It is sad that the Aboriginal ‘Voice’ referendum is exploiting Aboriginal people in Australia.

By Andrew Mackinnon

It is sad that the Aboriginal ‘Voice’ referendum is exploiting Aboriginal people in Australia. A lot of Australian citizens are going to vote “No” in the Aboriginal ‘Voice’ referendum because they rightly suspect that there are people who will use the ‘Voice’ for their own purposes, such as dispossessing white Australian citizens from land that they own in Australia, without genuine regard for the well-being of Aboriginal people in Australia.

Nobody who reads the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which is the basis for the Aboriginal ‘Voice’ to the Australian federal parliament, can deny that Aboriginal people in Australia have legitimate grievances about the manner in which they have been treated by other Australian citizens in the past and that they are absolutely correct that their ancestors occupied Australia before white people arrived in Australia from Britain. Read more...

The Anglican Diocese of Sydney is not “loving”.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 16th August, 2024

The purpose of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, formerly named the “Church of England”, is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to white Australian citizens, which is something it has failed at dismally and willfully. Read more...

Non-white immigration into Australia causes inflation.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 30th January, 2025

This is what happens in Australia when the size of the population of Australia increases as a result of the Australian federal government allowing non-white immigration into Australia: Read more...

Non-white immigration ultimately leads to a decrease in economic activity in Australia, not an increase in economic activity in Australia…

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 17th August, 2024

Non-white immigration into Australia causes the size of the population of Australia to increase, thereby causing demand for goods, services and assets to increase. Read more...

The Anglican church in Australia has been hijacked by deceivers.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 19th August, 2024

The Anglican church in Australia is the institutional church in Australia. Read more...

I put a letter into a red Australia Post box and fell down a rabbit hole.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 19th August, 2024

I put a letter into a red Australia Post box on the street today and was very surprised to see that the times after which the box gets emptied have changed.  It used to be 6 pm on weekdays and Sunday but now it’s 3 pm on weekdays and 12 pm on Sundays.  I guess they don’t want their drivers being out so late on the roads when the roads are very busy around 6 pm with everybody coming back from work during the week and when the sun has gone down so that it’s dark during the months that don’t fall under daylight savings. Read more...

Buying a house is not the only major milestone Australians are delaying