian federal, state and territorial government employees.

It is possible to reduce wasteful expenditure on capital items, such as unnecessary upgrades to Australian federal, state and territorial government facilities, computer equipment and office fittings, so that a suitable return on investment is obtained from existing capital items, such as existing Australian federal, state and territorial government facilities, computer equipment and office fittings, by seeking to maximise the service lives of existing capital items within reason.

The annual budget of Australian Infrastructure of up to $30.000 billion (i.e. a maximum of $30.000 billion) can also be preserved by way of the Australian federal government diligently administering the integrity and means testing of the payments associated with Australian Elderly (i.e. Elderly Care, NOT Elderly Payments which should NOT be means-tested in relation to accumulated assets or income under any circumstances), Australian Disability (i.e. Disability Payments, Disability Scheme (currently “National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)”), Australian Carers (i.e. Carer Payments), Australian Children (i.e. Child Carer Payments) and Australian Unemployment (i.e. Unemployment Payments), in order to free up Goods and Services Tax (GST) to allocate to the annual budget of Australian Infrastructure, thereby preserving the annual budget of Australian Infrastructure.)

Once a strictly necessary Australian federal, state or territorial government infrastructure project is identified, the Australian federal, state or territorial governments should ensure that they spend enough on it and no more, in order to deliver a high-quality outcome that will provide value to taxpayers, by minimising the construction cost of the strictly necessary infrastructure project divided by its useful life in years until it is obsolete and it is no longer of any service to Australian citizens.

Necessary infrastructure which cannot be funded via $30.000 billion of Goods and Services Tax (GST) each year will need to be funded via borrowing from the publicly owned Australian Bank, which will need to be repaid via fees charged by the Australian federal government to Australian citizens to use this infrastructure on a user-pays basis.

All roads in Australia should be publicly owned.

If the cost of building roads in Australia cannot be funded via Goods and Services Tax (GST) (due to insufficient Goods and Services Tax (GST), a publicly owned “Australian Bank” should lend the money required to build the roads, so that the cost of construction of these roads, being the money lent by the Australian Bank, should be repaid via tolls charged to drivers using these roads.

Once the cost of construction of roads in Australia that cannot be funded via Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been repaid via tolls charged to drivers using these roads, tolls should no longer be charged for their use.

The cost of maintenance of roads in Australia, including the Sydney Harbour Bridge, should be funded via Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Any Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Australian federal government during any given financial year, at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia, including food and rent, with no exceptions apart from the obvious exception of second-hand goods, that has sensibly and admirably not been spent by the Australian federal government during the financial year, as a result of the Australian federal government only delivering strictly necessary services and strictly necessary infrastructure projects and as a result of its care in managing taxpayer funds, should be repaid by the Australian federal government in good faith at the end of the financial year to all Australian citizens aged 18 years or over, with each Australian citizen aged 18 years or over receiving the same amount.


Australian federal government employees have a fiduciary duty to Australian citizens…

Australian federal government employees have a fiduciary duty to Australian citizens to ensure that the Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Australia federal government is spent effectively and efficiently in order to deliver Australian federal government services to Australian citizens and to ensure that this Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not misappropriated (e.g. stolen or misused).

For this reason, any Australian citizen who has at least one criminal conviction should be banned from being hired by the Australian federal government as an Australian federal government employee or working for the Australian federal government as an Australian federal government employee, without any exceptions, irrespective of how intelligent, capable, qualified, resourceful, hard-working or any other positive attribute, that Australian citizen is.

The Australian federal government should conduct police checks on every existing Australian federal government employee as soon as possible.

The Australian federal government should subsequently terminate the employment of any Australian federal government employee with at least one criminal conviction as soon as possible, without any exceptions, irrespective of how intelligent, capable, qualified, resourceful, hard-working or any other positive attribute, that Australian citizen is.

Australian federal government employees constitute a very small minority of Australian citizens who perform paid work via employment or self-employment, being the Australian workforce.

In order to ensure that Australian federal government employees deliver the highest-quality services possible for the lowest cost possible, funded by the Goods and Services Tax (GST) that Australian citizens pay compulsorily to the Australian federal government, it is important that the Australian federal government only hires Australian citizens as Australian federal government employees who display evidence of all of the following characteristics:

> conducting themselves with honesty and integrity

> working diligently in employment or in self-employment

> wanting to serve the best interests of all Australian citizens through the work required of the Australian federal government role they will occupy

The Australian federal government should evaluate every existing Australian federal government employee as soon as possible.

The Australian federal government should subsequently terminate the employment of any Australian federal government employee who does not display evidence of all of the following characteristics:

> conducting themselves with honesty and integrity

> working diligently in their Australian federal government role

> wanting to serve the best interests of all Australian citizens through the work required of their Australian federal government role

Australian federal government employees deliver Australian federal government services to all Australian citizens in return for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) that Australian citizens pay to the Australian federal government.

All Australian citizens rely on Australian federal government employees to deliver the highest-quality services possible for the lowest cost possible, funded by the Goods and Services Tax (GST) that Australian citizens pay compulsorily to the Australian federal government, so that Australian federal government employees are very important Australian citizens whose standard of work largely determines the standard of the Australian federal government.

Therefore, all Australian federal government employees should be paid market rates for the work they perform.

If the standard of work of any given Australian federal government employee is high, then they should be paid a high market rate.

If the standard of work of any given Australian federal government employee is average, they should be paid an average market rate.

If the standard of work of any given Australian federal government employee is low, then they should be terminated as an Australian federal government employee.


It is possible to run Australia on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia and Australian local government rates.

Following is a list of proposed Australian federal government services, together with their estimated annual budgets from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in billions (b) of dollars (i.e. thousands of millions of dollars) and their proposed sources of funding:

(Excluding “Australian Infrastructure”, the total estimated annual budget in billions of dollars, funded via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), of these proposed Australian federal government services is $246.680 billion.

Including “Australian Infrastructure”, which has an estimated annual budget of up to $30.000 billion (i.e. a maximum of $30.000 billion), the total estimated annual budget in billions of dollars, funded via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), of these proposed Australian federal government services is up to $276.680 billion (i.e. a maximum of $276.680 billion).)

> $0.200 b – Australian Discussion – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Australian citizens have little say in the direction in which the Australian federal government takes Australia and have had little say for decades.

Australian citizens urgently need a formal, structured mechanism for making their views known to the Australian federal government about policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) that necessarily affect their interests as Australian citizens and the health of Australia as a nation.

In the interests of protecting and enhancing democracy in Australia, the Australian federal government should operate a discussion forum on the internet as an Australian federal government service to Australian citizens, which is exclusively concerned with policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) that necessarily affect their interests as Australian citizens and the health of Australia as a nation, so that Australian citizens can participate in such a discussion forum on the internet, in order to make their views on policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) known in good faith and discuss policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) with other Australian citizens, as a means of effectively and efficiently informing their elected Australian federal representatives in the Australian federal parliament and Australian federal government employees in Australian federal government services (collectively known as the Australian Public Service (APS), ideally named the “Australian Civil Service (ACS)”) of their views as Australian citizens regarding policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government).

Since such a discussion forum on the internet would be operated by the Australian federal government, Australian citizens would hopefully be motivated to participate in good faith and ensure that the views they make known and the discussions they conduct conform to high standards of integrity.

Obviously, it would be in the best interests of Australian citizens participating in such a discussion forum on the internet to make their views known and conduct discussions in the best possible manner, in order to convince other Australian citizens participating in such a discussion forum on the internet to adopt their views.

However, by enabling Australian citizens to discuss policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) with each other, such a discussion forum on the internet would provide Australian citizens with opportunities to learn from the views of other Australian citizens about policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) and adjust their own views when they realise that the views of other Australian citizens better serve the interests of Australian citizens and the health of Australia as a nation.

The name for this discussion forum on the internet could be “Australian Discussion”.

The website for this discussion forum on the internet could be “”.

> $0.500 b – Australian Audit – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)”)

(i.e. audit, both financial and non-financial, of all components of the Australian federal government, all components of all Australian local governments, all Australian citizens, non-citizens of Australia, all Australian businesses, all foreign businesses in Australia, all Australian not-for-profit entities, all foreign not-for-profit entities in Australia)

> $0.100 b – Australian Department of Domestic Affairs – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

~ $0.200 b – Australian Reporting – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. single source of all reporting, both financial and non-financial, on all components of the Australian federal government and all components of all Australian local governments)

~ $0.100 b – Australian Elections – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

– $0.150 b – Australian Federal Elections – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. elections of Australian federal representatives in the Australian federal parliament)

– $0.150 b – Australian Federal Referendums – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

[Abolish Australian federal plebiscites, on account of their outcomes not affecting the Australian Constitution or compelling the Australian federal government to act on the basis of their outcomes.]

– $0.100 b – Australian Local Elections – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. elections of Australian local representatives in Australian local councils)

> $0.050 b – Australian Parliament – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(currently “Federal Parliament”)

~ $0.050 b – Australian Parliament Services – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Department of Parliamentary Services”)

~ $0.020 b – Australian Parliament Analysis – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Parliamentary Budget Office”)

[Hold an Australian referendum on abolishing the Australian Senate, on account of its anti-democratic nature in the form of its tendency to vote against constructive legislation that a majority of elected Australian representatives in the House of Representatives in the Australian federal parliament have agreed to.]

~ $0.750 b – Australian Forum of Representatives – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “House of Representatives”)

Redefine existing Australian electorates of elected Australian Representatives in the Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament to match existing Australian local government areas, which number circa 537.

There should be one elected Australian Representative from each Australian electorate in the Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament, numbering circa 537 elected Australian Representatives.

The vote of each elected Australian Representative in the Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament should be weighted according to the number of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over in their Australian electorate at the start of the current financial year as a percentage of the total number of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over in the entirety of Australia at the start of the current financial year.

The Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament should set up a computerised voting system in order to facilitate the effective and efficient use of the weighted votes of the elected Australian Representatives in the Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament.

The operation of the Australian federal parliament, conducted via oral representations made by elected Australian federal representatives on behalf of Australian citizens, has failed in Australia.

The task in the Australian federal parliament of representing circa 17 million Australian citizens of voting age 18 years or over via oral representations made on behalf of Australian citizens in the Australian federal parliament is too great for 151 elected Australian federal representatives of Australian citizens in the Australian federal parliament and is even too great for circa 537 elected representatives in the Australian federal parliament, representing each of the circa 537 Australian local government areas.

The operation of the Australian federal parliament, conducted via written representations made by elected Australian federal representatives on behalf of Australian citizens on a purpose-built, online discussion forum, hosted on a website on the internet, complete with presumably configurable polls for voting on issues via the internet, will ensure the success of the Australian federal parliament.

Fortuitously, such a purpose-built, online discussion forum, hosted on the internet, can be readily configured to enable Australian citizens to read the discussions amongst their elected Australian Representatives take place without obviously allowing them to participate in these discussions, on account of their enormous numbers in the millions in comparison to the maximum of circa 537 elected Australian representatives taking part in these online discussions in good faith.

This method of debating issues online in writing on a purpose-built discussion forum will require more time per given issue being debated.

However, this method of debating issues online in writing on a purpose-built discussion forum will achieve a vastly superior result to the existing method of debating issues in person via oral representations made by elected Australian federal representatives on behalf of Australian citizens.

Objectively, anybody can learn to touch-type without looking at their fingers on the keyboard. All it takes is 15 minutes practice each day for one to three months.

Learning to touch-type is actually enjoyable because it is the process of learning a highly valuable skill. Obviously, the longer one practices touch-typing each day, the quicker one will learn to touch-type. However, it is really only necessary to practice touch-typing for 15 minutes each day in order to learn how to touch-type. After a while, touch-typing without looking at one’s fingers becomes second nature, which is a highly valuable skill that produces enormous benefits on a daily basis.

Typequick supplies excellent touch-typing courses which teach the correct fingering to use in a fun way and can be completed online.

~ $0.025 b – Australian Forum of Representatives Services – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Department of the House of Representatives”)

> $0.150 b – Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Including:

~ $0.150 b – Australian Department of National Intelligence – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Office of National Intelligence (ONI)”)

> $0.400 b – Australian Department of the Attorney-General – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Including:

~ $0.300 b – Australian Department of Domestic Intelligence – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)”)

> $10.000 b – Australian Police Force – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

All of the Australian state and territorial police forces should be unified into one Australian federal police force named, “Australian Police Force”, so that police officers throughout Australia can share information with each other easily about what is going on in Australia and thereby effectively oversee the domestic security of Australia in place of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), which should be abolished because it controls Australia on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, under the direction of the United Nations on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

> $1.000 b – Australian Judiciary – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. court system)

> $0.150 b – Australian Punishment and Correction – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(i.e. Australian Executions, Australian Prisons, Australian Orders)

~ $0.010 b – Australian Executions – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. capital punishment involving death by hanging for convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia, being treason (e.g. election fraud, fraud of non-existent COVID-19), murder, sexual assault (e.g. pedophilia, rape), aggravated assault, kidnapping, gang stalking and arson)

Criminals in Australia regularly commit capital crimes and then slink off to prison for at least ten years, costing taxpayers in Australia at least $500,000, as though they have won some kind of lottery.

