Non-exhaustive list of issues that need to be addressed in Australia…

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 24th June, 2024

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews have all lost the confidence of the Australian citizens who they govern. It’s only a matter of time before they’re all replaced.

As a result, there is an enormous power vacuum in Australia right now.

The criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19 and associated mandates, including mask mandates, lockdowns and vaccination mandates, is a massive distraction from the numerous problems plaguing Australia as a consequence of the lack of good government in Australian over the past four decades at least.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of issues that need to be addressed in Australia:

> Uphold every Australian citizen’s right to choose whether to be vaccinated or not with any given vaccine.

> Ban the addition of fluoride to all water supplies in Australia, since fluoride is carcinogenic and is a neurotoxin which causes mental lethargy and diminishes cognitive ability.  Distillation and reverse osmosis water filtration are two methods of removing fluoride from water, however it is obviously better not to add fluoride to water supplies in Australia.

> Withdraw Australia from membership of the United Nations.

The United Nations is controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan and is intended by the synagogue of Satan to be the world government that the synagogue of Satan is seeking to establish on earth, ruling over all countries in the world.

The United Nations, its World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that is part of the WMO, are responsible for the fraud of ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’.

The United Nations and its World Health Organization (WHO) are responsible for the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19 and associated mandates, including mask mandates, lock-downs and vaccination mandates.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which the mainstream media in Australia reported on so frequently in earlier years before it became widely disliked, is also an agency of the United Nations.

> Reintroduce capital punishment in Australia, involving death by hanging for capital crimes such as treason (e.g. knowingly perpetrating election fraud, knowingly perpetrating the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19), murder, sexual assault (e.g. pedophilia, rape), aggravated assault, kidnapping, gang stalking and arson.

There is no reason why the perpetration of these capital crimes in Australia should result in an obligation by taxpayers in Australia to fund the imprisonment of the perpetrators, which involves supplying them with water, food, clothing and shelter for several years while they are imprisoned.

Capital punishment involving death by hanging for convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia provides an ominous warning to Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia that if they commit a capital crime in Australia and are convicted in court, they will be executed, irrespective of their ethnicity, whether white, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Jewish (i.e. Edomitish), Arab, Indian, Chinese, other Asian or any other ethnicity.

Convicted perpetrators of capital crimes in Australia should be executed by hanging in public, so that interested Australian citizens can gather and watch.

These hangings in public should be video-recorded and the resulting videos should be published on the internet, so that interested Australian citizens who are not able to gather and watch these hangings in public can watch these hangings on the internet.

Obviously these hangings in public and their video-recordings published on the internet would provide a strong deterrent to Australian citizens in Australia and non-citizens of Australia in Australia against committing capital crimes in Australia, such as treason (e.g. knowingly perpetrating election fraud, knowingly perpetrating the criminal fraud of non-existent COVID-19), murder, sexual assault (e.g. pedophilia, rape), aggravated assault, kidnapping, gang stalking and arson.

> Require all Australian citizens to obtain an Australian Identity Card (AIC) compulsorily, which shows their photograph, full name, address, date of birth and Australian Identity Number (AIN) but which contains no electronically stored data, no biometric data and no other data of any type.

There should be no charge by an Australian federal government entity named “Australian Identity” to Australian citizens for obtaining an Australian Identity Card (AIC), on account of all Australian citizens being required to obtain an Australian Identity Card compulsorily, so that the cost of Australian Identity providing all Australian citizens with an Australian Identity Card should be funded by taxation revenue.

However, if any Australian citizen loses their Australian Identity Card (AIC), they should be required to replace it and charged a fee for replacing their Australian Identity Card on a not-for-profit basis.

> All Australian citizens aged 18 years or over should be required to prove their identity using their Australian Identity Card (AIC) in order to be allowed to vote in Australian federal, state, territorial and local government elections and Australian referendums.

> Abolish the two-party-preferred voting system in Australia.

> Allow Australian citizens to own firearms, including semi-automatic firearms but excluding automatic firearms.

> Allow female Australian citizens to carry mace (i.e. pepper spray) as a means of self-defence.

> Criminalise the production of pornography and the distribution of pornography in Australia in all forms, including paper-based, video, DVD and internet, since freedom of speech only legitimately applies to the spoken or written word, as a means of preventing Australian citizens from viewing pornography, on the basis that viewing pornography is harmful to Australian citizens and therefore harmful to the health of Australia as a nation.

