By Andrew Mackinnon
Last updated: 17th September, 2024
More information about the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School targetting me for harassment in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan is available on the following three web pages:
I attended Knox Preparatory School in Wahroonga, New South Wales, that is part of Knox Grammar School, in Year 5 and Year 6 in 1983 and 1984 and Knox Grammar School in Wahroonga, New South Wales from Year 8 to Year 12 from 1986 to 1990. (I attended North Sydney Boys High School in North Sydney, New South Wales in 1985 in Year 7.)
I was targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan because:
> I am white.
> I displayed a strong level of cognitive ability when I attended Knox Grammar School from Year 8 to Year 12 from 1986 to 1990, evidenced by the fact that at the end of 1986, when I was in Year 8 at Knox Grammar School, at the end of 1987, when I was in Year 9 at Knox Grammar School, and at the end of 1989, when I was in Year 11 at Knox Grammar School, I received an “Honours” award for my academic performance in each of these school years.
(I obtained a Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) of 99.15 in the Higher School Certificate (HSC) in New South Wales in 1990. I ranked 446th in the state of New South Wales out of 54,338 candidates, which is the top 0.85% of the state. My “1990 NSW HSC Candidate Number” is 703421.)
> In 1988, when I was in Year 10 at Knox Grammar School, my teacher in English class, being Mr Damien Vance, required everybody in the class to write a piece of creative writing, presumably about anything we wanted, and submit it to him.
I submitted a piece of creative writing that made it obvious that I hated attending Knox Grammar School.
> I had a supporting role in the school musical produced by Knox Grammar School in 1989 when I was in Year 11 at Knox Grammar School, which was “Guys & Dolls”, which required me to sing a solo on stage in front of at least five hundred people in the audience in each of the six performances of this school musical.
This was not a supporting role that I had set my mind on obtaining. This was a supporting role that I obtained by way of being selected to audition for this supporting role by Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy, who were respectively the Producer and Musical Director of this school musical, who were both Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) and who I strongly suspect were both Freemasons who belonged to the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School, whose allegiance is to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
Since I strongly suspect that both Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy played instrumental roles in identifying me as a target for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, I do not understand with certainty why they selected me for this supporting role. Maybe they wanted to see what my ability was to communicate information, albeit scripted, rehearsed information, to a large number of people in the audience of this school musical. If this is true, then I was identified as a target for harassment by Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy as a result of providing a more than satisfactory performance in this supporting role.
This targetted harassment of me by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan began in late 1990 after the official Year 12 school year at Knox Grammar School ended in late 1990, before the Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examinations commenced in late 1990.
I suspect that the reason why this targetted harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan did not begin until the official Year 12 school year in 1990 at Knox Grammar School had ended in late 1990, before the Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examinations commenced in late 1990, was to absolve Knox Grammar School of legal liability for this harassment, since it is likely that I was legally no longer considered to be a student of Knox Grammar School, to whom Knox Grammar School owed a fiduciary duty of care, after the official Year 12 school year in 1990 at Knox Grammar School had ended in late 1990, even though the Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examinations had not yet commenced in late 1990.
I believe that I have been monitored by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) since late 1990, after the official Year 12 school year at Knox Grammar School ended in late 1990, before the Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examinations commenced in late 1990, when I was targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, and that this monitoring has included the bugging of the phones that I have used in the dwellings in which I have lived since that time in late 1990, including the phone in the dwelling in which I lived at that time in late 1990, after the Year 12 school year had ended at Knox Grammar School in late 1990, before the Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examinations commenced in late 1990.
Knox Grammar School is run by the Uniting Church in Australia, which is controlled by adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists). The colours red and black, which the Uniting Church in Australia proudly displays in its logo, are the primary colours of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan (which includes contemporary Satanism, such as in the United States of America, that finds its expression in the popular culture of television, movies and the music industry).
Knox Grammar School is not run by followers of Jesus Christ. Knox Grammar School is run by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ.