However, it should not cost more than $5,000 to execute a convicted perpetrator of a capital crime by hanging, including video-recording the execution, publishing the video on the internet for Australian citizens to watch and cremating the body.

Obviously capital punishment involving death by hanging for convicted perpetrators of capital crimes, being treason (e.g. election fraud, fraud of non-existent COVID-19), murder, sexual assault (e.g. pedophilia, rape), aggravated assault, kidnapping, gang stalking and arson, provides a strong deterrent to Australian citizens against committing capital crimes.

Reintroduce capital punishment in Australia, involving death by hanging for convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia, being treason (e.g. knowingly perpetrating election fraud, knowingly perpetrating the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19), murder, sexual assault (e.g. pedophilia, rape), aggravated assault, kidnapping, gang stalking and arson.

There is no reason why the perpetration of these capital crimes in Australia should result in an obligation by taxpayers in Australia to fund the imprisonment of the perpetrators, which involves supplying them with water, food, clothing and shelter for several years while they are imprisoned.

Capital punishment involving death by hanging for convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia provides an ominous warning to Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia that if they commit a capital crime in Australia and are convicted in court, they will be executed, irrespective of their ethnicity, whether white, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Arab, Indian, Chinese, other Asian, Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) or any other ethnicity.

Convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia should be executed by hanging in public, so that interested Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia can gather and watch.

These hangings in public should be video-recorded and the resulting videos should be published on the internet, so that interested Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia who are not able to gather and watch these hangings in public can watch these hangings on the internet.

Obviously these hangings in public and their video-recordings published on the internet would provide a strong deterrent to Australian citizens in Australia and non-citizens of Australia in Australia against committing capital crimes in Australia, being treason (e.g. knowingly perpetrating election fraud, knowingly perpetrating the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19), murder, sexual assault (e.g. pedophilia, rape), aggravated assault, kidnapping, gang stalking and arson.

~ $1.500 b – Australian Prisons – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. incarceration of convicted perpetrators of threatening non-capital crimes in Australia)

Convicted perpetrators of threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as common assault, should be incarcerated in prisons in Australia, whose purpose should be to rehabilitate convicted perpetrators of threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as common assault, so that they become worthwhile Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia upon their release from prisons in Australia.

~ $0.000 b – Australian Orders – Perpetrator pays – Fines

(i.e. community-based orders for convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia)

Convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia should be subject to community-based orders in Australia, in order to rehabilitate convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as theft, so that they become worthwhile Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia upon the conclusion of the community-based orders to which they are subject.

Convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as theft, who are subject to community-based orders, should be made to wear highly visible security rings around their necks, whose colours indicate the types of non-threatening non-capital crimes committed by their wearers, such as red for theft, for the duration of the community-based orders to which they are subject, which would obviously provide a powerful and effective deterrent against Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia committing non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as theft, on account of the social stigma of wearing highly visible security rings around their necks which identify them as convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia and indicate by their colours which types of non-threatening non-capital crimes, such as theft, they have committed.

The objective is obviously to dramatically reduce the incidence of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as theft.

It is alarming that business owners in Australia, such as retailers, and residential property owners in Australia, such as owner-occupiers, are spending literally hundreds of millions of dollars every year in Australia, in order to secure their property against the non-threatening non-capital crime of theft in Australia, when the Australian federal government could spend a fraction of that amount to dramatically reduce the incidence of the non-threatening non-capital crime of theft in Australia by requiring that convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as theft, wear highly visible security rings around their necks for the duration of the community-based orders to which they are subject.

Instead of retailers in Australia spending an enormous amount of money every year to lock valuable merchandise up in their stores and thereby protect their stores against the non-threatening non-capital crime of theft in Australia, the Australian federal government could spend a fraction of that amount to dramatically reduce the incidence of the non-threatening non-capital crime of theft in Australia by locking highly visible security rings around the necks of convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as theft, for the duration of the community-based orders to which they are subject.

This idea of requiring that convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia wear highly visible security rings for the duration of the community-based orders to which they are subject would enable prisons in Australia to only be used to incarcerate convicted perpetrators of threatening non-capital crimes in Australia, such as common assault.

Community-based orders should require that convicted perpetrators of non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia make restitution, including financial payments, to the victims of their non-threatening non-capital crimes in Australia.

For example, convicted perpetrators of the non-threatening non-capital crime of theft in Australia should be required by the community-based orders to which they are subject to return the stolen goods or stolen money to their owners or pay the equivalent value to their owners, as well as pay whatever amounts to their owners that the judiciary in Australia decides upon as restitution.

Once convicted perpetrators of the non-threatening non-capital crime of theft in Australia have met the requirements of the community-based orders to which they are subject, the highly visible security rings around their necks, coloured red to indicate the non-threatening non-capital crime of theft, would be removed.

> $1.000 b – Australian Border Force – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. border patrol of Australia, apprehension of illegal immigrants to Australia, customs, drug enforcement)

> $0.750 b – Australian Detention – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. detention of illegal immigrants in Australia)

The Australian federal government should minimise its spending on Australian Detention to the greatest extent possible, by using aircraft and personnel from the Australian Air Force to fly illegal immigrants in Australia back to their countries of origin, under guard and under threat of force (that is appropriate for the interior of aircraft), as quickly as possible after they have been apprehended by Australian Border Force.

This strategy would send a strong message of deterrence to any citizens of other countries around the world who are considering migrating to Australia illegally, such as by boat.

> $10.000 b – Australian Defence Force – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. defence of Australia, defence of other white countries, defence of non-white countries)

The Australian federal government cannot afford to spend more than $10 billion per year on the Australian Defence Force.

Talk of the risk of China invading Australia is asinine for two reasons.

Firstly, the risk of China invading Australia can easily be mitigated by banning all exports from Australia to China, including coal and iron ore, which would place immense pressure on China so that it would cease to function effectively, rendering it incapable of invading Australia.

Secondly, the Australian federal government, occupied by traitorous Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists), has pursued a deliberate strategy of strengthening China economically and militarily over the past two decades at least by enthusiastically encouraging the transfer of a substantial proportion of the manufacturing industry of Australia to China (even declaring that “this was the right thing to do, because it has lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese people out of poverty”, as plausible deniability of deliberately betraying the best interests of white Australian citizens) and by allowing exports from Australia to China, including coal and iron ore, which China uses to make steel, so that it can manufacture military hardware, including warships.

(Many of the jobs associated with manufacturing, including administrative jobs, are high-quality jobs. As a result of the transfer of a substantial proportion of the manufacturing industry of Australia to China, Australia has lost a substantial number of these high-quality jobs to China.)

> $0.000 b – Australian Bank – Not-for-profit – User pays – Account-keeping fees and transaction fees

(currently privatised)

> $0.050 b – Australian Treasury – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(currently “Department of the Treasury”)

~ $2.000 b – Australian Taxation – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Australian Taxation Office”)

~ $0.200 b – Australian Statistics – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Australian Bureau of Statistics”)

~ $0.050 b – Australian Analysis – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. economic and financial analysis)

~ $0.050 b – Australian Productivity – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Productivity Commission”)

~ $0.050 b – Australian Management – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. economic and financial management)

Australian Management has responsibility for controlling all costs incurred and all payments made by the Australian federal government.

> $0.150 b – Australian Regulation – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

~ $0.025 b – Australian Auditing Standards – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Auditing and Assurance Standards Board”)

~ $0.025 b – Australian Accounting Standards – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Australian Accounting Standards Board”)

~ $0.400 b – Australian Enterprise – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. regulation of all enterprise in Australia involving the transfer of money, including for-profit enterprise involving for-profit entities and not-for-profit enterprise involving not-for-profit entities, currently regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC))

~ $0.750 b – Australian Equity – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(incorporates the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and current Departments of Fair Trading in Australian states and territories)

~ $0.200 b – Australian Insurance – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. regulation of the insurance industry only, currently regulated by the Australia Prudential Regulation Authority, not including regulation of the superannuation industry, for which Australian Superannuation is responsible, not including regulation of banks, credit unions, building societies and friendly societies, because after the publicly owned Australian Bank is established by the Australian federal government on behalf of Australian citizens, privately owned banks, credit unions, building societies and friendly societies will not be required and will therefore have their licences to operate revoked in due course by the Australian federal government)

> $0.000 b – Australian Securities Exchange – Not-for-profit – User pays

(currently privatised)

> $0.500 b – Australian Emergency – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. rescue, disaster response (e.g. storms, floods, fires), fire fighting (which should be minimised by designating arson as a capital crime whose convicted perpetrators receive capital punishment involving death by hanging))

> $0.200 b – Australian Environment – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. protection of the environment)

> $0.100 b – Australian Wildlife – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. humane management of wildlife, including appropriate protection of wildlife and appropriate killing of wildlife where necessary – preferably quick killing in order to prevent suffering of wildlife)

> $0.000 b – Australian Parks – Not-for-profit – User pays – Entry cost

(i.e. “national parks”)

> $2.000 b – Australian Roads – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. maintenance and repairs only of existing roads that are the responsibility of the Australian federal government (not the responsibility of Australian local government areas), not construction of new roads that are the responsibility of the Australian federal government (and the responsibility of Australian local government areas), which are therefore the responsibility of Australian Infrastructure (and the responsibility of Australian local government areas), not Australian Roads)

> $0.000 b – Australian Water – Not-for-profit – User pays – Water bill

(i.e. water and sewerage)

> $0.075 b – Australian Agriculture – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. promotion of best practice in agriculture in Australia, dedicated to eliminating the growing of genetically modified food in Australia)

> $0.025 b – Australian Fisheries – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. promotion of best practice in fisheries in Australia)

> $0.050 b – Australian Forestry – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. promotion of best practice in forest management, timber cultivation and timber production in Australia)

> $0.000 b – Australian Mining – Not-for-profit – User pays – Transfer prices of extracted resources, including coal, natural gas, iron ore, bauxite and copper sulfide, sold on a not-for-profit basis to other publicly owned Australian federal government entities, including coal to Australian Coal, for the distribution and sale of coal, natural gas to Australian Natural Gas, for the production, distribution and sale of processed natural gas, coal and iron ore to Australian Steel, for the production, distribution and sale of steel, bauxite to Australian Aluminium, for the production, distribution and sale of aluminium, copper sulfide to Australian Copper, for the production, distribution and sale of copper, et cetera

(i.e. management of mining in Australia (by the Australian federal government, which owns the resources in the ground in Australia on behalf of Australian citizens), promotion of best practice in mining in Australia, which obviously excludes hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”))

The resources in the ground in Australia are owned by the Australian federal government on behalf of Australian citizens, not privately owned mining companies which extract them.

> $0.250 b – Australian Resources – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

~ $0.000 b – Australian Coal – Not-for-profit – User pays – Coal prices

(i.e. publicly owned Australian federal government entity which is responsible for distributing and selling coal across the entirety of Australia, charging Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities for the coal that it distributes and sells on a not-for-profit basis (such as a publicly owned Australian federal government entity named “Australian Electricity”, which is responsible for generating, distributing and selling electricity across the entirety of Australia, charging Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities for the electricity that it generates, distributes and sells on a not-for-profit basis), as well as distributing and selling coal to other white countries around the world as an export, on a not-for-profit basis, for the benefit of white citizens of other white countries around the world, and to non-white countries around the world as an export, on a for-profit basis, for the benefit of Australian citizens)

Coal should be used to generate electricity in Australia.

Solar panels can be used by the private sector (i.e. Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities) to generate electricity in Australia but should not be used by the public sector (i.e. Australian federal, state, territorial and local governments) to generate electricity in Australia.

Ban wind turbines used to generate electricity in Australia, on account of the excessive levels of noise that wind turbines used to generate electricity in Australia produce and the damage that wind turbines used to generate electricity in Australia inflict upon wildlife, namely birds, by injuring and killing them.

~ $0.000 b – Australian Natural Gas – Not-for-profit – User pays – Natural gas prices

(i.e. publicly owned Australian federal government entity which is responsible for producing, distributing and selling processed natural gas across the entirety of Australia, charging Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities for the processed natural gas that it produces, distributes and sells on a not-for-profit basis, as well as distributing and selling processed natural gas to other white countries around the world as an export, on a not-for-profit basis, for the benefit of white citizens of other white countries around the world, and to non-white countries around the world as an export, on a for-profit basis, for the benefit of Australian citizens)

Natural gas should be used for cooking, heating and transportation in Australia, as well as industrial requirements in Australia (such as manufacturing requirements in Australia) but should not be used to generate electricity in Australia, unless there are compelling reasons to do so.

