The one and only reason why the United States of America is in a state of distress today…

By Andrew Mackinnon

The one and only reason why the United States of America is in a state of distress today instead of a state of blessing is the sin of fornication, which is sexual intercourse outside of the God-ordained institution of marriage between a man and a woman for life.

The only context in which God intends sexual intercourse to take place is the God-ordained institution of marriage between a man and a woman for life, which is the analog on earth of the union between Jesus Christ and his bride, the church.

The Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan has done everything possible to attack the God-ordained institution of marriage, culminating in its ‘sexual revolution’ starting in the 1960s.

The United States of America went off the rails before the 1960s and I believe that the cause is the sin of fornication.

God hates this sin because it shows no regard for Him as the creator of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman in marriage. Those who commit the sin of fornication disrespect God. The committing of this sin on a population-wide basis in the United States of America is more than enough cause for God to withdraw his blessing from the United States of America.

In white countries around the world today, including the United States of America, the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan has arranged a formidable array of adversaries against the God-ordained institution of marriage between a man and a woman for life, including:

> pornography in all forms, such as paper-based, video, DVD and internet, that encourage the sin of fornication as opposed to the God-ordained institution of marriage between a man and a woman for life

> television programs that encourage the sin of fornication

> movies that encourage of the sin of fornication

> the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, in which the word “fornication” has deliberately been replaced with the generalized term “sexual immorality”, in order to obscure the sin of fornication

> privately owned banks charging interest on the money they create when they lend for mortgages for housing, which results in the borrowers repaying about 80% more in interest than the principal they borrowed, making it more difficult for them to repay their mortgages, thereby placing a strain on their marriages and family lives

> high house prices courtesy of increased demand for housing as a result of non-white immigration that discourage people from getting married

> a sexualized culture, including males playing the inane, pointless game of football in order to impress females and females aspiring to be counterparts to the football players as sexualized cheerleaders

The Anglican church in Australia has been hijacked by deceivers.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 19th August, 2024

The Anglican church in Australia is the institutional church in Australia. Read more...