Queen Elizabeth II was responsible for the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19 in Commonwealth countries.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 29th September, 2022

No action was taken by the governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand from 6th February, 1952 to 8th September, 2022 without the tacit or express approval of Queen Elizabeth II, who exercised authority over these countries by way of their membership to the Commonwealth of Nations, over which Queen Elizabeth II presided as its Head from 6th February, 1952 to 8th September, 2022. Read more...

The criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19 and associated mandates was devised to suppress ‘populism’.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 28th September, 2021

By now, it is abundantly obvious that the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19 and associated mandates, including mask mandates, lockdowns and vaccination mandates, is being promoted by the United Nations and its World Health Organization on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan which controls them, with the objective of suppressing what the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan has termed ‘populism’. Read more...

Governments of white countries around the world are influenced by the United Nations instead of their own white citizens.

By Andrew Mackinnon

For many years, governments of white countries around the world, such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have been formulating policy and legislation on the basis of the directives issued by the United Nations and its World Health Organization, which are controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, instead of formulating policy and legislation on the basis of the majority will of the white citizens they govern.

The United Nations is a proxy for the world government that the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan wants to establish on earth, ruling over all of the countries in the world. Read more...

COVID-19 is a scapegoat for deaths caused by 5G wireless internet.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 23rd November, 2021

The mainstream media went bananas last year when ‘conspiracy theorists’ linked 5G wireless internet to the alleged COVID-19 virus because it wants to conceal this link on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan which controls the mainstream media. Read more...

COVID-19 deaths in India are being deliberately faked.

By Andrew Mackinnon

COVID-19 deaths in India are being deliberately faked by the Indian government at the behest of the United Nations and its World Health Organization, which are controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, in order to convince sceptical citizens in western countries like Australia that COVID-19 is a legitimate threat and not a fabricated threat that doesn’t exist.

Alarmed that Australian citizens in increasing numbers have been drawing the correct conclusion in recent times that COVID-19 is a fabricated threat that doesn’t exist, the Liberal Party government of Australia has responded dramatically to the deliberately faked deaths in India, by prohibiting Australian citizens in India from returning to Australia, in the hope that Australian citizens will be convinced that COVID-19 really is a legitimate threat. Read more...