~ $0.000 b – Australian Steel – Not-for-profit – User pays – Steel prices

(i.e. publicly owned Australian federal government entity which is responsible for producing, distributing and selling steel across the entirety of Australia, charging Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities for the steel that it produces, distributes and sells on a not-for-profit basis, as well as distributing and selling steel to other white countries around the world as an export, on a not-for-profit basis, for the benefit of white citizens of other white countries around the world, and to non-white countries around the world as an export, on a for-profit basis, for the benefit of Australian citizens)

~ $0.000 b – Australian Aluminium – Not-for-profit – User pays – Aluminium prices

(i.e. publicly owned Australian federal government entity which is responsible for producing, distributing and selling aluminium across the entirety of Australia, charging Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities for the aluminium that it produces, distributes and sells on a not-for-profit basis, as well as distributing and selling aluminium to other white countries around the world as an export, on a not-for-profit basis, for the benefit of white citizens of other white countries around the world, and to non-white countries around the world as an export, on a for-profit basis, for the benefit of Australian citizens)

~ $0.000 b – Australian Copper – Not-for-profit – User pays – Copper prices

(i.e. publicly owned Australian federal government entity which is responsible for producing, distributing and selling copper across the entirety of Australia, charging Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities for the copper that it produces, distributes and sells on a not-for-profit basis, as well as distributing and selling copper to other white countries around the world as an export, on a not-for-profit basis, for the benefit of white citizens of other white countries around the world, and to non-white countries around the world as an export, on a for-profit basis, for the benefit of Australian citizens)

~ $0.000 b – Et cetera – Not-for-profit – User pays – Et cetera prices

(The resources in Australia are coal, natural gas, iron ore, bauxite, copper sulfide and many others.)

If Australia had a publicly owned, federal “Australian Bank” that lends without charging interest, then the Australian federal government could finance the cost of paying privately owned mining companies the agreed prices of extracting the resources via the Australian Bank lending to a publicly owned Australian federal government entity named “Australian Mining” (i.e. creating money out of nothing when it lends like banks do, by debiting its asset account named “Loans Receivable” and crediting its liability account named “Deposits”, being the bank account of Australian Mining with the Australian Bank, in order to make the funds loaned available to Australian Mining).

Australian Mining would pay privately owned mining companies the agreed prices of extracting the resources and thereby retain ownership of the extracted resources as a publicly owned Australian federal government entity on behalf of Australian citizens.

The loan from the Australian Bank to Australian Mining could be repaid with the funds obtained when these extracted resources are ultimately sold by the publicly owned Australian federal government entity to which ownership of these extracted resources is transferred (i.e. Australian Mining sells these resources on a not-for-profit basis to cover the costs of extraction of these resources and other necessary costs), being “Australian Resources” (comprising “Australian Coal”, “Australian Natural Gas”, “Australian Steel”, “Australian Aluminium”, “Australian Copper”, et cetera), as coal, processed natural gas, steel, aluminium, copper, et cetera, to end-user Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities, as well as to other white countries around the world as an export, on a not-for-profit basis, for the benefit of white citizens of other white countries around the world, and to non-white countries around the world as an export, on a for-profit basis, for the benefit of Australian citizens.

> $0.000 b – Australian Electricity – Not-for-profit – User pays – Electricity bill

(currently privatised)

Coal should be used to generate electricity in Australia.

Solar panels can be used by the private sector (i.e. Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities) to generate electricity in Australia but should not be used by the public sector (i.e. Australian federal, state, territorial and local governments) to generate electricity in Australia.

Ban wind turbines used to generate electricity in Australia, on account of the excessive levels of noise that wind turbines used to generate electricity in Australia produce and the damage that wind turbines used to generate electricity in Australia inflict upon wildlife, namely birds, by injuring and killing them.

Natural gas should be used for cooking, heating and transportation in Australia, as well as industrial requirements in Australia (such as manufacturing requirements in Australia) but should not be used to generate electricity in Australia, unless there are compelling reasons to do so.

‘Carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ is a fraud.

Carbon dioxide exists in the earth’s atmosphere at less than 400 parts per million (ie. 0.04% or 4% of 1%), which is less than 1 part per 2,500. Therefore it is manifestly obvious that carbon dioxide does not influence the temperature of the atmosphere to any appreciable extent. In short, carbon dioxide emissions are not causing ‘global warming’, nor has it even been proven that ‘global warming’ is occurring.

‘Climate change’, which used to be called ‘global warming’, is a fraud designed to provide another excuse to set up world government on the basis that “it’s not possible to fight climate change unless all countries around the world work together in a co-ordinated manner”. The United Nations aspires to be that world government (as a front for the State of Israel) and is controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

In fact, the fraud of ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ is promoted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is part of the World Meteorological Organization, which is one of the fifteen agencies of the United Nations.

(Another agency of the United Nations is the World Health Organization, which is responsible for the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19 and associated mandates, including mask mandates, lock-downs, vaccination mandates and internment.)

The plan of the United Nations is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in as many countries as possible, such as Australia, by aggressively encouraging these countries to shut down their coal-powered electricity generation. This serves to reduce the quality of life of the citizens of these countries, such as Australian citizens, by removing the civilising influence of coal-powered electricity, on which citizens of these countries depend for their lighting, refrigeration, hot water and communications, to name just four uses of coal-powered electricity out of many.

The United Nations has created this fictitious idea that carbon dioxide emissions are threatening the world’s climate, via its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in order to provide the pretext for a co-ordinated response administered by world government. However the real objective of the United Nations is to strictly dictate what we citizens around the world can and can’t do as we go about our daily lives, in order to disempower us, control us and rule over us as slaves.

‘Carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ is the underlying fraudulent rationale to be used as an excuse for world government to regulate, control and dominate the economic and social affairs of all citizens in all countries. The fraud of ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ is perfectly suited to this purpose because almost every aspect of our daily lives involves carbon dioxide emissions, either directly or indirectly.

> $0.050 b – Australian Industry – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(i.e. promotion of best practice in industry in Australia)

~ $0.100 b – Australian Manufacturing – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. promotion of best practice in manufacturing in Australia)

The Australian federal government, occupied by traitorous Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists), has pursued a deliberate strategy of strengthening China economically and militarily over the past two decades at least by enthusiastically encouraging the transfer of a substantial proportion of the manufacturing industry of Australia to China (even declaring that this was the right thing to do, because “it has lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese people out of poverty”, as plausible deniability of deliberately betraying the best interests of white Australian citizens) and by allowing exports from Australia to China, including coal and iron ore, which China uses to make steel, so that it can manufacture military hardware, including warships.

Many of the jobs associated with manufacturing, including administrative jobs, are high-quality jobs. As a result of the transfer of a substantial proportion of the manufacturing industry of Australia to China, Australia has lost a substantial number of these high-quality jobs to China.

> $0.050 b – Australian Communications – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

~ $0.150 b – Australian Communications Authority – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)”)

One of the responsibilities of the Australian Communications Authority should be to operate an internet filter on all internet access in Australia, in order to prevent Australian citizens from accessing websites and web pages that contain pornography.

Criminalise the production of pornography and the distribution of pornography in Australia in all forms, including paper-based, video, DVD and internet, since freedom of speech only legitimately applies to the spoken or written word, as a means of preventing white Australian citizens from viewing pornography, on the basis that viewing pornography is harmful to white Australian citizens and therefore harmful to the health of Australia as a nation.

In practice, the only way for the Australian federal government to effectively and efficiently criminalise the distribution of pornography in Australia in all forms, including paper-based, video, DVD and internet, since freedom of speech only legitimately applies to the spoken or written word, as a means of preventing Australian citizens from viewing pornography, on the basis that viewing pornography is harmful to Australian citizens and therefore harmful to the health of Australia as a nation, is for an Australian federal government entity to maintain a list of websites and web pages that Australian citizens are banned from viewing in Australia, on the grounds that these websites and web pages contain pornography, so that all internet service providers (ISPs) in Australia have clear guidance from the Australian federal government about which websites and web pages they need to prevent Australian citizens from accessing, when providing internet access to Australian citizens, in order to comply with the criminalisation of the distribution of pornography in Australia by the Australian federal government.

Since the Australian federal government obviously wants to ban other websites and web pages on the internet, such as websites and web pages associated with gambling and various types of criminality, it is very important that the list of websites and web pages banned by the Australian federal government is segmented by appropriate categories, such as “Drug Use”, “Gambling”, Pornography” and “Violence”.

It is also very important that the list of websites and web pages banned by the Australian federal government is publicly available to Australian citizens, so that they can be confident that the Australian federal government is not banning websites and web pages that Australian citizens have legitimate rights to access.

~ $0.000 b – Australian Telecommunications – Not-for-profit – User pays – Telecommunications bill

(currently privatised as “Telstra”) (including internet telecommunications)

~ $0.300 b – Australian Broadcasting – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)”)

The content that Australian Broadcasting delivers should be regulated by the Australian Communications Authority (currently “Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)”) and by majority opinion expressed by Australian citizens aged 18 years or over.

Triple J radio station, which is currently operated by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), should be abolished on the basis that it overtly promotes the satanic agenda of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan in opposition to the best interests of Australian citizens.

> $0.000 b – Australian Postage – Not-for-profit – User pays – Postage cost

> $0.000 b – Australian Buses – Not-for-profit – User pays – Ticket cost

> $0.000 b – Australian Railways – Not-for-profit – User pays – Ticket cost and cargo cost (?)

> $0.000 b – Australian Ports – Not-for-profit – User pays – Unknown (?)

(currently privatised)

> $0.000 b – Australian Airports – Not-for-profit – User pays – Unknown (?)

(currently privatised)

> $0.200 b – Australian Aviation – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

~ $0.200 b – Australian Aviation Authority – Not-for-profit – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)”)

~ $0.000 b – Australian Aviation Licencing – Not-for-profit – User pays

(i.e. aviation craft pilot licencing) (currently “Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)”)

~ $0.000 b – Australian Aviation Registration – Not-for-profit – User pays

(i.e. aviation craft registration) (currently “Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)”)

~ $0.000 b – Australian Aviation Control – Not-for-profit – User pays

(including air traffic control) (currrently “Airservices Australia”)

> $0.400 b – Australian Services – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

~ $0.000 b – Australian Registry – Not-for-profit – User pays

(i.e. registration of births, deaths, marriages, divorces, adoptions, changes of names)

~ $0.400 b – Australian Identity – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Require that all Australian citizens obtain an Australian Identity Card (AIC) compulsorily, which shows their photograph, full name, address, date of birth and Australian Identity Number (AIN) but which contains no electronically stored data, no biometric data and no other data of any type.

There should be no charge by Australian Identity on behalf of the Australian federal government to Australian citizens for obtaining an Australian Identity Card (AIC), on account of all Australian citizens being required to obtain an Australian Identity Card compulsorily, so that the cost of Australian Identity providing all Australian citizens with an Australian Identity Card should be funded by the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

However, if any Australian citizen loses their Australian Identity Card (AIC), they should be required to replace it and charged a fee for replacing their Australian Identity Card on a not-for-profit basis.

Require that all Australian citizens aged 18 years or over prove their identity using their Australian Identity Card (AIC) in order to be allowed to vote in Australian federal, state, territorial and local government elections and Australian referendums.

~ $0.200 b – Australian Motor – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

– $0.000 b – Australian Motor Licencing – Not-for-profit – User pays

(i.e. motor vehicle driver’s licencing)

– $0.000 b – Australian Motor Registration – Not-for-profit – User pays

(i.e. motor vehicle registration)

~ $0.100 b – Australian Maritime – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

– $0.000 b – Australian Maritime Licencing – Not for profit – User pays

(i.e. maritime vessel driver’s licencing)

– $0.000 b – Australian Maritime Registration – Not for profit – User pays

(i.e. maritime vessel registration)

~ $0.100 b – Australian Titles – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

– $0.000 b – Australian Land Titles – Not for-profit – User pays

(currently privatised)

– $0.000 b – Australian Residential Property Titles – Not for-profit – User pays

(currently privatised)

– $0.000 b – Australian Commercial Property Titles – Not for-profit – User pays

(currently privatised)

> $0.750 b – Australian Education – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

~ $11.500 b – Australian Primary Schools – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

The Australian federal government entity named Australian Primary Schools, comprising all public primary schools in Australia, should be funded by the Goods and Services Tax (GST) so that Australian citizens whose children attend public primary schools in Australia do not pay any fees for the attendance of their children at public primary schools in Australia, particularly because it is compulsory for children in Australia to attend school in Australia up until the end of Year 10 in secondary school, as far as I am aware.

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private primary schools in Australia because they are not publicly owned.

In my opinion, public primary schools in Australia, where students have more autonomy and a stronger sense of self-determination, are superior to private primary schools in Australia, where students have less autonomy and a weaker sense of self-determination.)

~ $11.500 b – Australian Secondary Schools – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

The Australian federal government entity named Australian Secondary Schools, comprising all public secondary schools in Australia, should be funded by the Goods and Services Tax (GST) so that Australian citizens whose children attend public secondary schools in Australia do not pay any fees for the attendance of their children at public secondary schools in Australia, particularly because it is compulsory for children in Australia to attend school in Australia up until the end of Year 10 in secondary school, as far as I am aware.

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private secondary schools in Australia because they are not publicly owned.

In my opinion, public secondary schools in Australia, where students have more autonomy and a stronger sense of self-determination, are superior to private secondary schools in Australia, where students have less autonomy and a weaker sense of self-determination.)

