A large proportion of ‘climate change’ protestors are adherents of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists).

By Andrew Mackinnon

A large proportion of the people protesting in support of the fraud of ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ are not motivated by ‘saving the planet’ at all. Their real motive for protesting is to pressure countries like Australia into giving up their sovereignty and submitting to the policies and protocols that the United Nations, the United Nation’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the WMO’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have established in relation to the fraud of ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’.

The true purpose of the fraud of ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ is to influence countries like Australia to submit to the United Nations as an expression of the world government that the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan is seeking to establish on the earth. Read more...

‘Carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ is a fraud.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 1st September, 2024

Carbon dioxide exists in the earth’s atmosphere at less than 400 parts per million (ie. 0.04% or 4% of 1%), which is less than 1 part per 2,500. Therefore it is manifestly obvious that carbon dioxide does not influence the temperature of the atmosphere to any appreciable extent. In short, carbon dioxide emissions are not causing ‘global warming’, nor has it even been proven that ‘global warming’ is occurring. Read more...

Governments of white countries around the world are influenced by the United Nations instead of their own white citizens.

By Andrew Mackinnon

For many years, governments of white countries around the world, such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have been formulating policy and legislation on the basis of the directives issued by the United Nations and its World Health Organization, which are controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, instead of formulating policy and legislation on the basis of the majority will of the white citizens they govern.

The United Nations is a proxy for the world government that the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan wants to establish on earth, ruling over all of the countries in the world. Read more...

The recent bushfires in NSW were deliberately lit in order to build support for ‘climate change’ policy.

By Andrew Mackinnon

The recent bushfires in New South Wales were deliberately lit in order to promote the idea that ‘climate change’ is the threat which caused them and that Australia therefore needs to enact policy to deal with ‘climate change’ so as to prevent further devastation.  In turn, the fraud of ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ is being used to distract the attention of the citizenry away from the failing economy and the very damaging effects of mass immigration on the country.  ‘Climate change’ is being cast as an even more pressing issue than the failing economy so that the government isn’t held accountable by the citizenry for its woeful leadership.

It’s irrelevant who was caught lighting the fires, even if they were youths.  These are third party intermediaries used for plausible deniability, unless they are fabrications who don’t even exist.  The Australian government is behind the deliberate lighting of these fires.  Does anybody seriously believe that the entire state was thrown into chaos because a bunch of tweens and teens, scattered across the state, suddenly had a collective epiphany to burn the place to the ground?  It’s nonsense.  This was a co-ordinated campaign of destruction using arsonists of whatever age, whether real or fabricated, as scapegoats for the real perpetrator – the Australian government. Read more...