A large proportion of the teachers at Knox Preparatory School, when I attended it from Year 5 to Year 6 from 1983 to 1984, and at Knox Grammar School, when I attended it from Year 8 to Year 12 from 1986 to 1990, were Jewish (i.e. Edomitish):
> My Year 5 teacher at Knox Preparatory School in 1983, Mr Turner, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> My Year 6 teacher at Knox Preparatory School in 1984, Mrs Leigh Glascott, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> My English teacher in Year 8 in 1986, Mr Groenewegen, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> My first Mathematics teacher in Year 8 in 1986, Mr Cooper, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> My second Mathematics teacher in Year 8 in 1986, Mr Nielsen, after I was elevated to the top Mathematics class in Year 8 in 1986, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> My third Mathematics teacher from Year 8 to Year 12 from 1986 to 1990, Mr Ian Smart, after Mr Nielsen presumably stopped teaching at Knox Grammar School, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> My elective Music teacher from Year 8 to Year 10 from 1986 to 1988, Mr Brian Buggy, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> My French teacher from Year 10 to Year 11 from 1988 to 1989, Dr Sayewhite, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
(I dropped French at the end of Year 11 in 1989 because I couldn’t speak it well enough to justify continuing to study it for the Higher School Certificate (HSC).)
> My English teacher from Year 11 to Year 12 from 1989 to 1990, Mr Martin Gooding, was presumably Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> My German teacher from Year 11 to Year 12 from 1989 to 1990, Mrs Green, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> The General Duties Master, Mr Pearson, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
> The Headmaster, Dr Ian Paterson, was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish).
I believe that Dr Ian Paterson, who was the Headmaster of Knox Grammar School in Wahroonga, New South Wales from 1969 to 1998, who was the Headmaster of Knox Grammar School when I attended Knox Grammar School from Year 8 to Year 12 from 1986 to 1990 and who is a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist), was fully aware in late 1990, after the official Year 12 school year of Knox Grammar School ended in late 1990, before the final Higher School Certificate (HSC) examinations commenced in late 1990, that I had been targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
In fact, I believe that Dr Ian Paterson was fully aware in September, 1989, while rehearsals for the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, were still taking place, that it had already been decided that I was going to be targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
After the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989 had finished, being “Guys & Dolls”, I received a “SCHOOL COLOURS – WHITE THISTLE AWARD” for “MUSICAL 1989”, which was dated 13th October, 1989, which was signed by the Headmaster of Knox Grammar School, Dr Ian Paterson and which records a misspelling of my name as “A. MCKINNON”, which I believe was a deliberate, petty, Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) insult towards me as a white person, after I had been attending Knox Grammar School for more than 4.5 years since the beginning of 1986 when I was in Year 8, after the three awards I received for my academic performance on the speech nights of Knox Grammar School at the end of 1986 when I was in Year 8 and 1987 when I was in Year 9, including equal first in elective Music in 1987 when I was in Year 9, correctly recorded my name in upper case as “A.J. MACKINNON”, and after the printed program for the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, correctly recorded my name among the members of the cast as “Andrew Mackinnon”, which was one of only two occasions, of which I am aware, on which Knox Grammar School has spelt my name in proper case correctly on a significant document containing reference to me via my name, which significant document was not specifically intended for viewing by my parents, such as a periodic report on my academic progress at Knox Grammar School.