~ $2.500 b – Australian TAFE – Not-for-profit – Half Goods and Services Tax (GST), half user pays

(i.e. Australian TAFE colleges (Technical And Further Education))

The Australian federal government entity named Australian TAFE, comprising all public TAFE colleges in Australia, should be funded half by Goods and Services Tax (GST) and half by user pays, in order to motivate students at public TAFE colleges in Australia to work diligently to achieve good grades, particularly because it is not compulsory for Australian citizens to attend public TAFE colleges in Australia, so that Australian citizens who do not attend public TAFE colleges in Australia should not have to fund the full cost of Australian citizens who do attend public TAFE colleges in Australia attending public TAFE colleges in Australia via the Goods and Services Tax (GST) they pay, although it is appropriate for Australian citizens who do not attend public TAFE colleges in Australia to fund half of the cost of Australian citizens who do attend public TAFE colleges in Australia attending public TAFE colleges in Australia via the Goods and Services Tax (GST) they pay, because they benefit from the knowledge and skills that Australia citizens who do attend public TAFE colleges in Australia acquire as a result of attending public TAFE colleges in Australia, such as by receiving Elderly Payments (i.e. age pensions) after they retire from working which are funded via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which is partly paid by Australian citizens who have attended public TAFE colleges in Australia and who are working and paying Goods and Services Tax (GST).

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private colleges in Australia because they are not publicly owned.)

~ $2.500 b – Australian Universities – Not-for-profit – Half Goods and Services Tax (GST), half user pays

The Australian federal government entity named Australian Universities, comprising all public universities in Australia, should be funded half by Goods and Services Tax (GST) and half by user pays, in order to motivate students at public universities in Australia to work diligently to achieve good grades, particularly because it is not compulsory for Australian citizens to attend public universities in Australia, so that Australian citizens who do not attend public universities in Australia should not have to fund the full cost of Australian citizens who do attend public universities in Australia attending public universities in Australia via the Goods and Services Tax (GST) they pay, although it is appropriate for Australian citizens who do not attend public universities in Australia to fund half of the cost of Australian citizens who do attend public universities in Australia attending public universities in Australia via the Goods and Services Tax (GST) they pay, because they benefit from the knowledge and skills that Australian citizens who do attend public universities in Australia acquire as a result of attending public universities in Australia, such as by receiving Elderly Payments (i.e. age pensions) after they retire from working which are funded via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which is partly paid by Australian citizens who have attended public universities in Australia and who are working and paying Goods and Services Tax (GST).

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private universities in Australia because they are not publicly owned.)

> $20.000 b – Australian Health – Not-for-profit – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – User pays – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred

(i.e. doctors, dentists, hospitals)

The Australian federal government entity named Australian Health, comprising all public doctors in Australia, all public dentists in Australia and all public hospitals in Australia, should be funded by Goods and Services Tax (GST) and user pays and should be means-tested to minimise cost, in order to motivate Australian citizens to take good care of themselves, so as to avoid becoming sick and requiring care from public doctors in Australia, public dentists in Australia or public hospitals in Australia.

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private doctors in Australia, private dentists in Australia or private hospitals in Australia because they are not publicly owned or publicly operated.)

[Eliminate the Medicare levy, so that spending on health by the Australian federal government is funded via the Goods and Services Tax (GST) at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia, including food and rent, with no exceptions apart from the obvious exception of second-hand goods.]

> $0.500 b – Australian Welfare – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(currently “Centrelink”)

(Any additional money that the Australian federal government pays to recipients of welfare payments in Australia, including the Age Pension, in order to cover the higher flat rate of Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 25%, will be received back by the Australian federal government as Goods and Services Tax (GST) in amounts that are more or less the same via purchases that these recipients of welfare payments make, on which they necessarily pay Goods and Services Tax (GST) at the higher flat rate.

Therefore, the higher flat rate of Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 25% will not result in the Australian federal government needing to effectively increase the amount of taxpayer funds it spends on welfare payments.)

~ $0.250 b – Australian Veterans – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(i.e. Australian Veteran Support, Australian Veteran Payments)

– $0.250 b – Australian Veteran Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. support for veterans)

– $7.000 b – Australian Veteran Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – NOT means-tested in relation to accumulated assets or income under any circumstances

~ $0.500 b – Australian Elderly – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(i.e. Australian Elderly Support, Australian Elderly Payments (currently “Age Pension”), Australian Elderly Care (currently “Aged Care”))

– $0.500 b – Australian Elderly Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. support for the elderly)

– $63.000 b – Australian Elderly Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – NOT means-tested in relation to accumulated assets or income under any circumstances

(currently “Age Pension”)

The Australian federal government should treat all Australian citizens over the age of eligibility to receive Elderly Payments equally by paying each of them the same amount of Elderly Payment WITHOUT means-testing in relation to accumulated assets or income, irrespective of their accumulated assets or incomes, whether high or low.

This is similar to the manner in which the Australian federal government treats all Australian citizens equally via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), by charging each of them the same flat rate.

The age of eligibility to receive Elderly Payments in Australia should be reduced to 60 years, which would cause the annual cost of Elderly Payments WITHOUT means-testing in relation to accumulated assets or income to increase by approximately $10 billion from approximately $63 billion to approximately $73 billion.

Importantly, immigration into Australia causes inflation by increasing the size of the population of Australia and thereby increasing demand for goods and services (as well as assets), so that the prices of goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)) increase, which pressures the Australian federal government to increase the amount of taxpayer funds it spends on welfare payments to Australian citizens receiving Veteran Payments, Elderly Payments, Disability Payments, Carer Payments, Child Carer Payments or Unemployment Payments, so that these Australian citizens can meet the increasing cost of living resulting from the inflation that immigration into Australia has caused by increasing the size of the population of Australia, which results in the Australian federal government increasing the amount of taxpayer funds it spends on welfare each year, comprising welfare payments to Australian citizens receiving Veteran Payments, Elderly Payments, Disability Payments, Carer Payments, Child Carer Payments or Unemployment Payments.

Therefore, the Australian federal government could reduce the annual cost of all welfare payments, by a minimum of 10% (i.e. approximately $10 billion) by reducing inflation in Australia via banning non-white immigration into Australia, deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) and offering non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, amounts of money, such as $7,500 for adults and $3,750 for minors, to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin, in order to reduce demand for goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)), thereby causing the prices of goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)) to decrease, thereby enabling the Australian federal government to reduce the size of all welfare payments that eligible Australian citizens receive. Therefore, the Australian federal government could reduce the annual cost of all welfare payments, by a minimum of 10% (i.e. approximately $10 billion) by reducing inflation in Australia via banning non-white immigration into Australia, deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) and offering non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, amounts of money, such as $7,500 for adults and $3,750 for minors, to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin, in order to reduce demand for goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)), thereby causing the prices of goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)) to decrease, thereby enabling the Australian federal government to reduce the size of all welfare payments that eligible Australian citizens receive.

This reduction in the cost of all welfare payments, via banning non-white immigration into Australia, deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin and offering non-white non-citizens of Australia, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, amounts of money to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin, could be used to fund a reduction in the age of eligibility for Elderly Payments in Australia to 60 years.

– $13.500 b – Australian Elderly Care – Not-for-profit – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – User pays – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred

(currently “Aged Care”)

~ $0.500 b – Australian Disability – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(i.e. Australian Disability Support, Australian Disability Payments (currently “Disability Support Pension”), Australian Disability Scheme (currently “National Disability Insurance Scheme (“NDIS”)))

– $0.500 b – Australian Disability Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. support for the disabled)

– $17.000 b – Australian Disability Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Means-tested in relation to income, NOT accumulated assets under any circumstances, to minimise cost incurred

(currently “Disability Support Pension”)

– $12.500 b – Australian Disability Scheme – Not-for-profit – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – User pays – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred

(currently “National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)”)

The Australian federal government should diligently reduce wasteful spending associated with the Disability Scheme (currently “National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)”), in order to minimise the cost of the Disability Scheme, while ensuring that the Disability Scheme provides worthwhile services to legitimate, disabled recipients.

~ $0.250 b – Australian Carers – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(i.e. Australian Carer Support, Australian Carer Payments)

– $0.250 b – Australian Carer Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. support for carers)

– $10.000 b – Australian Carer Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred

~ $0.500 b – Australian Children – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(i.e. Australian Child Protection, Australian Child Support, Australian Child Carer Payments (currently “Child Care Subsidy”))

– $0.500 b – Australian Child Protection – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. protection of children)

– $0.500 b – Australian Child Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. support for children)

– $10.000 b – Australian Child Carer Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred

(currently “Child Care Subsidy”)

[The Family Tax Benefit, costing circa $18 billion per year, should be eliminated because the Australian federal government cannot afford the Family Tax Benefit.]

~ $0.500 b – Australian Unemployment – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

(i.e. Australian Unemployment Support, Australian Unemployment Payments (currently “JobSeeker Payment”))

– $0.500 b – Australian Unemployment Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. support for the unemployed)

– $14.000 b – Australian Unemployment Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Means-tested in relation to income, NOT accumulated assets under any circumstances, to minimise cost incurred

(currently “JobSeeker Payment”)

The Australian federal government should treat all Australian citizens eligible for Unemployment Payments equally by paying each of them the same amount of Unemployment Payment WITHOUT means-testing in relation to accumulated assets, irrespective of their accumulated assets, including bank deposits, whether high or low.

This is similar to the manner in which the Australian federal government treats all Australian citizens equally via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), by charging each of them the same flat rate.

Importantly, immigration into Australia causes inflation by increasing the size of the population of Australia and thereby increasing demand for goods and services (as well as assets), so that the prices of goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)) increase, which pressures the Australian federal government to increase the amount of taxpayer funds it spends on welfare payments to Australian citizens receiving Veteran Payments, Elderly Payments, Disability Payments, Carer Payments, Child Carer Payments or Unemployment Payments, so that these Australian citizens can meet the increasing cost of living resulting from the inflation that immigration into Australia has caused by increasing the size of the population of Australia, which results in the Australian federal government increasing the amount of taxpayer funds it spends on welfare each year, comprising welfare payments to Australian citizens receiving Veteran Payments, Elderly Payments, Disability Payments, Carer Payments, Child Carer Payments or Unemployment Payments.

Therefore, the Australian federal government could reduce the annual cost of all welfare payments, by a minimum of 10% (i.e. approximately $10 billion) by reducing inflation in Australia via banning non-white immigration into Australia, deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) and offering non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, amounts of money, such as $7,500 for adults and $3,750 for minors, to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin, in order to reduce demand for goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)), thereby causing the prices of goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)) to decrease, thereby enabling the Australian federal government to reduce the size of all welfare payments that eligible Australian citizens receive.

This reduction in the cost of all welfare payments, via banning non-white immigration into Australia, deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin and offering non-white non-citizens of Australia, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, amounts of money to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin, could be used to fund a reduction in the age of eligibility for Elderly Payments in Australia to 60 years.

> Up to $30.000 b – Australian Infrastructure – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. delivery of all strictly necessary infrastructure projects (such as the construction of new government buildings, roads, schools, universities, hospitals, railway lines, dams, power stations and ports))

(The annual budget of Australian Infrastructure of up to $30.000 billion (i.e. a maximum of $30.000 billion) can be preserved by reducing wasteful or unnecessary spending on the primary functions of the Australian federal government, as I have defined them notionally in this list of proposed Australian federal goverment services, in order to free up Goods and Services Tax (GST) to allocate to the annual budget of Australian Infrastructure, thereby preserving the annual budget of Australian Infrastructure.

It is possible to reduce salaries and wages paid to Australian federal government employees who carry out the primary functions of the Australian federal government, as I have defined them notionally in this list of proposed Australian federal goverment services, to more realistic levels, such as by linking the amounts paid in salaries and wages to these Australian federal government employees to the performance of these Australian federal government employees.

It is possible to reduce wasteful expenditure on capital items, such as unnecessary upgrades to Australian federal government facilities, computer equipment and office fittings, so that a suitable return on investment is obtained from existing capital items, such as existing Australian federal government facilities, computer equipment and office fittings, by seeking to maximise the service lives of existing capital items within reason.

The annual budget of Australian Infrastructure of up to $30.000 billion (i.e. a maximum of $30.000 billion) can also be preserved by way of the Australian federal government diligently administering the integrity and means testing of the payments associated with Australian Elderly (i.e. Elderly Care, NOT Elderly Payments which should NOT be means-tested in relation to accumulated assets or income under any circumstances), Australian Disability (i.e. Disability Payments, Disability Scheme (currently “National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)”), Australian Carers (i.e. Carer Payments), Australian Children (i.e. Child Carer Payments) and Australian Unemployment (i.e. Unemployment Payments), in order to free up Goods and Services Tax (GST) to allocate to the annual budget of Australian Infrastructure, thereby preserving the annual budget of Australian Infrastructure.)

Once a strictly necessary infrastructure project is identified, the Australian federal government should ensure that it spends enough on it and no more, in order to ensure that a high-quality outcome is delivered that will provide value to taxpayers, by minimising the construction cost of the strictly necessary infrastructure project divided by its useful life in years until it is obsolete and it is no longer of any service to Australian citizens.

