Incontrovertible evidence that Gab is controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan…

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 21st August, 2024

It has occurred to me that I should let you know for your reference that I have a Gab account.

Unfortunately, Gab is controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

I have known this for a long time.

In 2017 or 2018, likely 2017, I considered joining Gab as a user but it seemed to me to be inauthentic, so I declined to join it.  I can also remember being acutely aware at that time that my understanding of who the Jewish people are was inadequate and still developing. Therefore, I did not want to subject myself to what I realised would be the highly combative environment of Gab before I had further developed an adequate understanding of who the Jewish people are.

At some point, I started investigating Gab and arrived at the conclusion that Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab, is a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ and pretending to support the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the synagogue of Satan.

There is no doubt in my mind that this conclusion I arrived at is accurate.

I have been researching ‘conspiracy theories’ for two decades since August, 2003, when I realised beyond any doubt that 9/11 was a setup.

I originally published the website, to which the web page above belongs, to the internet in late 2010 or early 2011. The name of this website was at that time. However, I have subsequently changed the name of this website to and then to

I added the web page above to this website in late 2010 or early 2011, when I originally published the website, in order to put my name to the authorship of this website, since all of the other web pages that I added to this website did not put my name to their authorship at that early time. I rewrote the web page above a few times as the years went by, making changes, which predominantly related to the first paragraph and to the second last paragraph beginning with, “Since that time,”, including the number of years that had passed since I realised that 9/11 was a setup in August, 2003, recorded at the start of the second last paragraph. The rest of the text currently on the web page above is mostly identical to the text on the web page above when I first added the web page above to the website According to the authorship of this web page, recorded near the top of this web page, the last time I updated this web page was 10th January, 2016.

In early 2020, I was trying to figure out how to increase the number of visitors to this website,, which was named at that time.  Therefore, in February, 2020, I joined Gab as a user by opening an account on Gab. I intended to publish posts and comments on Gab that linked, where relevant, to posts I have published on this website, in order to obtain visitors to this website from Gab. However, I found Gab to be unsatisfactory. There was little engagement with other Gab users and little evidence that other Gab users were authentic.  So I stopped using Gab while leaving my account on Gab open.

In around July, 2020, since I did not have any other way to increase the number of visitors to this website, which was named at that time or at that time, after I changed the name of this website from to (and later changed the name of this website to and then to, I started using Gab again and have found it to be a very irritating social media platform to use, almost every time that I have used it.

By now, in August, 2023, just over three years later, I am sick and tired of it.

During the just over three years (i.e. 160 weeks) since July, 2020 while I have been using Gab regularly, I have published circa 4,600 posts and comments on Gab.

Every time another Gab user follows me, I read through a subset of their comments starting with their lastest comments and then I read through a subset of their posts starting with their latest posts, since their comments are more revealing than their posts, in order to determine whether they are operating in good faith or bad faith.

If I determine that they are operating in good faith and that they are genuine supporters of the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the synagogue of Satan, I allow them to follow me without blocking them.

If I determine that they are operating in bad faith and that they are Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to support the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the synagogue of Satan, I block them in order to prevent them from following me.

I have blocked at least 30 Gab users who followed me, in order to prevent them from following me, because I have determined that they are operating in bad faith and that they are Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to support the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

During the just over three years (i.e. 160 weeks) since July, 2020, while I have been using Gab regularly, I have gained 60 followers who I have determined are operating in good faith and are genuine supporters of the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

Given that I have published circa 4,600 posts and comments on Gab, that is slightly fewer than 1 follower operating in good faith for every 75 posts and comments I have published on Gab.

In my opinion, I write better than 90% of white citizens occupying white, English-speaking countries around the world, including the Ireland, Britain, Canada, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand.

Although I am not able to produce near error-free writing on the first draft using a computer, subsequent proofreading and rewriting two to four times does enable me to produce near error-free writing, although I have realised recently as I proofread and rewrite my work, adding many commas where I have obviously omitted them in error and correcting other glaring mistakes, that there is a lot of room for improvement in my writing skills. For example, it has taken me a lot of proofreading and rewriting to produce this post in its current state.

Assuming that, in my opinion, I write better than 90% of white, English-speaking citizens occupying white, English-speaking countries around the world, including the Ireland, Britain, Canada, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand, and given that the circa 4,600 posts and comments I have published on Gab contain information provided in good faith, since I am operating in good faith and since I am a genuine supporter of the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, the fact that I have only been able to gain slightly fewer than 1 follower operating in good faith for every 75 posts and comments I have published on Gab is incontrovertible evidence that Gab is controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

Gab is controlled by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to support the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

Gab users include a significant number of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to support the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

Gab operates in active but secret co-operation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which is the domestic intelligence agency of the United States of America and which is predominated by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists).

The federal government of the United States of America operates as a puppet under the direction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) operates under the direction of the United Nations on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

I do not know whether the state governments of the United States of America operate as puppets under the direction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), however it is likely that a significant proportion of them do.

Gab also operates in active but secret co-operation with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which is the foreign intelligence agency of the United States of America and which is predominated by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists), because a significant proportion of Gab users live in countries other than the United States of America.

The federal government of the United States of America also operates as a puppet under the direction of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operates under the direction of the United Nations on behalf of the synagogue of Satan.

I do not know whether the state governments of the United States of America also operate as puppets under the direction of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), however it is likely that a significant proportion of them do.

I suspect that Gab is configured so that the posts and comments that Gab users publish on Gab, who are flagged (secretly by Gab) as operating in good faith (since they are genuine supporters of the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the synagogue of Satan), can only be seen by Gab users who are flagged (secretly by Gab) as operating in bad faith (since they are Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to support the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the synagogue of Satan), in order to prevent Gab users who are flagged (secretly by Gab) as operating in good faith from seeing the posts and comments that other Gab users who are flagged (secretly by Gab) as operating in good faith publish on Gab.

I also suspect that Gab users who are operating in good faith can only see the posts and comments that Gab users who are operating in bad faith publish on Gab.

I suspect that, in this manner, Gab users who are operating in good faith are prevented from interacting on Gab with other Gab users who are operating in good faith.

I suspect that Gab is configured so that the posts and comments that Gab users publish on Gab, who are flagged (secretly by Gab) as operating in bad faith (since they are Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to support the cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the synagogue of Satan), can be seen by all Gab users, comprising Gab users who are operating in good faith and Gab users who are operating in bad faith.

I also suspect that Gab users who are operating in bad faith can see the posts and comments that all Gab users publish on Gab, comprising Gab users who are operating in good faith and Gab users who are operating in bad faith.

I suspect that, in this manner, Gab users who are operating in bad faith are able to interact on Gab with all Gab users, comprising Gab users who are operating in good faith and Gab users who are operating in bad faith.

I am not aware of any social media platform with a significantly large number of users which does not engage in censorship of its users, openly or secretly.

Without a social media platform which is free from censorship with a significantly large number of users, communication methods include websites with discussion forums built in to them, such as the wpForo discussion forum plug-in for WordPress (which is utilised on the discussion forum associated with White Alliance at, websites with relatively static content, email, phone, paper-based communication and face-to-face communication.

Websites can be promoted via signs or flyers displaying the website names, visible in public or distributed in public where the target audience is likely to see them, in order to increase the number of visitors to the websites.

It would be desirable for a large number of different social media platforms of the same platform type to emerge, which are free from censorship, through which the users of these different social media platforms of the same platform type can communicate effectively and efficiently with each other on account of the interoperability based on commonality of the different social media platforms of the same platform type.