I believe that this misspelling of my name as “A. MCKINNON” on this award dated 13th October, 1989, for my participation in the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, which I believe was deliberate, is evidence that it had already been decided that I was going to be targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
I believe that Mr Brian Buggy, who was the Director of Music of Knox Grammar School in Wahroonga, New South Wales when I attended Knox Grammar School from Year 8 to Year 12 from 1986 to 1990 and who is a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist), was fully aware in late 1990 after the official Year 12 school year of Knox Grammar School ended in late 1990, before the final Higher School Certificate (HSC) examinations commenced in late 1990, that I had been targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
In fact, I believe that Mr Brian Buggy was fully aware in September, 1989, while rehearsals for the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, were still taking place, that it had already been decided that I was going to be targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy were responsible for the school musicals that Knox Grammar School produced year after year for many years as their Producer and Musical Director respectively, as printed on the programs for these school musicals. In a witness statement that Mr Brian Buggy wrote and signed for the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School in 2015, Mr Brian Buggy stated at point number eight (8) of the thirty-three (33) numbered points in this witness statement, thirty-three (33) being an important number for Freemasonry, that he has worked with Dr Ian Paterson on twenty-three (23) school musicals that Knox Grammar School produced. Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy therefore had a close working relationship.
This witness statement that Mr Brian wrote and signed for the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School in 2015 is available for download in PDF format from the following web page:
Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy were both Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists).
Mr Brian Buggy provided confirmation that he was a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist) by playing the 1979 anti-white film, “Breaking Away”, using a film reel and film projector on the Saturday night of a weekend away for the Knox-Abbotsleigh Youth Orchestra, of which I was a member, at Camp Knox on the Hawkesbury River, New South Wales, probably in 1988 or possibly in 1987, which I attended, and giving a short speech after this film had finished about the need for privileged people like those of us in the Knox-Abbotsleigh Youth Orchestra who had just watched this film to be mindful about those less privileged, which was essentially a short declaration of covert, anti-white sentiment by Mr Brian Buggy, that was covertly intended to make those of us who were white feel guilty about being white.
I do not believe that Mr Brian Buggy was concerned about those less privileged.
I believe that Mr Brian Buggy was concerned that there were many white male students attending Knox Grammar School and white female students attending Abbotsleigh, some of whom belonged to the Knox-Abbotsleigh Youth Orchestra, such as myself, and that these two secondary schools, which are located very close to each other, are located in Wahroonga, New South Wales on the North Shore of Sydney, which was an epicentre of the white Australian upper class in the 1980s, including 1988 or 1987, when Mr Brian Buggy gave this short declaration of covert, anti-white sentiment.
I believe that Mr Brian Buggy did not want the white Australian upper class, which was characterised by a continuing affiliation with the church of Jesus Christ during the 1980s, including 1988 or 1987, when Mr Brian Buggy gave this short declaration of covert, anti-white sentiment, to continue to exert significant defining influence on Australian society as a whole.
Since Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy were both Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists), I believe that Mr Brian Buggy was fully aware that students of Knox Grammar School such as myself were targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan and that Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy shared the same knowledge, by virtue of communicating with each other during the course of their close working relationship, of which students of Knox Grammar School were targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
During one of the rehearsals for the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, which was held on a Sunday afternoon, there were so many things that were being rehearsed that I was a part of that I didn’t have time to eat lunch. On that Sunday afternoon, there was a sausage sizzle being held on the grass overlooking the main oval at Knox Grammar School. When I finally spotted an opportunity to break away from the rehearsals between about 2 pm and 3 pm or later without missing anything I was supposed to rehearse, I rushed down to this sausage sizzle, purchased a sausage sandwich and immediately started eating it as I walked quickly back to the main hall at Knox Grammar School next to the Pacific Highway, in which our rehearsal was taking place.
By the time I arrived back in the hall, I had eaten at least 40% of this sausage sandwich and continued to chew furiously in order to ensure that I would finish eating this sausage sandwich and be ready to rehearse on stage when I was next needed. I was standing on the flat part of the hall near the stage near the open doors on the southeastern side of this main hall. I had gotten about 85% of the way through eating this sausage sandwich, knowing that I would soon be needed on stage and feeling very satisfied that I was going to be able to finish eating this sausage sandwich by the time I was needed on stage, when, suddenly, Mr Brian Buggy, who was standing in front of the stage, possibly directing the musical orchestra in front of the stage, snapped at me loudly, which was the only time Mr Brian Buggy ever became genuinely angry with me, apart from mildly complaining that I was always five to ten minutes late for the rehearsals for Senior Concert Band on Monday and Friday mornings at 8:00 am.