Necessary infrastructure which cannot be funded via $30.000 billion of Goods and Services Tax (GST) each year will need to be funded via borrowing from the publicly owned Australian Bank, which will need to be repaid via fees charged by the Australian federal government to Australian citizens to use this infrastructure on a user-pays basis.

All roads in Australia should be publicly owned.

If the cost of building roads in Australia cannot be funded via Goods and Services Tax (GST) (due to insufficient Goods and Services Tax (GST), a publicly owned “Australian Bank” should lend the money required to build the roads, so that the cost of construction of these roads, being the money lent by the Australian Bank, should be repaid via tolls charged to drivers using these roads.

Once the cost of construction of roads in Australia that cannot be funded via Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been repaid via tolls charged to drivers using these roads, tolls should no longer be charged for their use.

The cost of maintenance of roads in Australia, including the Sydney Harbour Bridge, should be funded via Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Any Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Australian federal government during any given financial year, at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia, including food and rent, with no exceptions apart from the obvious exception of second-hand goods, that has sensibly and admirably not been spent by the Australian federal government during the financial year, as a result of the Australian federal government only delivering strictly necessary services and strictly necessary infrastructure projects and as a result of its care in managing taxpayer funds, should be repaid by the Australian federal government in good faith at the end of the financial year to all Australian citizens aged 18 years or over, with each Australian citizen aged 18 years or over receiving the same amount.

> $0.800 b – Australian Department of Foreign Affairs – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Including:

~ $0.300 b – Australian Department of Foreign Intelligence – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(currently “Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)”)

> $0.400 b – Australian Trade – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.100 b – Australian Tourism – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(i.e. promotion of tourism in Australia and promotion of best practice in tourism in Australia)

> $0.150 b – Australian Migration – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:

~ $1.000 b – Australian Relocation – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Forcibly relocate Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan, since their ancestors lived in Khazaria after the time of Christ.

Jewish people are descendants of Esau and the Edomites.

The current ethnic composition and citizenship composition of Australia is estimated to be as follows:

100% – Population of Australia – 27.2 million

3% – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 0.8 million

45% – White (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 12.2 million

32% – Non-white (predominantly) – Australia citizens – 8.7 million

7% – Non-white (predominantly) – Non-citizens of Australia – 2.0 million

13% – Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 3.5 million

The budget for Australian Relocation of $1.000 billion each year from Goods and Services Tax (GST) will enable circa 1 million Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to be forcibly relocated to Kazakhstan each year.

Forcibly relocating Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan will reduce the size of the population of Australia from its current circa 27 million people, thereby significantly reducing demand for goods, services and assets in Australia, including demand for groceries, residential properties for rent and residential properties, thereby causing prices of goods, services and assets in Australia to decrease, including prices of groceries, rents for residential properities and prices of residential properties, as well as freeing up a large number of residential properties for Australian citizens to occupy, instead of the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) who are currently living in Australia.

Forcibly relocating Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan will also reduce the supply of labour in Australia, causing salaries and wages of Australian citizens to increase and unemployment in Australia to decrease, as well as reduce congestion on the roads in Australia, congestion on public transport in Australia and congestion in general in Australia, resulting in more space per person in Australia.

Forcibly relocating Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan will also result in fewer people living in Australia and sharing Australia’s resources (i.e. land, water, food, construction materials, houses, apartments, coal, minerals, natural gas, motor vehicles, bicycles, et cetera), so that there will be more resources per person in Australia, making everybody in Australia more prosperous.

~ $1.000 b – Australian Deportation – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Deport non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds), numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin.

Non-white non-citizens of Australia, numbering in the order of 2 million, include Jews (i.e. Edomites), Arabs, Indians, Sri Lankans, Nepalese, Chinese, other Asians, Pacific Islanders, Greeks and Italians.

The current ethnic composition and citizenship composition of Australia is estimated to be as follows:

100% – Population of Australia – 27.2 million

3% – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 0.8 million

45% – White (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 12.2 million

32% – Non-white (predominantly) – Australia citizens – 8.7 million

7% – Non-white (predominantly) – Non-citizens of Australia – 2.0 million

13% – Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 3.5 million

The budget for Australian Deportation of $1.000 billion each year from Goods and Services Tax (GST) will enable circa 1 million non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) to be deported back to their countries of origin each year.

Deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds), numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin will reduce the size of the population of Australia from its current circa 27 million people, thereby significantly reducing demand for goods, services and assets in Australia, including demand for groceries, residential properties for rent and residential properties, thereby causing prices of goods, services and assets in Australia to decrease, including prices of groceries, rents for residential properities and prices of residential properties, as well as freeing up a large number of residential properties for Australian citizens to occupy, instead of the circa 2 million non-white non-citizens of Australia who are currently living in Australia.

Deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds), numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin will also reduce the supply of labour in Australia, causing salaries and wages of Australian citizens to increase and unemployment in Australia to decrease, as well as reduce congestion on the roads in Australia, congestion on public transport in Australia and congestion in general in Australia, resulting in more space per person in Australia.

Deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds), numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin will also result in fewer people living in Australia and sharing Australia’s resources (i.e. land, water, food, construction materials, houses, apartments, coal, minerals, natural gas, motor vehicles, bicycles, et cetera), so that there will be more resources per person in Australia, making everybody in Australia more prosperous.

~ $4.000 b – Australian Repatriation – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(repatriate: “to send a person back to the country of his or her birth or citizenship”)

Offer non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, amounts of money, such as $7,500 for adults and $3,750 for minors, to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin.

Non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, include Jews (i.e. Edomites), Arabs, Indians, Sri Lankans, Nepalese, Chinese, other Asians, Pacific Islanders, Greeks and Italians.

The current ethnic composition and citizenship composition of Australia is estimated to be as follows:

100% – Population of Australia – 27.2 million

3% – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 0.8 million

45% – White (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 12.2 million

32% – Non-white (predominantly) – Australia citizens – 8.7 million

7% – Non-white (predominantly) – Non-citizens of Australia – 2.0 million

13% – Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 3.5 million

The budget for Australian Repatriation of $4.000 billion each year from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) will enable the repatriation of at least 500,000 non-white Australian citizens each year, involving them voluntarily relinquishing their Australian citizenship and returning to their countries of origin.

Repatriating non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin will reduce the size of the population of Australia from its current circa 27 million people, thereby significantly reducing demand for goods, services and assets in Australia, including demand for groceries, residential properties for rent and residential properties, thereby causing prices of goods, services and assets in Australia to decrease, including prices of groceries, rents for residential properities and prices of residential properties, as well as freeing up a large number of residential properties for Australian citizens to occupy, instead of the circa 8.7 million non-white Australian citizens who are currently living in Australia.

Repatriating non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin will also reduce the supply of labour in Australia, causing salaries and wages of Australian citizens to increase and unemployment in Australia to decrease, as well as reduce congestion on the roads in Australia, congestion on public transport in Australia and congestion in general in Australia, resulting in more space per person in Australia.

Repatriating non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin will also result in fewer people living in Australia and sharing Australia’s resources (i.e. land, water, food, construction materials, houses, apartments, coal, minerals, natural gas, motor vehicles, bicycles, et cetera), so that there will be more resources per person in Australia, making everybody in Australia more prosperous.

~ $0.025 b – Australian Immigration – Half user pays, half Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Ban immigration of non-white people into Australia.

Non-white people include Jews (i.e. Edomites), Arabs, Indians, Sri Lankans, Nepalese, Chinese, other Asians, Pacific Islanders, Greeks and Italians.

Non-white immigration into Australia causes:

> higher prices of goods (e.g. groceries), services (e.g. residential properties for rent) and assets (e.g. residential properties) in Australia, being inflation, due to increased demand for goods, services and assets resulting from more people living in Australia

> lower salaries and wages in Australia due to increased supply of labour resulting from more people living in Australia

> higher unemployment in Australia due to increased supply of labour resulting from more people living in Australia

> increased congestion on roads and public transport in Australia resulting from more people living in Australia

Therefore, the purpose of non-white immigration into Australia is to diminish the quality of life of white Australian citizens and replace them with non-white immigrants to Australia.

Ban immigration of white people who cannot read and write the native language of Australia, being English, into Australia, since it will not be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia.

Only allow immigration of white people who can read and write the native language of Australia, being English, into Australia, since it will be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia.

Limit immigration into Australia to predominantly white people originating from white countries around the world (not predominantly Jewish (i.e. predominantly Edomitish) people originating from white countries around the world), who can read and write the native language of Australia, being English, since it will therefore be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia, including the following white countries around the world (whose estimated populations are shown):

Ireland – 5 million
Northern Ireland – 2 million
Scotland – 5 million
England – 56 million
Wales – 3 million
France – 67 million
Belgium – 11 million
Netherlands – 17 million
Germany – 83 million
Switzerland – 10 million
Liechtenstein – less than 1 million
Austria – 9 million
Czech Republic – 11 million
Poland – 38 million
Lithuania – 3 million
Latvia – 2 million
Estonia – 1 million
Finland – 6 million
Sweden – 10 million
Norway – 5 million
Denmark – 6 million
Iceland – less than 1 million
Ukraine – 41 million
Russia – 146 million
United States of America – 331 million
Canada – 38 million
Australia – 27 million
New Zealand – 5 million

In any given financial year, from 1st July to the following 30th June, one year later, immigration into Australia over the course of that financial year should not exceed 0.10% of the number of Australian citizens living in Australia at the start of that financial year.

For example, if the number of Australian citizens living in Australia at the start of any given financial year is 25 million, then immigration into Australia over the course of that financial year should not exceed 0.10% of 25 million, being 25,000 people.

Australia – Population and Demographic Data – 1900 to 2022

Very soon after I finished Year 12 in secondary school in late 1990, I was sitting in traffic on a Friday afternoon in Sydney, New South Wales, which was banked up a long way. It was an eye-opening welcome for me as a secondary school leaver to adult life in Australia.

The last time traffic in Sydney, New South Wales was free of congestion was in about 1979, when the size of the population of Australia was about 14 million, so I would obviously like to see the size of the population of Australia decrease from the current circa 27 million to as close to about 14 million as possible, as a result of forcible relocation of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia to Kazakhstan, deportation of non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin and repatriation of non-white Australian citizens, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin.

Following is a condensed list of proposed Australian local government services, together with their proposed sources of funding:

> Australian Local Government – Discussion – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Council – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Environment – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Planning – Partly Australian local government rates, partly Austrailan local government fees

> Australian Local Government – Roads – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Paths – Australian local government rates

(i.e. footpaths, cycleways)

> Australian Local Government – Parks – Australian local government rates

(i.e. parks, cemeteries)

> Australian Local Government – Rubbish & Recycling – Partly Australian local government rates, partly Australian local government fees

(i.e. rubbish & recycling collection)

> Australian Local Government – Facilities – Partly Australian local government rates, partly Australian local government fees

(i.e. community centres, pools, et cetera)

For example:

> Brisbane City Government – Discussion – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Council – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Environment – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Planning – Partly Brisbane City Government rates, partly Brisbane City Government fees

> Brisbane City Government – Roads – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Paths – Brisbane City Government rates

(i.e. footpaths, cycleways)

> Brisbane City Government – Parks – Brisbane City Government rates

(i.e. parks, cemeteries)

> Brisbane City Government – Rubbish & Recycling – Rubbish & Recycling – Partly Brisbane City Government rates, partly Brisbane City Government fees

(i.e. rubbish & recycling collection)

> Brisbane City Government – Facilities – Partly Brisbane City Government rates, partly Brisbane City Government fees

(i.e. community centres, pools, et cetera)

Australian local government rates for individual properties in Australian local government areas should not be calculated on the basis of property values in Australian local government areas, since property values in Australian local government areas have nothing whatsoever to do with the level of Australian local government services provided to the Australian citizens who use the individual properties.

Australian local government rates for individual properties in Australian local government areas should be calculated on the basis of the level of Australian local government services provided to individual properties, such as according to the number of Australian citizens who use the individual properties and their ages, in order to be able to accurately allocate the expenses of Australian local governments to individual properties via Australian local government rates.


Condensed lists of proposed Australian federal government services and proposed Australian local government services…

Following is a condensed list of proposed Australian federal government services, together with their estimated annual budgets from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in billions (b) of dollars (i.e. thousands of millions of dollars) and their proposed sources of funding:

(Excluding “Australian Infrastructure”, the total estimated annual budget in billions of dollars, funded via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), of these proposed Australian federal government services is $246.680 billion.

Including “Australian Infrastructure”, which has an estimated annual budget of up to $30.000 billion (i.e. a maximum of $30.000 billion), the total estimated annual budget in billions of dollars, funded via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), of these proposed Australian federal government services is up to $276.680 billion (i.e. a maximum of $276.680 billion).)