In practice, the only way for the Australian federal government to effectively and efficiently criminalise the distribution of pornography in Australia in all forms, including paper-based, video, DVD and internet, since freedom of speech only legitimately applies to the spoken or written word, as a means of preventing Australian citizens from viewing pornography, on the basis that viewing pornography is harmful to Australian citizens and therefore harmful to the health of Australia as a nation, is for an Australian federal government entity to maintain a list of websites and web pages that Australian citizens are banned from viewing in Australia, on the grounds that these websites and web pages contain pornography, so that all internet service providers (ISPs) in Australia have clear guidance from the Australian federal government about which websites and web pages they need to prevent Australian citizens from accessing, when providing internet access to Australian citizens, in order to comply with the criminalisation of the distribution of pornography in Australia by the Australian federal government.

Since the Australian federal government obviously wants to ban other websites and web pages on the internet, such as websites and web pages associated with gambling and various types of criminality, it is very important that the list of websites and web pages banned by the Australian federal government is segmented by appropriate categories, such as “Drug Use”, “Gambling”, Pornography” and “Violence”.

It is also very important that the list of websites and web pages banned by the Australian federal government is publicly available to Australian citizens, so that they can be confident that the Australian federal government is not banning websites and web pages that Australian citizens have legitimate rights to access.

> Criminalise abortion in Australia with the limited exception of:

~ abortions of conceptions arising from sexual assault, including rape and pedophilia

~ abortions of conceptions arising from incest

~ abortions of conceptions that imminently threaten the lives or health of the pregnant women

> Revoke the legal recognition of any gender other than male and female.

> Revoke the legal recognition of marriage between two Australian citizens of the same gender.

> Deport non-citizens of Australia, numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin.

Non-white non-citizens of Australia, numbering in the order of 2 million, include Jews (i.e. Edomities), Arabs, Indians, Sri Lankans, Nepalese, Chinese, other Asians, Pacific Islanders, Greeks and Italians.

The current ethnic composition and citizenship composition of Australia is estimated to be as follows:

100% – Population of Australia – 27.2 million

45% – White (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 12.2 million

3% – Aboriginal (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 0.8 million

32% – Non-white (predominantly) – Australia citizens – 8.7 million

7% – Non-white (predominantly) – Non-citizens of Australia – 2.0 million

13% – Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) (predominantly) – Australian citizens – 3.5 million

Deporting non-citizens of Australia, numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin will reduce the size of the population of Australia from its current approximately 27 million people to approximately 25 million people, thereby significantly reducing demand for residential properties (i.e. housing) and thereby causing rents for residential properties and prices of residential properties to decrease, while freeing up a large number of residential properties for Australian citizens to occupy, instead of the circa 2 million non-citizens of Australia who are currently living in Australia.

Deporting non-citizens of Australia, numbering in the order of 2 million, back to their countries of origin will also reduce the supply of labour in Australia, causing salaries and wages of Australian citizens to increase and unemployment in Australia to decrease, as well as reduce congestion on the roads in Australia, congestion on public transport in Australia and congestion in general in Australia.

> Offer non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, amounts such as $7,500 AUD for adults and $2,500 AUD for minors to voluntarily relinquish their Australian citizenship and return to their countries of origin.

Non-white Australian citizens, obviously with the exception of indigenous, Aboriginal Australian citizens, numbering in the order of 8.7 million, include Jews (i.e. Edomites), Arabs, Indians, Sri Lankans, Nepalese, Chinese, other Asians, Pacific Islanders, Greeks and Italians.

> Ban immigration of non-white people into Australia.

Non-white people include Jews (i.e. Edomites), Arabs, Indians, Sri Lankans, Nepalese, Chinese, other Asians, Pacific Islanders, Greeks and Italians.

Non-white immigration into Australia causes:

> higher prices of goods (e.g. groceries), services (e.g. residential properties for rent) and assets (e.g. residential properties) in Australia, being inflation, due to increased demand for goods, services and assets resulting from more people living in Australia

> lower salaries and wages in Australia due to increased supply of labour resulting from more people living in Australia

> higher unemployment in Australia due to increased supply of labour resulting from more people living in Australia

> increased congestion on roads and public transport in Australia resulting from more people living in Australia

Therefore, the purpose of non-white immigration into Australia is to diminish the quality of life of white Australian citizens and demographically replace them with non-white immigrants to Australia.

