Eight-point plan to start fixing Australia…

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 19th August, 2024

Eight-point plan to start fixing Australia…

1. Ban trade with all communist countries, including China, in order to disrupt them and dramatically weaken them economically, thereby causing discontent among the citizens of these communist countries, including China, in the hope that the citizens of these communist countries, including China, will overthrow the oppressive, inhumane governments of these communist countries, including China, and replace them with governments that attentively represent the best interests of the citizens of these countries, including China, and limit trade with other countries to trade that is in the best interests of both white Australian citizens and citizens of other countries.

2. Ban non-white immigration into Australia and restrict immigration into Australia to white people who can read and write English, since they can easily learn to speak English in Australia if they can read and write English.

3. Policy on accepting refugees into Australia should include Australia not participating in unjustified wars that create refugees and impose a moral obligation on Australia to accept refugees into Australia, such as World War I, World War II, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the Afghanistan war, the Iraq war and the Syrian war, helping refugees in their country of origin where possible and not accepting refugees into Australia involuntarily unless Australia has a moral obligation to do so, on account of participating in unjustified wars in their countries of origin.

4. Deport non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin.

5. Prohibit non-citizens of Australia from owning residential property in Australia.

6. Prohibit non-citizens of Australia from owning commercial property in Australia.

7. Prohibit non-citizens of Australian from owning land, including farm land, in Australia.

8. Buy back foreign-owned assets in Australia that are owned by foreign entities, such as foreign-owned residential property, foreign-owned commercial property, foreign-owned land, including foreign-owned farm land, foreign-owned ports and foreign-owned electricity infrastructure.