> $0.200 b – Australian Discussion – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.500 b – Australian Audit – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.100 b – Australian Department of Domestic Affairs – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.200 b – Australian Reporting – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.050 b – Australian Elections – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.150 b – Australian Federal Elections – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $0.150 b – Australian Federal Referendums – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $0.100 b – Australian Local Elections – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.050 b – Australian Parliament – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.050 b – Australian Parliament Services – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.020 b – Australian Parliament Analysis – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.750 b – Australian Forum of Representatives – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.025 b – Australian Forum of Representatives Services – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.150 b – Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Including:
~ $0.150 b – Australian Department of National Intelligence – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.400 b – Australian Department of the Attorney-General – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Including:
~ $0.300 b – Australian Department of Domestic Intelligence – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $10.000 b – Australian Police Force – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $1.000 b – Australian Judiciary – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.150 b – Australian Punishment and Correction – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.010 b – Australian Executions – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $1.500 b – Australian Prisons – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.000 b – Australian Orders – Perpetrator pays – Fines

> $1.000 b – Australian Border Force – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.750 b – Australian Detention – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $10.000 b – Australian Defence Force – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.000 b – Australian Bank – Not-for-profit – User pays – Account-keeping fees and transaction fees

> $0.050 b – Australian Treasury – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $2.000 b – Australian Taxation – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.200 b – Australian Statistics – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.050 b – Australian Analysis – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.050 b – Australian Productivity – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.050 b – Australian Management – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.150 b – Australian Regulation – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.025 b – Australian Auditing Standards – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.025 b – Australian Accounting Standards – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.400 b – Australian Enterprise – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.750 b – Australian Equity – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.200 b – Australian Insurance – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.000 b – Australian Securities Exchange – Not-for-profit – User pays

> $0.500 b – Australian Emergency – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.200 b – Australian Environment – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.100 b – Australian Wildlife – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.000 b – Australian Parks – Not-for-profit – User pays – Entry cost

> $2.000 b – Australian Roads – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.000 b – Australian Water – Not-for-profit – User pays – Water bill

> $0.075 b – Australian Agriculture – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.025 b – Australian Fisheries – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.050 b – Australian Forestry – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.000 b – Australian Mining – Not-for-profit – User pays – Transfer prices of extracted resources, including coal, natural gas, iron ore, bauxite and copper sulfide, sold on a not-for-profit basis to other publicly owned Australian federal government entities, including coal to Australian Coal, for the distribution and sale of coal, natural gas to Australian Natural Gas, for the production, distribution and sale of processed natural gas, coal and iron ore to Australian Steel, for the production, distribution and sale of steel, bauxite to Australian Aluminium, for the production, distribution and sale of aluminium, copper sulfide to Australian Copper, for the production, distribution and sale of copper, et cetera

> $0.250 b – Australian Resources – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.000 b – Australian Coal – Not-for-profit – User pays – Coal prices
~ $0.000 b – Australian Natural Gas – Not-for-profit – User pays – Natural gas prices
~ $0.000 b – Australian Steel – Not-for-profit – User pays – Steel prices
~ $0.000 b – Australian Aluminium – Not-for-profit – User pays – Aluminium prices
~ $0.000 b – Australian Copper – Not-for-profit – User pays – Copper prices
~ $0.000 b – Et cetera – Not-for-profit – User pays – Et cetera prices

> $0.000 b – Australian Electricity – Not-for-profit – User pays – Electricity bill

> $0.050 b – Australian Industry – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.100 b – Australian Manufacturing – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.050 b – Australian Communications – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.150 b – Australian Communications Authority – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.000 b – Australian Telecommunications – Not-for-profit – User pays – Telecommunications bill
~ $0.300 b – Australian Broadcasting – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.000 b – Australian Postage – Not-for-profit – User pays – Postage cost

> $0.000 b – Australian Buses – Not-for-profit – User pays – Ticket cost

> $0.000 b – Australian Railways – Not-for-profit – User pays – Ticket cost and cargo cost (?)

> $0.000 b – Australian Ports – Not-for-profit – User pays – Unknown (?)

> $0.000 b – Australian Airports – Not-for-profit – User pays – Unknown (?)

> $0.200 b – Australian Aviation – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.200 b – Australian Aviation Authority – Not-for-profit – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.000 b – Australian Aviation Licencing – Not-for-profit – User pays
~ $0.000 b – Australian Aviation Registration – Not-for-profit – User pays
~ $0.000 b – Australian Aviation Control – Not-for-profit – User pays

> $0.400 b – Australian Services – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.000 b – Australian Registry – Not-for-profit – User pays
~ $0.400 b – Australian Identity – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.200 b – Australian Motor – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.000 b – Australian Motor Licencing – Not-for-profit – User pays
– $0.000 b – Australian Motor Registration – Not-for-profit – User pays
~ $0.100 b – Australian Maritime – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.000 b – Australian Maritime Licencing – Not for profit – User pays
– $0.000 b – Australian Maritime Registration – Not for profit – User pays
~ $0.100 b – Australian Titles – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.000 b – Australian Land Titles – Not for-profit – User pays
– $0.000 b – Australian Residential Property Titles – Not for-profit – User pays
– $0.000 b – Australian Commercial Property Titles – Not for-profit – User pays

> $0.750 b – Australian Education – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $11.500 b – Australian Primary Schools – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $11.500 b – Australian Secondary Schools – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $2.500 b – Australian TAFE – Not-for-profit – Half Goods and Services Tax (GST), half user pays
~ $2.500 b – Australian Universities – Not-for-profit – Half Goods and Services Tax (GST), half user pays

> $20.000 b – Australian Health – Not-for-profit – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – User pays – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred

> $0.500 b – Australian Welfare (currently “Centrelink”) – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $0.250 b – Australian Veterans – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.250 b – Veteran Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $7.000 b – Veteran Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – NOT means-tested in relation to accumulated assets or income under any circumstances
~ $0.500 b – Australian Elderly – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.500 b – Australian Elderly Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $63.000 b – Australian Elderly Payments (currently “Age Pension”) – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – NOT means-tested in relation to accumulated assets or income under any circumstances
– $13.500 b – Australian Elderly Care (currently “Aged Care”) – Not-for-profit – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – User pays – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred
~ $0.500 b – Australian Disability – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.500 b – Australian Disability Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $17.000 b – Australian Disability Payments (currently “Disability Support Pension”) – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Means-tested in relation to income, NOT accumulated assets under any circumstances, to minimise cost incurred
– $12.500 b – Australian Disability Scheme (currently “National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)”) – Not-for-profit – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – User pays – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred
~ $0.250 b – Australian Carers – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.250 b – Australian Carer Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $10.000 b – Australian Carer Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred
~ $0.500 b – Australian Children – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.500 b – Australian Child Protection – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $0.500 b – Australian Child Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $10.000 b – Australian Child Carer Payments – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Means-tested to minimise cost incurred
~ $0.500 b – Australian Unemployment – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
– $0.500 b – Australian Unemployment Support – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
– $14.000 b – Australian Unemployment Payments (currently “JobSeeker Payment”) – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Means-tested in relation to income, NOT accumulated assets under any circumstances, to minimise cost incurred

> Up to $30.000 b – Australian Infrastructure – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Necessary infrastructure which cannot be funded via $30.000 billion of Goods and Services Tax (GST) each year will need to be funded via borrowing from the publicly owned Australian Bank, which will need to be repaid via fees charged by the Australian federal government to Australian citizens to use this infrastructure on a user-pays basis.

> $0.800 b – Australian Department of Foreign Affairs – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Including:
~ $0.300 b – Australian Department of Foreign Intelligence – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.400 b – Australian Trade – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.100 b – Australian Tourism – Goods and Services Tax (GST)

> $0.150 b – Australian Migration – Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Comprising:
~ $1.000 b – Australian Relocation – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $1.000 b – Australian Deportation – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $4.000 b – Australian Repatriation – Goods and Services Tax (GST)
~ $0.025 b – Australian Immigration – Half user pays, half Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Following is a condensed list of proposed Australian local government services, together with their proposed sources of funding:

> Australian Local Government – Discussion – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Council – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Environment – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Planning – Partly Australian local government rates, partly Austrailan local government fees

> Australian Local Government – Roads – Australian local government rates

> Australian Local Government – Paths – Australian local government rates

(i.e. footpaths, cycleways)

> Australian Local Government – Parks – Australian local government rates

(i.e. parks, cemeteries)

> Australian Local Government – Rubbish & Recycling – Partly Australian local government rates, partly Australian local government fees

(i.e. rubbish & recycling collection)

> Australian Local Government – Facilities – Partly Australian local government rates, partly Australian local government fees

(i.e. community centres, pools, et cetera)

For example:

> Brisbane City Government – Discussion – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Council – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Environment – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Planning – Partly Brisbane City Government rates, partly Brisbane City Government fees

> Brisbane City Government – Roads – Brisbane City Government rates

> Brisbane City Government – Paths – Brisbane City Government rates

(i.e. footpaths, cycleways)

> Brisbane City Government – Parks – Brisbane City Government rates

(i.e. parks, cemeteries)

> Brisbane City Government – Rubbish & Recycling – Rubbish & Recycling – Partly Brisbane City Government rates, partly Brisbane City Government fees

(i.e. rubbish & recycling collection)

> Brisbane City Government – Facilities – Partly Brisbane City Government rates, partly Brisbane City Government fees

(i.e. community centres, pools, et cetera)

Australian local government rates for individual properties in Australian local government areas should not be calculated on the basis of property values in Australian local government areas, since property values in Australian local government areas have nothing whatsoever to do with the level of Australian local government services provided to the Australian citizens who use the individual properties.

Australian local government rates for individual properties in Australian local government areas should be calculated on the basis of the level of Australian local government services provided to individual properties, such as according to the number of Australian citizens who use the individual properties and their ages, in order to be able to accurately allocate the expenses of Australian local governments to individual properties via Australian local government rates.


Equitable allocation of Australian federal government spending…

The most equitable means of allocating Australian federal government spending in its characteristically large amounts in relation to Australian federal government services, such as education, health and infrastructure, between different Australian federal electorates is on the basis of the different numbers of Australian citizens living in different Australian federal electorates, weighted according to the ages of these Australian citizens (on the basis of the extents to which different ages of Australian citizens utilise these Australian federal government services) and possibly weighted according to the different geographical characteristics of different Australian federal electorates, such as density of population, which influence the structure of Australian federal government services to be provided, such as the number of locations at which these Australian federal government services should be provided, thereby affecting the cost of these Australian federal government services to be provided.

Human judgement is NOT an equitable means of allocating Australian federal government spending in its characteristically large amounts in relation to Australian federal government services, such as education, health and infrastructure, between different Australian federal electorates.

It is becoming more apparent that there has not been an equitable allocation of Australian federal government spending in its characteristically large amounts in relation to Australian federal government services, such as education, health and infrastructure, between different Australian federal electorates for decades, with disastrous consequences for Australian citizens across the entirety of Australia.


List of thirty-five (35) proposed Australian ministers in the Australian federal government…

> Australian Minister for Discussion

(i.e. Australian Discussion)

> Australian Auditor-General

(i.e. Australian Audit)

> Australian Minister for Domestic Affairs

(i.e. Australian Department of Domestic Affairs)

> Australian Prime Minister

(i.e. Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet)

> Australian Attorney-General

(i.e. Australian Department of the Attorney-General)

> Australian Minister for Police

(i.e. Australian Police Force)

> Australian Minister for Punishment and Correction

(i.e. Australian Punishment and Correction, comprising Australian Executions, Australian Prisons and Australian Orders)

> Australian Minister for Borders

(i.e. Australian Border Force)

> Australian Minister for Detention

(i.e. Australian Detention)

> Australian Minister for Defence

(i.e. Australian Defence Force)

> Australian Minister for Banking

(i.e. Australian Bank)

> Australian Treasurer

(i.e. Australian Treasury)

> Australian Minister for Regulation

(i.e. Australian Regulation)

> Australian Minister for Securities

(i.e. Australian Securities Exchange)

> Australian Minister for Emergency

(i.e. Australian Emergency)

> Australian Minister for Environment, Wildlife and Parks

(i.e. Australian Environment, Australian Wildlife and Australian Parks)

> Australian Minister for Roads

(i.e. Australian Roads)

> Australian Minister for Water

(i.e. Australian Water)

> Australian Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

(i.e. Australian Agriculture, Australian Fisheries and Australian Forestry)

> Australian Minister for Mining

(i.e. Australian Mining)

> Australian Minister for Resources

(i.e. Australian Resources, comprising Australian Coal, Australian Natural Gas, Australian Steel, Australian Aluminium, Australian Copper, et cetera)

> Australian Minister for Electricity

(i.e. Australian Electricity)

> Australian Minister for Communications

(i.e. Australian Communications)

> Australian Minister for Postage

(i.e. Australian Post)

> Australian Minister for Buses, Railways and Ports

(i.e. Australian Buses, Australian Railways and Australian Ports)

> Australian Minister for Airports and Aviation

(i.e. Australian Airports and Australian Aviation)

> Australian Minister for Services

(i.e. Australian Services)

> Australian Minister for Education

(i.e. Australian Education)

> Australian Minister for Health

(i.e. Australian Health)

> Australian Minister for Industry

(i.e. Australian Industry)

> Australian Minister for Welfare

(i.e. Australian Welfare)

> Australian Minister for Infrastructure

(i.e. Australian Infrastructure)

> Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs

(i.e. Australian Department of Foreign Affairs)

> Australian Minister for Trade and Tourism

(i.e. Australian Trade and Tourism)

> Australian Minister for Migration

(i.e. Australian Migration)


How to repay all Australian federal, state and territorial government debts in five years or less…

> Fund the Australian federal, state and territorial governments via the Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Australian federal government at a flat rate of 25% on all goods and services sold in Australia, including food and rent, with no exceptions apart from the obvious exception of second-hand goods.