Ban immigration of white people who cannot read and write the native language of Australia, being English, into Australia, since it will not be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia.

Only allow immigration of white people who can read and write the native language of Australia, being English, into Australia, since it will be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia.

Limit immigration into Australia to predominantly white people originating from white countries around the world (not predominantly Jewish (i.e. predominantly Edomitish) people originating from white countries around the world), who can read and write the native language of Australia, being English, since it will therefore be readily possible for them to learn to speak the native language of Australia, being English, in Australia, including the following white countries around the world (whose estimated populations are shown):

Ireland – 5 million
Northern Ireland – 2 million
Scotland – 5 million
England – 56 million
Wales – 3 million
France – 67 million
Belgium – 11 million
Netherlands – 17 million
Germany – 83 million
Switzerland – 10 million
Liechtenstein – less than 1 million
Austria – 9 million
Czech Republic – 11 million
Poland – 38 million
Lithuania – 3 million
Latvia – 2 million
Estonia – 1 million
Finland – 6 million
Sweden – 10 million
Norway – 5 million
Denmark – 6 million
Iceland – less than 1 million
Ukraine – 41 million
Russia – 146 million
United States of America – 331 million
Canada – 38 million
Australia – 27 million
New Zealand – 5 million

In any given financial year, from 1st July to the following 30th June, one year later, immigration into Australia over the course of that financial year should not exceed 0.10% of the number of Australian citizens living in Australia at the start of that financial year.

For example, if the number of Australian citizens living in Australia at the start of any given financial year is 25 million, then immigration into Australia over the course of that financial year should not exceed 0.10% of 25 million, being 25,000 people.

Australia – Population and Demographic Data – 1900 to 2022

> Abolish 5G wireless internet, which emits an excessive amount of electromagnetic energy.

> Abolish 4G wireless internet, which also emits an excessive amount of electromagnetic energy, being 2,400 MHz or 2.4 GHz, which is the same amount of electromagnetic energy that a microwave oven utilises to cook food by heating the water content in the food.

> Modify all smart meters that have been installed in Australia to monitor electricity usage so that they no longer communicate electricity usage data wirelessly, by emitting microwave energy (i.e. electromagnetic energy) at a high level, an innumerable number of times each day, which is very harmful to the occupants of the dwellings and buildings on which the smart meters have been installed, and so that they must therefore be read manually on a periodic basis.

If it is not possible to modify all smart meters that have been installed in Australia in this manner, then replace them with meters that do not communicate electricity usage data wirelessly, by emitting microwave energy (i.e. electromagnetic energy) at a high level, an innumerable number of times each day, so that the replacement meters must therefore be read manually on a periodic basis.

> Ban all fluorescent light globes, including long, tube-like fluorescent light globes and compact fluorescent light globes, which emit an excessive amount of electromagnetic energy.

> Mandate the use of halogen light globes in place of fluorescent light globes, which emit a much lower amount of electromagnetic energy than fluorescent light globes.

> Decommission and ban all radio transmission towers in Australia.

> Decommission and ban all television transmission towers in Australia.

> Reduce the number of mobile phone towers in Australia and reduce the amount of electromagnetic energy that they emit to an amount that is not harmful to human health.

> Ban non-citizens of Australia from owning residential or commercial real estate in Australia, thereby reducing demand for residential and commercial real estate in Australia and thereby causing the prices of residential and commercial real estate in Australia to decrease.

> Abolish negative gearing, being the tax deductibility of investment property losses against unrelated sources of income, such as salaries and wages, thereby reducing demand for residential and commercial real estate in Australia, by making it less affordable for property investors to buy residential and commercial real estate in Australia, and thereby causing the prices of residential and commercial real estate in Australia to decrease.

A tax deduction against salaries or wages is only legitimate if it relates to an expense that was necessarily incurred in order to earn those salaries or wages.  Since it is not necessary for property investors to incur investment property losses in order to earn unrelated sources of income, such as salaries and wages, therefore investment property losses are not legitimate tax deductions against unrelated sources of income, such as salaries and wages.

> Ban lending to finance the purchase of investments such as real estate and shares, which should be financed out of savings.

> Income tax should be collected by the Australian federal government at a flat rate of income tax of 25% on all income earned by Australian citizens aged 18 years or over.

The tax-free threshold, which exempts income below the tax-free threshold from income tax, should be abolished.

