By Andrew Mackinnon
Last updated: 21st November, 2022
The only reason why Germany was defeated in World War II is that the United States of America entered the war in alliance with the United Kingdom and Russia against Germany.
World War II involved white citizens of the United Kingdom, who were descended from the Israelites, white citizens of Russia, who were descended from the Israelites, and white citizens of the United States of America, who were descended from the Israelites, fighting against white citizens of Germany, who were descended from the Israelites.
(Like Russia, Ukraine also contains white citizens who are descended from the Israelites.)
World War II resulted in the death of multiple millions of white citizens of white countries who were descended from the Israelites, which is a primary reason why the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan did everything possible to ensure that fighting between the United Kingdom and Germany took place and to ensure that the United States of America entered the war in alliance with the United Kingdom and Russia against Germany.
The leaders of the United States of America knew that the attack on Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii on 7th December, 1941 was going to occur. They deliberately did nothing to warn the US military personnel and US civilian citizens about the impending attack and used the carnage that resulted from the attack as justification to United States citizens in their many tens of millions for the United States of America to enter World War II. Up until the attack on Pearl Harbor, the overwhelming majority of United States citizens were reluctant for the United States of America to enter World War II.
On May 25, 2001, just over three and a half months before the events of 9/11, a movie directed by Michael Bay named “Pearl Harbor” was released in the United States of America, which was about the attack on Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii on 7th December, 1941 and the United States of America subsequently entering World War II by retaliating against Japan, which was a precursor to the white Americans joining the white English and the white Russians in fighting against the white Germans. This movie was just over three hours in length and was designed to emotively stir up patriotic spirit amongst United States citizens in advance of the planned events of 9/11.
When the planned events of 9/11 took place on 11th September, 2001, they were likened to the attack on Pearl Harbor on 7th December, 1941 by the leaders of the United States of America such as President George Bush and were used as justification for the United States of America to invade Afghanistan, Iraq and later Libya and Syria, in retaliation for the purported 9/11 attacks.
The invasion by the United States of America of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria resulted in the murder of multiple hundreds of thousands of Muslims for no justifiable reason. The immense damage that was inflicted by the United States of America on these four countries was used by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan as justification for the immigration of multiple hundreds of thousands of Muslims, probably millions, to white countries around the world, such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Canada, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand.