Donald Trump is as fake as the Coronavirus.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Donald Trump is pretending to represent the interests of American citizens who are opposed to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan without being opposed to it himself. This is called “controlled opposition”. His secret allegiance is to the synagogue of Satan.

Donald Trump has tested positive for COVID-19, which is an alleged virus that doesn’t actually exist. It is a fraudulent diagnostic test that registers positive in response to any number of diseases or health problems that cause the cells in the human body to produce exosomes as an immune response. When this diagnostic test detects the presence of exosomes in the human body of the test subject, it fraudulently comes to the conclusion that the test subject has the non-existent virus named COVID-19.

In the aftermath of millions of people in the western world coming to this conclusion that COVID-19 is a fraud, Donald Trump has tested positive in order to promote the lie that COVID-19 is a legitimate disease and a threat to us all.

In recent weeks, millions of people in the western world have come to the conclusion that COVID-19 is a fraud, to the extent that governments around the world and the mainstream media around the world are having an increasingly difficult time convincing people that COVID-19 is a legitimate threat instead of something that has been concocted to control the citizenry. As the credibility of those promoting the COVID-19 fraud steadily sinks, lo and behold, along comes Donald Trump to bolster their credibility by testing positive himself.

I fully support the millions of people who Donald Trump pretends to represent who are opposed to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan but I don’t support him beyond hoping that he is elected president in the next election instead of Democrat Joe Biden. Comparing Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Donald Trump is the lesser of two literal evils.