(I previously believed that there should be a flat rate of income tax of a maximum of 20% on all income earned. However, this is not a high enough rate of income tax to fund the Australian federal government and the services it provides to Australian citizens.)

The income tax rate in Australia should never exceed a flat rate of 25% on all income earned under any circumstances.

A flat rate of 25% on all income earned, by abolishing the tax-free threshold, makes all Australian citizens who pay income tax contributors to the health of Australia on behalf of all Australian citizens and therefore legitimate stakeholders as Australian citizens in the Australian federal government.

Abolishing the tax-free threshold will restore a sound, logical, comprehensible basis for the operation of the Australian economy for the benefit of Australian citizens, whereby the Australian federal government works in harmony with free enterprise, which comprises the overwhelming majority of economic activity in Australia.

If anybody wonders how Australian citizens could possibly fund their common needs with a flat rate of income tax of 25% on all income, I’ll tell you.  Don’t provide the entities responsible for delivering government projects with super profits, such as the $50 billion that the federal government committed for a fleet of twelve submarines in 2019, which has now infamously increased to an even larger amount.  Start looking at the largest amounts to find waste in government spending and work your way down – all the way down.  Government spending could easily be reduced by 30% with no reduction in the quality of government services provided.

As far as I can tell, the number of Australian citizens who submit a tax return in Australia is about 15 million and the average taxable income declared on these tax returns is about $68,000.

15 million x $68,000 x 0.25 = $255,000 million (i.e. $255 billion)

(Bottom number of individuals.)

(Top-right dollar value.)

Any income tax collected by the Australian federal government at the flat rate of income tax of 25% during any given financial year that has sensibly and admirably not been spent by the Australian federal government during the financial year, as a result of the Australian federal government only delivering strictly necessary services and as a result of its care in managing taxpayer funds, should be repaid by the Australian federal government in good faith at the end of the financial year to each taxpayer who has paid income tax during the financial year, in proportion to the amount of income tax paid by each taxpayer during the financial year.

Whereas what are currently known as “income tax refunds” are repayments by the Australian federal government at the end of the financial year of overpayments of income tax by taxpayers during the financial year, these repayments of unspent income tax by the Australian federal government at the end of the financial year constitute repayments of income tax that has been paid by taxpayers during the financial year but has sensibly and admirably not been spent by the Australian federal government, as a result of the Australian federal government only delivering strictly necessary services and as a result of its care in managing taxpayer funds.

> Abolish the Goods & Services Tax (GST).

The Goods & Services Tax (GST) in Australia constitutes double taxation of income on which income tax has already been paid.  The Australian federal government wasn’t satisfied with the income tax that citizens paid on their earnings.  It wanted more.  So, on 1st July, 2000, it introduced the Goods & Services Tax (GST) to tax the income that the citizenry have left after they’ve already paid income tax, which is an attack on the property rights of the citizenry over this remaining income. The citizenry earn income and are obligated to pay income tax to the government to fund their common needs.  One would hope that they have property rights over their remaining income, but no!  The government wants more and the citizenry are on the hook for 1/11 in GST (i.e. 10/110) of all of the goods and services they purchase with their after-tax income.

> Abolish capital gains tax (CGT).

Capital gains tax in Australia constitutes less than 10% of all tax revenue collected in Australia by the Australian federal, state and territorial governments.

In fact, the percentage of total tax revenue collected that is attributable to capital gains tax is so small that I have not been able to find out what this percentage actually is on any Australian federal government website. The Australian federal government has deliberately concealed this information from Australian citizens and Australian entities.

The Australian federal government does not levy capital gains tax on Australian citizens and Australian entities because it needs tax revenue from capital gains tax. The Australian federal government levies capital gains tax on Australian citizens and Australian entities only because it does not want them to have the full capital gains to which they are legitimately entitled. Capital gains do not constitute income and should not be taxed under any circumstances.

Capital gains tax is in direct opposition to property rights and should be abolished. With capital gains tax in force, if somebody saves up some money and then invests it in shares (or any asset), they quite obviously don’t have full property rights to the asset they purchase, because if they later sell this asset for more than they paid for it, the government wants a cut of the capital gain via capital gains tax. If they have full property rights to the asset they purchase, they could sell it and keep the full amount they receive for it without paying any capital gains tax.

Somebody who trades shares in order to make capital gains and who then withdraws a portion of their accumulated capital, in order to fund their living expenses, does not earn any income and should not be taxed on the capital gains they make. Instead, they are consuming a portion of the capital they have accumulated, in order to fund their living expenses. (However, any dividends they receive from any shares that they own do constitute income and should be subject to income tax, which is currently the case.)

