By Andrew Mackinnon
Last updated: 21st August, 2024
Inflation in Australia is apparently caused by…
> the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
> cargo ships getting stuck in the Panama Canal.
> Woolworths!
> companies in Australia merging, like those two companies that you’ve never heard of and I’ve never heard of either.
> Australian citizens and non-citizens of Australia wanting to live in residential properties in Australia containing fewer people (so that the average number of people occupying residential properties in Australia decreases) and thereby needing to buy more residential properties in Australia to occupy, thereby causing demand for housing in Australia to increase and thereby causing house prices in Australia to increase.
Credit is to due to Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) Philip Lowe, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, for this imaginative analysis of the Australian housing market, which I call “Lowe’s Law of Luxurious Living”.
There are those who claim that inflation in Australia, comprising higher prices of goods (e.g. groceries), services (e.g. residential properties for rent) and assets (e.g. residential properties) in Australia, is caused by non-white immigration into Australia, due to increased demand for goods, services and assets in Australia resulting from more people living in Australia.
However, Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) Ross Gittins, the venerated, undead economist who writes for Nine Entertainment Co., doesn’t think that non-white immigration into Australia is causing inflation in Australia, so how can it be???
Please, for the sake of peace and harmony in Australia, find an Indian man who has fled India for a better life on the fifteenth floor of Sydney and give him a hug.
It is what Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) Michael Burgess, the Director-General of Security of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), being the domestic intelligence agency of Australia, would want you to do. He is completely bald, so I can only imagine the terrible mental strain of trying to protect multiculturalism in Australia under the direction of the United Nations and what that has done to his follicular development. I bet that if every white Australian citizen hugged an Indian immigrant to Australia, Michael Burgess could grow an Afro, such would be the thoughts of serenity swirling around inside his head.
If you see a Chinese man, thank him for the contribution of Chinese people to the housing market in Australia.
According to Lowe’s Law of Luxurious Living, if it wasn’t for Chinese slumlords taking out interest-only loans for residential investment properties in Australia, renting them out to various Asians and packing them in, inflation in Australia would be through the roof.
At this difficult time in Australia’s economic development, it is such a relief to know that there is a safe pair of man hands, belonging to Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) Michele Bullock, the current Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, that are capable of funnelling the several scores of billions of dollars a year (more than $170 billion in the 2022 to 2023 financial year) to the banks in Australia in interest on the money they create out of nothing when they lend, as a result of the multiple increases in interest rates by the Reserve Bank of Australia, so that
account holders with the banks in Australia who earn interest from the banks in Australia out of this interest,
employees of the banks in Australia who are paid salaries and wages out of this interest and
shareholders of the banks in Australia who are paid dividends out of this interest
can spend this interest on goods, services and assets in Australia,
instead of the Australian citizens, non-citizens of Australia, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities who and which owe money to the banks in Australia by virtue of the principal they have borrowed from the banks in Australia and therefore pay this interest to the banks in Australia.
There are those who claim that the purpose of the Reserve Bank of Australia increasing interest rates is not to deprive borrowers in Australia of spending power by forcing them to pay more interest on their debts to the banks in Australia but to discourage Australian citizens, non-citizens of Australia, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities from borrowing, so that the amount of money created via lending by the banks in Australia will decrease, thereby causing the size of the money supply in Australia to decrease, as money continues to be destroyed in the course of borrowers continuing to make their repayments of principal to the banks in Australia on their loans, in order to reduce inflation in Australia.
They claim that the banks in Australia should simply lend Australian citizens, non-citizens of Australia, Australian businesses and Australian not-for-profit entities less money, as lower multiples of their incomes, profits and operating surpluses, instead of charging more interest on their lending or even charging interest on their lending at all, so that the amount of money created via lending by the banks in Australia will decrease, thereby causing the size of the money supply in Australia to decrease, as money continues to be destroyed in the course of borrowers continuing to make their repayments of principal to the banks in Australia on their loans, in order to reduce inflation in Australia.
What kind of fringe thinking is this? Have you ever heard any Australian Treasurers, such as Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) John, Paul, Peter, Wayne, Scott, Joshua or James, talk about this? No, of course not. So how can it possibly be credible??? With the exception of Paul, all of these fellows went to university and none of them came within a bull’s roar of this peculiar idea. Granted that John studied law, Peter and Wayne studied arts, James studied arts, communication and political science and Scott studied science but Joshua studied economics. So if there was anything to it, I’m sure that he would have taken time out while he was the Australian Treasurer from increasing the Australian federal government debt by more than $300 billion from 2018 to 2022 to let us know. Everybody knows that Joshua is a heavy hitter in the world of economics.
There are those who claim that if there were fewer people living in Australia, as a result of banning non-white immigration into Australia and deporting non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin, there would be fewer people in Australia to share Australia’s resources (i.e. land, food, construction materials, houses, apartments, coal, minerals, natural gas, motor vehicles, bicycles, et cetera) and therefore more resources per person in Australia, not to mention more space per person in Australia in which to enjoy them, making everybody in Australia more prosperous.
What simplistic claptrap! Only the unsophisticated rely on Year 5 mathematics and thinking to determine the destiny of a country as great as Australia.
Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) John Maynard Keynes grew up and look what he became – a homosexual and one of the most celebrated economists of the 20th century. Every economic float in Mardi Gras parades from Sydney to Rio de Janeiro sings his praises.
Australia has been operating on the basis of his extraordinary, economic musings for decades and just look how far we’ve come – three decades of uninterrupted economic growth and economic policies that are so compelling that it is completely unnecessary for anybody to have the slightest idea how they work.
Just imagine where Australia will be in another three decades!
For your consideration…
Australia – Population and Demographic Data – 1900 to 2022
Non-white immigration into Australia causes inflation.
There is no need for banks in Australia to charge interest on the money they create when they lend.
How to fix Australia permanently…