In front of at least fifty witnesses, who were involved in the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989 and who were watching the rehearsal taking place on stage, Mr Brian Buggy loudly and pointedly said something genuinely angry to me, which didn’t make any rational sense to me and which basically would have amounted to, “Andrew! You need to be on stage now. I need everybody to be ready for their parts, not eating sausage sandwiches.” I dutifully replied like a robot in a clear voice in front of at least fifty witnesses who would have heard it, “I’m sorry, Mr Buggy.”, and immediately continued chewing furiously in order to be ready for the rehearsal on stage which required my participation. By the time I had finished the sausage sandwich and was ready to rehearse, I had probably delayed the rehearsal by between five and fifteen seconds, since I was not responsible for the delay that Mr Brian Buggy’s angry outburst at me had caused. I am pretty sure that I was reprimanded by Mr Brian Buggy because he had deemed me to be “guilty of eating a sausage sandwich on a Sunday afternoon in the presence of a Jew (i.e. Edomite), being Mr Brian Buggy, while white”.
I believe that this angry outburst at me from Mr Brian Buggy in September, 1989 on a Sunday afternoon during a rehearsal for the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, is evidence that it had already been decided that I was going to be targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
Given that I strongly suspect that both Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy were Freemasons who belonged to the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School, whose allegiance is to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, and given that I strongly suspect that both Dr Ian Paterson and Mr Brian Buggy played instrumental roles in identifying me as a target for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), it is very fitting that I have first put this suspicion in writing in this post on 1st November, 2022, just over thirty-three (33) years since the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, took place, since thirty-three (33) is an important number for Freemasonry.
The co-educational school musicals that Knox Grammar School produced every year (and maybe still does) were a complete waste of time on a recurring, annual basis. Instead of producing school musicals every year, single-sex Knox Grammar School should become co-educational (i.e. normal) and set up some ping pong tables.
The co-educational school musicals that Knox Grammar School produced annually were very unhealthy environments for the male and female students who participated in them because the male and female students who attended them mostly did not have enough time to get to know each other. The people who were responsible for directing the activities of these large groups of male and female students who mostly did not know each other during the rehearsals for the school musicals that Knox Grammar School produced annually were Dr Ian Paterson, Dr Brian Buggy and other teachers and assistants.
The appropriate time for male and female school students to get to know each other is from 8:30 am to 8:55 am before school commences and during the recess breaks and lunch breaks at school in a co-educational school environment, so that male and female school students can develop as social human beings.
Under no circumstances should extra-curricular activities which are anti-social by nature, because they do not accommodate conversations between male and female students by nature, such as concert band rehearsal, orchestra rehearsal and choir rehearsal, be allowed to intrude upon the lunch breaks at school in a co-educational school environment. Not only do they place male and female students under physiological and psychological pressure, by forcing male and female students to rush through eating their lunches so that they can participate in these rehearsals, they prevent male and female students from utilising this time during the lunch breaks at school in a co-educational school environment to get to know each other by conversing with each other.
If parents earnestly want their school-age sons and daughters to maximise their effectiveness and opportunities in adult life, then they will encourage their sons and daughters to follow this advice.
The purpose of primary school and secondary school should not be to prepare the male and female students who attend them for the vocations of various kinds as members of the workforce in adult life.
The purpose of primary school and secondary school should be to develop the male and female students who attend them as human beings so that they are poised to become adults by the time they finish secondary school and so that they are thereby prepared for the most important vocation of getting married and raising a family, of which vocations of various kinds as members of the workforce are a subset that is of subsidiary importance.
The reason why Knox Grammar School is still a single-sex secondary school is that single-sex schools are very harmful to the development of the students who attend them, including the white students who attend them, which is why there are so many Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in Australia enthusiastically running single-sex schools in Australia like Knox Grammar School.