> Identify any Australian federal government debt which is not legitimate debt.

> Tax the superannuation balances of Australian citizens of circa $3,500 billion#, which comprise compulsory superannuation contributions, not voluntary superannuation contributions, which compulsory superannuation contributions effectively constitute income earned, since employers do not make compulsory superannuation contributions on behalf of employees as gifts to employees, at a flat rate of ad hoc tax, in order to repay all legitimate Australian federal government debt (as opposed to illegitimate Australian federal government debt) up to the amount of the current Australian federal government debt, which is circa $1,160 billion^.

# (third paragraph)

^ (“National Government Debt”, one-third of the way down the web page)

> Once the Australian federal government debt has been repaid, ban the Australian federal government from incurring Australian federal government debt.

> Abolish compulsory superannuation, which is confiscation of income earned by Australian citizens who are subject to compulsory superannuation and an attack on the property rights of Australian citizens over their income earned.

Employers in Australia do not make compulsory superannuation contributions on behalf of employees in Australia as gifts without receiving anything in return. Employees earn the superannuation that is paid by employers on their behalf via the work they perform as employees of employers. However, employees are generally not able to access and utilise the superannuation that is paid by employers on their behalf until they reach the preservation age, which is between 55 years of age and 60 years of age inclusive.

Therefore, compulsory superannuation is confiscation of income earned by Australian citizens who are subject to compulsory superannuation and an attack on the property rights of Australian citizens over their income earned.

Under the current rate of compulsory superannuation in Australia of 11.0%, this confiscation of income earned by Austrailan citizens who are subject to compulsory superannuation amounts to 9.9% (i.e. 11/111 x 100%) of their income earned.

> Allow Australian citizens to withdraw their superannuation funds, which are their rightful property to do with as they choose.

> The Australian federal government should treat all Australian citizens over the age of eligibility to receive Elderly Payments equally by paying each of them the same amount of Elderly Payment WITHOUT means-testing in relation to accumulated assets or income, irrespective of their accumulated assets or incomes, whether high or low.

This is similar to the manner in which the Australian federal government treats all Australian citizens equally via the Goods and Services Tax (GST), by charging each of them the same flat rate.

The age of eligibility to receive Elderly Payments in Australia should be reduced to 60 years, which would cause the annual cost of Elderly Payments WITHOUT means-testing in relation to accumulated assets or income to increase by approximately $10 billion from approximately $63 billion to approximately $73 billion.

> Identify any Australian state and territorial government debts which are not legitimate debts.

For example, identify any Victoria state government debt which is not legitimate debt.

> Maintain all Australian state and territorial government taxes and use them pragmatically for the exclusive purpose of repaying all legitimate Australian state and territorial government debts (as opposed to illegitimate Australian state and territorial government debts).

For example, maintain all existing Victoria state government taxes and use them pragmatically for the exclusive purpose of repaying all legitimate Victoria state government debt (as opposed to illegitimate Victoria state government debt).

> Once the Australian state and territorial government debts have been repaid, ban the Australian state and territorial governments from incurring Australian state and territorial government debts.

For example, once the Victoria state government debt has been repaid, ban the Victoria state government from incurring Victoria state government debt.

> Once the Australian state and territorial governments have been banned from incurring Australian state and territorial government debts, abolish all Australian state and territorial government taxes.

For example, once the Victoria state government has been banned from incurring Victoria state government debt, abolish all Victoria state government taxes.


Abolish the Australian state and territorial governments so that only the Australian federal government and Australian local governments remain.

Hold an Australian referendum on abolishing Australian state and territorial governments, so that only the Australian federal government and Australian local governments remain, while retaining Australian states and territories as geographic entities, referred to as “Australian territories”, in order to facilitate Australian federal governmental administration.

The buildings currently occupied by Australian state and territorial governments in the Australian states and territories and currently used by Australian state and territorial governments for Australian state and territorial governmental administration and Australian state and territorial governmental service delivery to Australian citizens in the Australian states and territories can be occupied as necessary by the Australian federal government in the Australian territories and used as necessary by the Australian federal government for Australian federal governmental administration and Australian federal governmental service delivery to Australian citizens in the Australian territories.

The existence of Australian state and territorial governments is an obstacle that prevents the Australian federal government and Australian local governments from operating effectively and efficiently in the best interests of Australian citizens.

For example, it would obviously be preferable if there was only one property titles system covering the entirety of Australia, administered by the Australian federal government, instead of a separate property titles system for each Australian state and territory, administered by each Australian state and territorial government.

It is also much easier for some 25 million Australian citizens to oppose and change the policies of the Australian federal government that they do not like, than it is for some 25 million Australian citizens to oppose and change the policies of the Australian federal government and eight Australian state and territorial governments that they do not like.


Move the Australian federal government from southern New South Wales to southern Queensland.

Hold an Australian referendum on establishing a new territory for the Australian federal government to occupy in southern Queensland, such as the region surrounding Milora, Queensland, west-northwest of the Gold Coast, Queensland and southwest of Brisbane, Queensland, preferably with the same name, “Australian Capital Territory”, or possibly not, on account of the climate of the existing Australian Capital Territory in southern New South Wales being too cold to enable the Australian federal government to operate productively, effectively and efficiently, so that after a new territory for the Australian federal government to occupy is established in southern Queensland and the Australian federal government is moved from the existing Australian Capital Territory in southern New South Wales to the new territory for the Australian federal government to occupy in southern Queensland, the existing Australian Capital Territory in southern New South Wales should be abolished, divided into one or more Australian local government areas and absorbed into New South Wales.,149.109906,183838m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x6b164cdfa09b104b:0xe75844385c6e7803!8m2!3d-35.4734679!4d149.0123679!16zL20vMHZoMw?entry=ttu,152.7118932,182533m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x6b96d04a40c76e21:0x400eef17f20e4b0!8m2!3d-27.8479975!4d152.6838612!16s%2Fg%2F11f3jyb948?entry=ttu


Other improvements to make to Australia so that it functions properly…

> Australian citizens have little say in the direction in which the Australian federal government takes Australia and have had little say for decades.

Australian citizens urgently need a formal, structured mechanism for making their views known to the Australian federal government about policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) that necessarily affect their interests as Australian citizens and the health of Australia as a nation.

In the interests of protecting and enhancing democracy in Australia, the Australian federal government should operate a discussion forum on the internet as an Australian federal government service to Australian citizens, which is exclusively concerned with policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) that necessarily affect their interests as Australian citizens and the health of Australia as a nation, so that Australian citizens can participate in such a discussion forum on the internet, in order to make their views on policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) known in good faith and discuss policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) with other Australian citizens, as a means of effectively and efficiently informing their elected Australian federal representatives in the Australian federal parliament and Australian federal government employees in Australian federal government services (collectively known as the Australian Public Service (APS), ideally named the “Australian Civil Service (ACS)”) of their views as Australian citizens regarding policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government).

Since such a discussion forum on the internet would be operated by the Australian federal government, Australian citizens would hopefully be motivated to participate in good faith and ensure that the views they make known and the discussions they conduct conform to high standards of integrity.

Obviously, it would be in the best interests of Australian citizens participating in such a discussion forum on the internet to make their views known and conduct discussions in the best possible manner, in order to convince other Australian citizens participating in such a discussion forum on the internet to adopt their views.

However, by enabling Australian citizens to discuss policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) with each other, such a discussion forum on the internet would provide Australian citizens with opportunities to learn from the views of other Australian citizens about policy, legislation and issues (associated with the Australian federal government) and adjust their own views when they realise that the views of other Australian citizens better serve the interests of Australian citizens and the health of Australia as a nation.

The name for this discussion forum on the internet could be “Australian Discussion”.

The website for this discussion forum on the internet could be “”.

> Reintroduce capital punishment in Australia, involving death by hanging for convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia, being treason (e.g. knowingly perpetrating election fraud, knowingly perpetrating the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19), murder, sexual assault (e.g. pedophilia, rape), aggravated assault, kidnapping, gang stalking and arson.

There is no reason why the perpetration of these capital crimes in Australia should result in an obligation by taxpayers in Australia to fund the imprisonment of the perpetrators, which involves supplying them with water, food, clothing and shelter for several years while they are imprisoned.

Capital punishment involving death by hanging for convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia provides an ominous warning to Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia that if they commit a capital crime in Australia and are convicted in court, they will be executed, irrespective of their ethnicity, whether white, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Arab, Indian, Chinese, other Asian, Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) or any other ethnicity.

Convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia should be executed by hanging in public, so that interested Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia can gather and watch.

These hangings in public should be video-recorded and the resulting videos should be published on the internet, so that interested Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia who are not able to gather and watch these hangings in public can watch these hangings on the internet.

Obviously these hangings in public and their video-recordings published on the internet would provide a strong deterrent to Australian citizens in Australia and non-citizens of Australia in Australia against committing capital crimes in Australia, being treason (e.g. knowingly perpetrating election fraud, knowingly perpetrating the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19), murder, sexual assault (e.g. pedophilia, rape), aggravated assault, kidnapping, gang stalking and arson.

> Criminalise the production of pornography and the distribution of pornography in Australia in all forms, including paper-based, video, DVD and internet, since freedom of speech only legitimately applies to the spoken or written word, as a means of preventing Australian citizens from viewing pornography, on the basis that viewing pornography is harmful to Australian citizens and therefore harmful to the health of Australia as a nation.

In practice, the only way for the Australian federal government to effectively and efficiently criminalise the distribution of pornography in Australia in all forms, including paper-based, video, DVD and internet, since freedom of speech only legitimately applies to the spoken or written word, as a means of preventing Australian citizens from viewing pornography, on the basis that viewing pornography is harmful to Australian citizens and therefore harmful to the health of Australia as a nation, is for an Australian federal government entity to maintain a list of websites and web pages that Australian citizens are banned from viewing in Australia, on the grounds that these websites and web pages contain pornography, so that all internet service providers (ISPs) in Australia have clear guidance from the Australian federal government about which websites and web pages they need to prevent Australian citizens from accessing, when providing internet access to Australian citizens, in order to comply with the criminalisation of the distribution of pornography in Australia by the Australian federal government.

Since the Australian federal government obviously wants to ban other websites and web pages on the internet, such as websites and web pages associated with gambling and various types of criminality, it is very important that the list of websites and web pages banned by the Australian federal government is segmented by appropriate categories, such as “Drug Use”, “Gambling”, Pornography” and “Violence”.

It is also very important that the list of websites and web pages banned by the Australian federal government is publicly available to Australian citizens, so that they can be confident that the Australian federal government is not banning websites and web pages that Australian citizens have legitimate rights to access.

> I wonder whether the salaries and wages paid to employees of Australian federal government services (collectively known as the Australian Public Service (APS), ideally named the “Australian Civil Service (ACS)”), particularly at the executive levels up to secretary, are high enough to attract Australian citizens of sufficient quality, talent and skill to work for Australian federal government services, such as by relocating to Canberra, where around 40% of employees of the Australian federal government services work and where it is very cold for five months of the year from May to September inclusive, making Canberra an unattractive place to which to relocate.

I believe that there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support the notion that the salaries and wages paid to employees of Australian federal government services, particularly at the executive levels up to secretary, are not high enough to attract Australian citizens of sufficient quality, talent and skill to work for Australian federal government services.

I believe that a case in point is Michael Pezzullo, former Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, who turned out to be a liability for this Australian federal government service and who, in my view, did not give the appearance, even before he was terminated from his position on 27th November, 2023 and even while he carried out the duties of his position, of being a model employee of the Australian federal government service in which he worked, being the Department of Home Affairs.

Given that employees of the Australian federal government services only number a very small proportion of the entire Australian workforce and given that the work they do is crucially important for the health of Australia as a nation, it is in the best interests of Australian citizens for employees of Australian federal government services to be the highest-quality Australian citizens available.

I believe that Australian federal government services should pay high enough salaries to attract the highest-quality Australian citizens available as employees and then carefully control the total number of employees of Australian federal government services, in order to limit the total cost of salaries and wages associated with Australian federal government services, so that better outcomes from employees of Australian federal government services can be achieved.

> Require that all Australian citizens obtain an Australian Identity Card (AIC) compulsorily, which shows their photograph, full name, address, date of birth and Australian Identity Number (AIN) but which contains no electronically stored data, no biometric data and no other data of any type.

