By Andrew Mackinnon
Last updated: 19th August, 2024
The Anglican church in Australia is the institutional church in Australia.
In 1980, the Anglican church in Australia had enormous cultural influence by virtue of this status as the institutional church of Australia. (It still has some cultural influence despite being infiltrated by Jews (i.e. Edomites) pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ who now control it with the objective of destroying it. Even people like me who are acutely aware of all of its grievous flaws and have watched its decline with horror still identify with it by virtue of its original, implicit mandate to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to white, English-speaking people in Scotland, England, Wales, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and make disciples of them.)
By 1980, the Anglican church in Australia had failed to fulfill its mandate to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to white, English-speaking people in Australia and make disciples of them. By 1980, the Anglican church in Australia lay in complete disarray and the last forty years have chronicled a process of ongoing decline in the Anglican church that has been so distasteful that many people like me who formerly attended the Anglican church in Australia have fled and vowed never to return. There are multitudes of people like me in Australia. In the event that the Anglican church in Australia became serious about telling the truth and shed its satanic garb of habitual lying, I would probably eat my words and consider returning.
There is only one reason why the Anglican church in Australia lay in complete disarray by 1980. It had deliberately failed to use its enormous influence as the institutional church in Australia to neutralise the negative effects of the sexual revolution beginning in the 1960s upon Australian society, which was instigated as psychological warfare upon all white countries by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan with the objective of undermining their Christian cultures. Paper-based pornography, sold at newsagencies (also known as “newsstands” in the USA) and petrol stations (also known as “gasoline stations” in the USA), was the weapon of choice of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan to preach its satanic sexual revolution to as many children, youths and adults as possible, who visited newsagencies and petrol stations as a matter of necessity in order to obtain the supplies they needed, such as pens and pencils in the case of newsagencies and petrol for their motor vehicles in the case of petrol stations.
The Anglican church in Australia could have used its enormous influence as the institutional church in Australia to shut this psychological warfare involving paper-based pornography down. It could have protested that paper-based pornography should not be sold anywhere, let alone newsagencies and petrol stations frequented by children, youths and adults of necessity, because it leads children, youths and adults to commit the serious sin of lust as a result of looking at it, which is outlined by Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:27-30.
However, the Anglican church in Australia deliberately did little, if anything, to stop the production and distribution of paper-based pornography in newsagencies and petrol stations in Australia because, even in 1980, the Anglican church in Australia was controlled by deceivers pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ whose allegiance was to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
By the mid-1980s, the spiritual cancer that comes from looking at paper-based pornography had spread to the youth groups of Anglican churches in Australia. Teenagers and young adults attending these youth groups did everything they could to justify their very serious sin of fornication (i.e. voluntary sexual intercourse outside of marriage). The Anglican church in Australia offered little to no meaningful guidance to them. The deliberately inaccurate New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, which the Anglican church in Australia deliberately adopted for use among its congregations in the 1980s or earlier for the express purpose of suppressing the usage of the accurate King James Version of the Bible, refers to the vague sin of “sexual immorality”, whereas the accurate King James Version of the Bible repeatedly and explicitly refers to the sin of fornication, mentioning it numerous times by this same name in the New Testament in the Bible.
(Non-white Israel Folau is only pretending to be be a follower of Jesus Christ when he condemns the sin of fornication. His secret allegiance is to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan. The Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan is determined that no white person in Australia will ever have an effective voice in relation to the sin of fornication and its disastrous effect on the health of the church of Jesus Christ, which is why it appointed its adherent, non-white Israel Folau, to raise this subject in 2019 soon after it became a popular source of discussion in the church of Jesus Christ in Australia.)
The Anglican church in Australia has never taught effectively on the sin of fornication and identified paper-based pornography and internet pornography (emanating from the sexual revolution waged as psychological warfare by the Rothschilds-led synaogue of Satan on white countries since the 1960s) as the obvious cause of the proliferation of the sin of fornication in Australia during the last four decades.
The Anglican church in Australia was certainly not interested in using its enormous influence in the 1980s as the institutional church in Australia to lobby the Australian federal, state and territorial governments to stop the production and distribution of paper-based pornography in Australia, which was the ultimate cause of the mass foray into the sin of fornication that occurred in Australia in the 1980s.
More than three decades later, the Anglican church has never lobbied the Australian federal, state and territorial governments effectively to stop the production and distribution of paper-based pornography or the even more prolific internet pornography in Australia, which have together defined the cultures of white countries over the past four decades.
Having abjectly and deliberately failed to fulfill its mandate to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to white, English-speaking people in Australia and make disciples of them, the Anglican church in Australia quietly abandoned this mandate some time between the year 2005 and the year 2015 and instead turned its attention to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-white people in Australia who have immigrated to Australia from China, India, other Asian countries, African countries and other non-white countries.
The Anglican church in Australia has loudly and proudly proclaimed that immigration of non-white people to Australia is a wonderful thing because now, instead of having to send white missionaries to non-white countries, such as China, India, other Asian countries, African countries and other non-white countries, in order to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-white people and make disciples of them, the Anglican church in Australia can simply preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-white immigrants to Australia and make disciples of them.
However, this reasoning is fundamentally flawed and it is a source of enormous embarrassment to me that I have taken this long to identify the flaw in this reasoning.
According to the commandment of Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 to go into all of the nations on earth and teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ, this strategy of the Anglican church in Australia of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-white immigrants to Australia and making disciples of them would see all of the non-white people in the world, which number about 6,863 million, move to the twenty-eight white countries in the world, comprising about 937 million people, which would see every one of these twenty-eight white countries in the world experience a 730% increase in their populations to 8.3 times what they are now. These twenty-eight white countries are:
Ireland – 5 million
Northern Ireland – 2 million
Scotland – 5 million
England – 56 million
Wales – 3 million
France – 67 million
Belgium – 11 million
Netherlands – 17 million
Germany – 83 million
Switzerland – 10 million
Liechtenstein – less than 1 million
Austria – 9 million
Czech Republic – 11 million
Poland – 38 million
Lithuania – 3 million
Latvia – 2 million
Estonia – 1 million
Finland – 6 million
Sweden – 10 million
Norway – 5 million
Denmark – 6 million
Iceland – less than 1 million
Ukraine – 41 million
Russia – 146 million
United States of America – 331 million
Canada – 38 million
Australia – 26 million
New Zealand – 5 million
Total – 937 million – 12.0% of world population of 7,800 million
However, white people presumably only constitute at most 45% of the populations of white countries, since Jews (i.e. Edomites), who are non-white, presumably constitute at least 15% of the populations of white countries, despite being counted as white in the demographic data associated with white countries, and since other non-white people constitute approximately 40% of the populations of white countries.
Therefore, white people presumably only constitute at most 5.4% of the population of the entire world, being 45% of 12%, which is at most 422 million people.
There should be no non-white immigration into white countries around the world. In order to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-white people and make disciples of them, white countries should send white missionaries to non-white countries and train non-white Christians there so that they can preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to their fellow non-white people and make disciples of them.
All non-white non-citizens of Australia (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) should be deported back to their countries of origin.