Any school student who attends a single-sex secondary school will have missed out on 7,800 hours of interaction with peers of the opposite gender by the time he or she finishes Year 12 in secondary school, based on the school day being 6.5 hours in length from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, the school year being forty weeks in length and the number of school years in secondary school being six school years from Year 7 to Year 12.
The actual intended purpose of single-sex Knox Grammar School when I attended it from 1986 to 1990 from Year 8 to Year 12 was to diminish the physical health (via excessive homework and via bullying), emotional health (via the emotional wasteland of single-sex education and via bullying), psychological health (via an unnecessarily strict disciplinary environment and via bullying) and spiritual health (via a complete absence of any teaching about authentic Christianity based on the authority of the Bible as the Word of God and via bullying) of white students such as myself who attended it.
However, writing that on a brochure and sending it off to the printers wouldn’t result in many enrolments coming in with payments for school fees following, so what Knox Grammar School has done instead is spend a lot of money constructing the most impressive, physical facilities possible at Knox Grammar School, design prestigious-looking school uniforms in order to make the students of Knox Grammar School who wear them and the parents of these students who pay for them feel as though they’re important and take every possible opportunity, such as school assemblies for students, chapel assemblies for students, year meetings for students, evening meetings for parents and speech nights for everybody, to tell anyone and everyone who will listen, such as students, parents of students, grandparents of students, et cetera, how fantastic Knox Grammar School is.
However, the truth is that white parents of white students who attend Knox Grammar School pay tens of thousands of dollars for their white sons’ physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health to be deliberately and systematically diminished during the several years they generally spend at Knox Grammar School and during the decades after they finally leave Knox Grammar School if they are targetted for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
I did my best to be nobody, as I drifted through the seemingly endless haze of my regimented, oppressive years at Knox Grammar School, from Year 8 to Year 12 from 1986 to 1990, but the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School was determined to make me somebody, by targetting me for harassment in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
As soon as my last Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examination at Knox Grammar School in late November, 1990 had finished, which was 3 Unit German, after one of the examination supervisors had instructed us to put our pens down in order to stop writing, as I swivelled in my seat to express a look of astonishment to my peers while the examination papers were being collected, a female examination supervisor aged in her fifties sat on the desk behind me in the main hall at Knox Grammar School and asked me, “And what are you going to study next year?”. This is the first thing that anybody said to me after I had officially finished thirteen years of schooling, including kindergarten.
I suspect that this examination supervisor was instructed by a member of the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School, such as the Headmaster of Knox Grammar School, Dr Ian Paterson, to ask me this highly irritating question, since it would have been obvious to this examination supervisor at that time, after the Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examinations had already been running for about four weeks since late October, 1990, that this Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examination that I was sitting was likely my last Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examination, and since it was abundantly obvious to all of the adults involved in supervising Year 12 secondary school students, such as parents, teachers and examination supervisors, that Year 12 secondary school students eagerly anticipated finishing their last Higher School Certificate (HSC) final examination, so that they did not have to do any more study for the Higher School Certificate (HSC) and could therefore spend their time as they please, with future study at university in the following year being the furthest thing from their minds.
One of the reasons why Mr Brian Buggy did not like me was that I used to habitually turn up five to ten minutes late to Senior Concert Band practice at 8:00 am on Monday and Friday mornings during the school year from 1986 to 1989 inclusive when I belonged to the Senior Concert Band. (The Senior Concert Band also rehearsed during the lunchtimes of Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the school year.)
Since I was coerced by my father in 1983 when I was in Year 5 at Knox Preparatory School into learning the clarinet against my will, since I was likely prodded by my clarinet teacher at Knox Grammar School in 1986 when I was in Year 8 to join the Senior Concert Band and since I considered Senior Concert Band practice at 8:00 am on Monday and Friday mornings to be much less important than whatever I was doing the night before on Sunday evening and Thursday evening, which was often homework for Knox Grammar School, I used to habitually turn up five to ten minutes late to Senior Concert Band practice at 8:00 am on Monday and Friday mornings for years.