There should be no charge by an Australian federal government entity named “Australian Identity” to Australian citizens for obtaining an Australian Identity Card (AIC), on account of all Australian citizens being required to obtain an Australian Identity Card compulsorily, so that the cost of Australian Identity providing all Australian citizens with an Australian Identity Card should be funded by the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

However, if any Australian citizen loses their Australian Identity Card (AIC), they should be required to replace it and charged a fee for replacing their Australian Identity Card on a not-for-profit basis.

> Require that all Australian citizens aged 18 years or over prove their identity using their Australian Identity Card (AIC) in order to be allowed to vote in Australian federal, state, territorial and local government elections and Australian referendums.

> Abolish Australian federal plebiscites, on account of their outcomes not affecting the Australian Constitution or compelling the Australian federal government to act on the basis of their outcomes.

> Ban non-white immigration into Australia, which causes the number of people living in Australia to increase, thereby causing demand for residential properties in Australia in all forms, including houses, apartments and land, to increase and thereby causing house prices in Australia to increase.

Australia – Population and Demographic Data – 1900 to 2022

Non-white immigrants to Australia generally do not buy residential properties in Australia as soon as they arrive in Australia. It generally takes time for them to get their finances in order and save up a deposit in order to buy residential properties in Australia. There is generally a lag, often of years, between non-white immigrants to Australia arriving in Australia and demand for the purchase of residential properties in Australia in all forms, including houses, apartments and land, increasing as a result of their arrival in Australia.

This is why house prices in Australia continued to increase during the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19, despite that non-white immigration into Australia was greatly reduced during this time. Non-white immigrants to Australia who had arrived in Australia in previous years had already spent years getting their finances in order and saving up a deposit in order to buy residential properties in Australia, so that by the time the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19 transpired, they were ready to buy residential properties in Australia and did so.

Non-white immigration into Australia also provides a strong stream of tenants to create demand for residential rental properties in Australia, so that residential property investors can confidently earn rental income from their residential rental properties that they own as residential investment properties in Australia. Non-white immigration into Australia leads to an increase in demand for residential rental properties in Australia and an increase in rents. In the 1990s and 2000s, passive income in the form of rents from residential investment properties in Australia, being income earned without working for it, was marketed by the residential property industry in Australia as the holy grail of income. Australia’s economy has been built around this concept of passive income ever since.

Banning non-white immigration into Australia, deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin) and repatriating non-white Australian citizens, on a voluntary, financially incentivised basis, back to their countries of origin would cause house prices in Australia to decrease by at least 30%, which is unavoidably necessary in order to make housing more affordable in Australia.

> Ban the purchase and ownership of residential properties in Australia by non-citizens of Australia, which increases demand for residential properties in Australia, thereby causing house prices in Australia to increase.

That the Australian federal government has not banned the purchase and ownership of residential properties in Australia by non-citizens of Australia shows that the Australian federal government does not govern exclusively for Australian citizens but for non-citizens of Australia also, of whom there are purportedly more than 8 billion (i.e. 8,000 million). Allowing non-citizens of Australia to purchase and own residential properties in Australia causes the number of people who want to purchase and own residential properties in Australia to increase, thereby causing demand for housing in Australia to increase and thereby causing house prices in Australia to increase.

Banning the purchase and ownership of residential properties in Australia by non-citizens of Australia would cause house prices in Australia to decrease by at least 15%, which is unavoidably necessary in order to make housing more affordable in Australia.

> Restrain bank lending to owner occupiers of residential properties in Australia and investors in residential properties in Australia, which causes the size of the money supply in Australia to increase, since banks in Australia create money when they lend and charge interest on it, thereby causing house prices in Australia to increase.

The Bank of England has admitted that commercial banks create money out of nothing when they lend at interest.

It is not the number of residential properties in Australia that owner occupiers and investors can buy that should be limited or rationed but necessarily the amount of credit that is extended by the banks in Australia (i.e. loaned) to owner occupiers and investors that should be limited or rationed, in order to prevent a housing bubble in Australia from materialising, which has, of course, existed in Australia for years now and is being deliberately perpetuated by the Australian federal government via non-white immigration into Australia.

The banks in Australia should not be lending more than an adjustable multiple of the incomes of owner-occupiers of residential properties in Australia and an adjustable multiple of the incomes of investors in residential properties in Australia, to owner-occupiers and investors for all borrowing purposes, including the purpose of buying residential properties in Australia as owner-occupiers and investors.

The banks in Australia should never have been allowed by the Australian federal government (which licenses the banks in Australia to operate) to provide interest-only loans to owner occupiers and investors in Australia.

The banks in Australia should be banned by the Australian federal government from providing interest-only loans in Australia for all borrowing purposes, including the purpose of buying residential properties in Australia.

In the order of 2 million Australian citizens (and presumably non-citizens of Australia) own one or more investment properties in Australia and are therefore investors in residential properties in Australia.

In round terms, one-third of the population of Australia of circa 27 million rents, being circa 9 million people.

Many of these 2 million Australian citizens (and presumably non-citizens of Australia) are seeking to increase the number of residential properties they own in Australia as investments.  Since they are overwhelmingly funded by lending from the banks in Australia, rather than their own accumulated wealth, the willingness of the banks in Australia to lend much more to investors in residential properties in Australia as multiples of their incomes than is prudent (in order to increase their interest revenues, since the banks in Australia are motivated by profit, which is marketed to Australian citizens by the Australian federal government as being a sign of a “strong banking system in Australia”) is presumably resulting in multiple investors in residential properties in Australia competing with each other to buy many residential properties in Australia listed for sale, thereby bidding up the sale prices of many residential properties in Australia and thereby contributing significantly to the existing housing bubble in Australia.

Restraining lending by the banks in Australia to owner-occupiers of residential properties in Australia and investors in residential properties in Australia by limiting it to an adjustable multiple of the incomes of owner-occupiers of residential properties in Australia and an adjustable multiple of the incomes of investors in residential properties in Australia for all borrowing purposes, including the purpose of buying residential properties in Australia as owner-occupiers and investors, would cause house prices in Australia to decrease by at least 15%, which is unavoidably necessary in order to make housing more affordable in Australia.

> Ban negative gearing, which increases demand for residential properties in Australia, thereby causing house prices in Australia to increase, by allowing the tax deductibility of residential investment property losses against other sources of income, such as salaries and wages, even though it is not necessary to incur those losses in order to earn those other sources of income.

A bedrock principle of income tax law in Australia has always been that deductions against income must be expenses that were necessarily incurred in order to earn that income. The deductibility of residential investment property losses against other sources of income, such as salaries and wages, violates this principle.

Without negative gearing, the overwhelming majority of residential property investors would not be able to afford to meet the repayments required by the mortgages they took out to purchase their residential investment properties in Australia and therefore would not have been able to purchase their residential investment properties in Australia in the first place. Negative gearing therefore makes purchasing residential investment properties in Australia more affordable for residential property investors, thereby causing demand for residential investment properties in Australia from residential property investors to increase, thereby causing demand for residential properties in Australia to increase (whereby residential property investors compete with owner occupiers in order to purchase residential properties in Australia) and thereby causing house prices in Australia to increase.

Banning negative gearing would cause house prices in Australia to decrease by at least 15%, which is unavoidably necessary in order to make housing more affordable in Australia.

However, income tax should be abolished, so that there should no longer be any need to tax income anyway, which should mean that negative gearing will no longer exist and will not therefore be able to be banned.

> The age of eligibility to receive Elderly Payments in Australia should be reduced to 60 years, which would cause the annual cost of Elderly Payments WITHOUT means-testing in relation to accumulated assets or income to increase by approximately $10 billion from approximately $63 billion to approximately $73 billion.

Importantly, immigration into Australia causes inflation by increasing the size of the population of Australia and thereby increasing demand for goods and services (as well as assets), so that the prices of goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)) increase, which pressures the Australian federal government to increase the amount of taxpayer funds it spends on welfare payments to Australian citizens receiving Veteran Payments, Elderly Payments, Disability Payments, Carer Payments, Child Carer Payments or Unemployment Payments, so that these Australian citizens can meet the increasing cost of living resulting from the inflation that immigration into Australia has caused by increasing the size of the population of Australia, which results in the Australian federal government increasing the amount of taxpayer funds it spends on welfare each year, comprising welfare payments to Australian citizens receiving Veteran Payments, Elderly Payments, Disability Payments, Carer Payments, Child Carer Payments or Unemployment Payments.

Therefore, the Australian federal government could reduce the annual cost of all welfare payments, by a minimum of 10% (i.e. approximately $10 billion) by reducing inflation in Australia via banning non-white immigration into Australia, deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) and offering non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, amounts of money, such as $7,500 for adults and $3,750 for minors, to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin, in order to reduce demand for goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)), thereby causing the prices of goods (e.g. groceries) and services (e.g. residential properties for rent) (as well as assets (e.g. residential properties)) to decrease, thereby enabling the Australian federal government to reduce the size of all welfare payments that eligible Australian citizens receive.

This reduction in the cost of all welfare payments, via banning non-white immigration into Australia, deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin and offering non-white non-citizens of Australia, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian citizens, amounts of money to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin, could be used to fund a reduction in the age of eligibility for Elderly Payments in Australia to 60 years.

> Reverse any undesirable Australian local government amalgamations that have occurred in the last ten years or longer.

> Hold an Australian referendum on abolishing the Australian Senate, on account of its anti-democratic nature in the form of its tendency to vote against constructive legislation that a majority of elected Australian representatives in the House of Representatives in the Australian federal parliament have agreed to.

> Redefine existing Australian electorates of elected Australian Representatives in the Australian Forum of Representatives (currently “Australian House of Representatives”) in the Australian Parliament to match existing Australian local government areas, which number circa 537.

There should be one elected Australian Representative from each Australian electorate in the Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament, numbering circa 537 elected Australian Representatives.

The vote of each elected Australian Representative in the Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament should be weighted according to the number of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over in their Australian electorate at the start of the current financial year as a percentage of the total number of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over in the entirety of Australia at the start of the current financial year.

The Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament should set up a computerised voting system in order to facilitate the effective and efficient use of the weighted votes of the elected Australian Representatives in the Australian Forum of Representatives in the Australian Parliament.

> The operation of the Australian federal parliament, conducted via oral representations made by elected Australian federal representatives on behalf of Australian citizens, has failed in Australia.

The task in the Australian federal parliament of representing circa 17 million Australian citizens of voting age 18 years or over via oral representations made on behalf of Australian citizens in the Australian federal parliament is too great for 151 elected Australian federal representatives of Australian citizens in the Australian federal parliament and is even too great for circa 537 elected representatives in the Australian federal parliament, representing each of the circa 537 Australian local government areas.

The operation of the Australian federal parliament, conducted via written representations made by elected Australian federal representatives on behalf of Australian citizens on a purpose-built, online discussion forum, hosted on a website on the internet, complete with presumably configurable polls for voting on issues via the internet, will ensure the success of the Australian federal parliament.

Fortuitously, such a purpose-built, online discussion forum, hosted on the internet, can be readily configured to enable Australian citizens to read the discussions amongst their elected Australian Representatives take place without obviously allowing them to participate in these discussions, on account of their enormous numbers in the millions in comparison to the maximum of circa 537 elected Australian representatives taking part in these online discussions in good faith.

This method of debating issues online in writing on a purpose-built discussion forum will require more time per given issue being debated.

However, this method of debating issues online in writing on a purpose-built discussion forum will achieve a vastly superior result to the existing method of debating issues in person via oral representations made by elected Australian federal representatives on behalf of Australian citizens.

Objectively, anybody can learn to touch-type without looking at their fingers on the keyboard. All it takes is 15 minutes practice each day for one to three months.

Learning to touch-type is actually enjoyable because it is the process of learning a highly valuable skill. Obviously, the longer one practices touch-typing each day, the quicker one will learn to touch-type. However, it is really only necessary to practice touch-typing for 15 minutes each day in order to learn how to touch-type. After a while, touch-typing without looking at one’s fingers becomes second nature, which is a highly valuable skill that produces enormous benefits on a daily basis.

Typequick supplies excellent touch-typing courses which teach the correct fingering to use in a fun way and can be completed online.

> Australia should become a republic.

An Australian referendum would need to be held about Australia becoming a republic and the “Yes” vote would need to prevail, in order for Australia to become a republic.

As far as I can tell, there are minimal changes that need to take place in Australia for Australia to become a republic.

For example, the Constitution of Australia (ideally named the “Australian Constitution”) would need to be appropriately modified, in order to sever all ties between Australia and the British monarchy.

In my opinion, the role of the Australian Governor-General should remain as the highest office in Australia, in order to exercise oversight over Australia for the benefit of Australian citizens.

In my opinion, candidates for the role of the Australian Governor-General should only be selected from eminent judges with strong track records in the Australian judiciary, on account of the desirability of the Australian Governor-General having a comprehensive understanding of the legal system in Australia and on account of such candidates being predisposed to having the prolific, commanding intellect required to occupy the role of the Australian Governor-General as the highest office in Australia, in order to exercise oversight over Australia for the benefit of Australian citizens.

The Australian Governor-General should be elected by Australian citizens, not chosen by the Australian Prime Minister.