> Abolish all taxes on the profits of businesses.

There should be no taxes on the profits of businesses (i.e. sole traders, partnerships, companies, corporations et cetera), which are distributed to the citizens who own the businesses (i.e. proprietors, partners, shareholders et cetera) as income of those citizens. That income should then be subject to income tax. This means that the profits of businesses, which are distributed to the citizens who own the businesses, are only taxed once as income of the citizens who own the businesses.

> Abolish compulsory superannuation, which is confiscation of income earned by Australian citizens who are subject to compulsory superannuation and an attack on the property rights of Australian citizens over their income earned.

Employers do not make compulsory superannuation contributions on behalf of employees as gifts without receiving anything in return. Employees earn the superannuation that is paid by employers on their behalf via the work they perform as employees of employers. However, employees are generally not able to access and utilise the superannuation that is paid by employers on their behalf until they reach the preservation age, which is between 55 years of age and 60 years of age inclusive.

Therefore, compulsory superannuation is confiscation of income earned by Australian citizens who are subject to compulsory superannuation and an attack on the property rights of Australian citizens over their income earned.

Under the current rate of compulsory superannuation in Australia of 11.0%, this confiscation of income earned by Austrailan citizens who are subject to compulsory superannuation amounts to 9.9% (i.e. 11/111 x 100%) of their income earned.

> Establish a publicly owned federal entity named the “Australian Bank” to operate on a not-for-profit basis and lend to Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities without charging interest.

However, it will be necessary for the Australian Bank to charge rates of less than 1% on its various types of lending, in order to cover the incidence of borrowers defaulting on loans.

The Australian Bank should cover its operating costs by charging account-keeping fees and transaction fees, paid by Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities, who and which use the Australian Bank, which account-keeping fees and transaction fees should be limited to cover the actual costs incurred by the Australian Bank to administer the accounts of Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities and to process the transactions of Australian citizens, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities.

The method that should be used to increase and decrease the size of the money supply in Australia is increasing and decreasing the amount of principal that the Australian Bank is allowed to lend to Australian citizens, Australian businesses (such as sole traders, partnerships and companies) and Australian not-for-profit entities (such as churches and charities) for different types of loans, expressed as a multiples of the incomes of Australian citizens, multiples of the profits of Australian businesses (such as sole traders, partnerships and companies) and multiples of the operating surpluses of Australian not-for-profit entities (such as churches and charities).

These multiples should be different for different types of lending, such as loans to Australian citizens (including mortgages and personal loans), loans to Australian businesses (including loans to sole traders, loans to partnerships and loans to companies) and loans to not-for-profit entities (including loans to churches and loans to charities).

> In due course, revoke the licences of privately owned banks in Australia to trade.

> Abolish the Reserve Bank of Australia.

> Manufacture steel in Australia instead of selling iron ore to China and buying the steel that China manufactures using this iron ore.

> Resurrect the manufacturing of motor vehicles in Australia.

Australia needs to manufacture motor vehicles again.

> Bring all water and sewerage infrastructure under the public ownership of a federal entity named “Australian Water & Sewerage”, which operates on a not-for-profit basis and which charges Australian citizens and Australian entities for their water and sewerage usage at cost.

> Bring all electricity generation infrastructure and electricity distribution infrastructure under the public ownership of a federal entity named “Australian Electricity”, which operates on a not-for-profit basis and which charges Australian citizens and Australian entities for their electricity usage at cost.

> Bring all natural gas infrastructure under the public ownership of a federal entity named “Australian Gas”, which operates on a not-for-profit basis and which charges Australian citizens and Australian entities for their gas usage at cost.

> Bring all telecommunications infrastructure under the public ownership of a federal entity named “Australian Telecommunications”, which operates on a not-for-profit basis and which charges Australian citizens and Australian entities for their telecommunications usage at cost.

> Bring all postal infrastructure under the public ownership of a federal entity named “Australian Post”, which operates on a not-for-profit basis and which charges Australian citizens and Australian entities for their postal usage at cost.

> All public schools in Australia, including all public primary schools in Australia and public secondary schools in Australia, should be brought under the public ownership and public control of Australian federal government entities named “Australian Primary Schools” and “Australian Secondary Schools”, which are under the public ownership and public control of an Australian federal government entity named “Australian Education”.