However, this is not the only reason why Mr Brian Buggy did not like me.
Mr Brian Buggy also did not like me because I was white whereas Mr Brian Buggy was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish), which took me decades to understand after finishing Year 12 in 1990 at Knox Grammar School.
In 1988, when I was in Year 10 at Knox Grammar School, I had read some of the Bible that had been placed in the letter box of the home in which I lived and was trying to figure out what to do next. So, because I liked Mr Brian Buggy at the time, I asked him whether he was a Christian when the school choir, to which I belonged compulsorily because I studied elective Music from Year 8 to Year 10 from 1986 to 1988, was at the school chapel either rehearsing or performing. Since he could see that I was asking him this question without guile, he answered my question and told me that he “supports Christian values”. In hindsight, it is obvious to me that Mr Brian Buggy was Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) and that he was not a follower of Jesus Christ.
It is therefore quite peculiar that Mr Brian Buggy spent approximately thirty-three (33) years from 1975 to 2008 teaching music full-time at Knox Grammar School as the Director of Music, according to a witness statement that he wrote and signed for the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School in 2015, since Knox Grammar School presented itself to the parents of the students who attended it and to these students themselves, as being a Christian school.
This witness statement that Mr Brian wrote and signed for the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School in 2015 is available for download in PDF format from the following web page:
The answer to this mystery is obviously that Knox Grammar School is not a Christian school at all, since it is run by the Uniting Church in Australia, which is controlled by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ, and since a large proportion of the teachers and former teachers of Knox Grammar School, including Mr Brian Buggy, are Jews (i.e. Edomites) who are not followers of Jesus Christ.
On 21st January, 1991, there was a violent storm in Wahroonga, Warrawee, Turramurra and Pymble in New South Wales on the North Shore of Sydney, to name just four suburbs that this storm affected. Many hundreds of trees fell over, many of them very large in size with very thick trunks.
I lived in Ada Avenue, Wahroonga, New South Wales near enough to Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga. Mr Brian Buggy lived nearby in Munderah Street, Wahroonga, New South Wales.
Myself and at least two friends of mine, who were in my year at Knox Grammar School and who were extensively involved like I was in the musical activities at Knox Grammar School that Mr Brian Buggy coordinated, spent an afternoon cleaning up Mr Brian Buggy’s front yard, which was full of trees that had fallen over as a result of this storm.
I enjoyed myself so much that I asked Mr Brian Buggy if I could return the next day to continue cleaning up. He said something like, “You don’t have to.” When I pressed him, he said something like, “You can if you want to.”
I also felt bad about habitually turning up five to ten minutes late to Senior Concert Band practice at 8:00 am on Monday and Friday mornings during the school year from 1986 to 1989 inclusive when I belonged to the Senior Concert Band. (The Senior Concert Band also rehearsed during the lunch breaks of Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the school year.)
I was trying to say that I was sorry without having to actually apologise.
The truth is that I liked Mr Brian Buggy at the time, however it is obvious to me in hindsight that Mr Brian Buggy did not like me, partly because I was white.
After I had done everything that could seem to be done to help clean up Mr Brian Buggy’s front yard on the second day of my attendance at his property, he and his wife offered me something to eat for lunch.
(Mr Brian Buggy’s wife was a teacher at Abbotsleigh school for girls in Wahroonga, New South Wales, who presumably taught English.)
The three of us sat down at a table and we all ate a somewhat thin soup. I was quite surprised. I was very hungry as a result of working hard cleaning up Mr Brian Buggy’s front yard.
Mr Brian Buggy or his wife asked me what I was going to study at university, now that I had finished Year 12 at Knox Grammar School and now that the results of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) had been released a short time earlier in the middle of January, 1991.