All public schools in Australia, including all public primary schools in Australia and all public secondary schools in Australia, should be funded by income tax, so that Australian citizens whose children attend public schools in Australia do not pay any fees for the attendance of their children at public schools in Australia, particularly because it is compulsory for children in Australia to attend school in Australia up until the end of Year 10 in secondary school, as far as I am aware, when they have generally reached the age of 16 years.

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private schools in Australia, including private primary schools in Australia and private secondary schools in Australia, because they are not publicly owned or publicly operated.)

> Make primary school students start Year 1 of primary school one year earlier so that they finish Year 12 in secondary school at the age of 17 years instead of the age of 18 years.

> Restrict the amount of homework in primary school and homework and study in secondary school to a maximum of the equivalent of:

0 minutes each school day in Year 1

0 minutes each school day in Year 2

12 minutes each school day in Year 3

24 minutes each school day in Year 4

36 minutes each school day in Year 5

48 minutes each school day in Year 6

60 minutes each school day in Year 7

60 minutes each school day in Year 8

60 minutes each school day in Year 9

60 minutes each school day in Year 10

60 minutes each school day in Year 11

60 minutes each school day in Year 12

> Public TAFE (i.e. “Technical And Further Education”) colleges in Australia should be brought under the public ownership of an Australian federal government entity named “Australian TAFE”, which is under the public ownership and public control of an Australian federal government entity named “Australian Education”.

Public TAFE colleges in Australia should be funded half by user pays and half by income tax, in order to motivate students at public TAFE colleges in Australia to work diligently to achieve good grades, particularly because it is not compulsory for Australian citizens to attend public TAFE colleges in Australia, so that Australian citizens who do not attend public TAFE colleges in Australia should not have to fund the full cost of Australian citizens who do attend public TAFE colleges in Australia attending public TAFE colleges in Australia via the income taxes they pay, although it is appropriate for Australian citizens who do not attend public TAFE colleges in Australia to fund half of the cost of Australian citizens who do attend public TAFE colleges in Australia attending public TAFE colleges in Australia via the income taxes they pay, because they benefit from the knowledge and skills that Australia citizens who do attend public TAFE colleges in Australia acquire as a result of attending public TAFE colleges in Australia, such as by receiving age pensions after they retire from working which are funded via income tax, which is partly paid by Australian citizens who have attended public TAFE colleges in Australia and who are working and paying income tax.

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private colleges in Australia because they are not publicly owned or publicly operated.)

> Public universities in Australia should be brought under the public ownership of an Australian federal government entity named “Australian Universities”, which is under the public ownership and public control of an Australian federal government entity named “Australian Education”.

Public universities in Australia should be funded half by user pays and half by income tax, in order to motivate students at public universities in Australia to work diligently to achieve good grades, particularly because it is not compulsory for Australian citizens to attend public universities in Australia, so that Australian citizens who do not attend public universities in Australia should not have to fund the full cost of Australian citizens who do attend public universities in Australia attending public universities in Australia via the income taxes they pay, although it is appropriate for Australian citizens who do not attend public universities in Australia to fund half of the cost of Australian citizens who do attend public universities in Australia attending public universities in Australia via the income taxes they pay, because they benefit from the knowledge and skills that Australian citizens who do attend public universities in Australia acquire as a result of attending public universities in Australia, such as by receiving age pensions after they retire from working which are funded via income tax, which is partly paid by Australian citizens who have attended public universities in Australia and who are working and paying income tax.

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private universities in Australia because they are not publicly owned or publicly operated.)

> All public hospitals in Australia should be brought under the public ownership and control of a federal entity named “Australian Health”.

All public hospitals in Australia should be funded half by user pays and half by income tax, in order to motivate Australian citizens to take good care of themselves, so as to avoid becoming sick and requiring care in public hospitals in Australia.

(In my opinion, the Australian federal government should not provide any funding to private hospitals in Australia because they are not publicly owned or publicly operated.)

> Following is a non-exhaustive list of government services, together with their sources of funding:

Federal government…

Australian Parliament – Income tax

Australian Treasury – Income tax

Australian Bank (currently privatised) – User pays – Account-keeping fees and transaction fees

Australian Water & Sewerage – User pays – Water bill

Australian Electricity (currently privatised) – User pays – Electricity bill

Australian Gas (currently privatised) – User pays – Gas bill

Australian Telecommunications (currently privatised) – User pays – Telecommunications bill

Australian Post – User pays – Postage cost

Australian Buses – User pays – Ticket cost

Australian Railways – User pays – Ticket cost

Australian Ports (currently privatised) – User pays – ?

Australian Airports (currently privatised) – User pays – ?

Australian Customs – Income tax

Australian Border Force – Income tax

Australian Roads – Income tax

Australian Fire – Income tax

Australian Hospitals – Income tax

Australian Schools – Income tax

Australian TAFE (Technical And Further Education) – Income tax

Australian Universities – Income tax

Australian Welfare (pensions, unemployment benefits) – Income tax

Australian National Parks – User pays – Entry cost

Australian Courts – Income tax

Australian Police – Income tax

Australian Prisons – Income tax

Australian Defence Force – Income tax

Australian Welfare – Income tax

Australian State (i.e. external relations) – Income tax

Australian Trade – Income tax

Australian Immigration – Income tax

Local governments…

Local governments – Local government rates

Local waste and recycling collection – Local government rates

Local roads – Local government rates

Local parks – Local government rates

> Abolish Australian state and territorial governments so that only the Australian federal government and Australian local governments remain.

Australian states and territories should be retained as geographic entities (referred to as “Australian territories”), in order to minimise the disruption resulting from the abolishment of state and territorial governments and to facilitate federal governmental administration.

The buildings associated with Australian state and territorial governments, such as state and territorial parliaments and state and territorial public service buildings, should be turned into state and territorial administrative centres of the Australian federal government, the sole purpose of which should be to implement the policy and legislation enacted by the Australian federal government in the geographic entities of the Australian states and territories.

The existence of state and territorial governments in Australia is an obstacle that prevents the federal government and local governments in Australia from operating effectively and efficiently in the best interests of Australian citizens.

For example, it would be preferable if there was only one property titles system covering the entirety of Australia, administered by the Australian federal government, instead of a separate property titles system for each Australian state and territory, administered by each Australian state and territorial government.

It is also much easier for some 23 million Australian citizens to oppose and change the policies of the Australian federal government that they don’t like, than it is for some 23 million Australian citizens to oppose and change the policies of the Australian federal government and eight Australian state and territorial governments that they don’t like.

> Establish a new territory for the Australian federal government to occupy in southern Queensland, such as the region surrounding Milora, Queensland, west-northwest of the Gold Coast, Queensland and southwest of Brisbane, Queensland, with a new name, such as the “Australian Territory”, on account of the climate in the existing Australian Capital Territory in southern New South Wales being too cold to enable the machinery of the Australian federal government to operate effectively and efficiently.,149.109906,183838m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x6b164cdfa09b104b:0xe75844385c6e7803!8m2!3d-35.4734679!4d149.0123679!16zL20vMHZoMw?entry=ttu,152.7118932,182533m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x6b96d04a40c76e21:0x400eef17f20e4b0!8m2!3d-27.8479975!4d152.6838612!16s%2Fg%2F11f3jyb948?entry=ttu

> Increase the number federal electorates and the number of federal elected representatives in the House of Representatives in the Australian Parliament from the current 151 to circa 537, so that there is one federal elected representative for every local government area in Australia, whose vote in the House of Representatives is weighted according to the size of the population of the local government area that he or she represents.

This significant change would result in a considerable strengthening of democracy in the House of Representatives in the Australian Parliament, so that it would be much more difficult for the House of Representatives to subversively produce anti-democratic outcomes by approving federal policies and laws for Australia which do not represent the majority will of Australian citizens.

The ultimate objective is to enable every Australian citizen aged eighteen years and over to vote voluntarily via the internet or via telephone on every issue that our elected representatives currently decide on our behalf, so that the majority will of Australian citizens is reflected in every issue decided in the House of Representatives.

> Abolish the Senate in the Australian Parliament on account of its anti-democratic nature and history of voting down federal policies and laws which a majority of elected representatives in the House of Representatives have approved.

> Move the Australian federal government from the existing Australian Capital Territory in southern New South Wales to the new territory for the Australian federal government to occupy in southern Queensland.

> Abolish the existing Australian Capital Territory in southern New South Wales, divide it into one or more Australian local government areas and absorb it into the geographic entity of New South Wales.

> Convert all roads in Australia to right-hand drive in keeping with the majority of countries in the world, which, in my opinion, is the correct side of the road on which to drive.