I replied in a subdued and nonplussed manner that was going to study Actuarial Studies at Macquarie University but that I didn’t know what I wanted to do. (My father coerced me into studying Actuarial Studies at Macquarie University after I displayed no interest during Year 12 in 1990 at Knox Grammar School in studying anything at university.) It was obvious that I was downcast about it. I was hoping for whatever guidance either of them could provide to me.
Neither of them said anything.
Our lunch ended soon enough. I was polite and diplomatic and left.
I believe that this essentially cold behaviour of Mr Brian Buggy towards me during this short lunch, after I had literally spent the afternoon of the previous day and the earlier morning of the same day removing trees that had fallen over from the front yard of Mr Brian Buggy’s house, is consistent with my strong suspicion that Mr Brian Buggy is a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) Freemason who belonged to the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School, whose allegiance is to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, and that Mr Brian Buggy played an instrumental role in identifiying me as a target for harassment by the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School in conjunction with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
Mr Brian Buggy wrote and signed a witness statement for the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School in 2015 in support of the idea that Dr Ian Paterson had not groped Lucy Perry (nee Schaffler) like she claimed on stage during a rehearsal for the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, when Lucy Perry (nee Schaffler) was a student in Year 10 at Roseville College in Roseville, New South Wales, who was participating in the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, as a member of the chorus.
This witness statement that Mr Brian wrote and signed for the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School in 2015 is available for download in PDF format from the following web page:
This witness statement that Mr Brian Buggy wrote and signed for the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School in 2015 is six pages in length and contains thirty-three (33) numbered points. Thirty-three (33) is an important number for Freemasonry, to which Mr Brian Buggy presumably belongs as a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist) who presumably belonged to the Knox Lodge of Freemasonry that is associated with Knox Grammar School.
I was in attendance at the rehearsal for the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”, in which Lucy Perry (nee Schaffler) claims to have been groped by Dr Ian Paterson.
Unfortunately, at the time of this incident, I was standing on the flat area somewhere in front of the stage and facing diagonally away from the stage talking to one or more people. The scene that would have been rehearsed when this incident occurred was the dancing scene at Havana, involving both male and female dancers.
Part of the reason why I was facing diagonally away from the stage was that a lot of students who were in my year at Knox Grammar School were rehearsing this dancing scene on stage. As somebody who had attended single-sex Knox Grammar School for almost four years by that time in late 1989, I was completely sick of it. I had a strong aversion to any group of students of Knox Grammar School gathered together whose ethos was questionable, such as a group of students of Knox Grammar School gathered together to play rugby or a group of students of Knox Grammar School gathered together on stage to rehearse a scene for a school musical and who let out a collective exclamation after Dr Ian Paterson presumably groped Lucy Perry (nee Schaffler).
I can clearly remember that as I was facing diagonally away from the stage, there was suddenly an uproar on stage involving a lot of people letting out an exclamation at the same time, which caused me to turn around and look at the stage.
That is as much as I can remember with certainty.
If I could remember more, I would have spoken up in 2015 in support of Lucy Perry’s (nee Schaffler’s) testimony at the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School.
There is no doubt in my mind that Lucy Perry (nee Schaffler) told the truth when she claimed that Dr Ian Paterson groped her on stage during a rehearsal of the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”. Given my clear recollection that I have provided above, I have no reason to doubt her claim.
I believe that Dr Ian Paterson is fully aware that Lucy Perry (nee Schaffler) told the truth when she claimed that he groped her on stage during a rehearsal of the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”.
I believe that Mr Brian Buggy is fully aware that Lucy Perry (nee Schaffler) told the truth when she claimed that Dr Ian Paterson groped her on stage during a rehearsal of the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”.
I believe that Mr Brian Buggy deliberately sought to mislead the Royal Commission into Knox Grammar School in 2015 by providing a witness statement in support of the idea that Dr Ian Paterson did not grope Lucy Perry (nee Schaffler) on stage during a rehearsal of the school musical that Knox Grammar School produced in 1989, being “Guys & Dolls”.