Watching television has a very negative impact on the personalities of young children.

By Andrew Mackinnon

The personalities of young children before they start watching television are very different from their personalities after they start watching television.

Many people can reflect back on what their personality was like when they were five years of age, for example, before they started watching television. They can also reflect back on what their personality was like when they were ten years of age, for example, after they started watching television.

They can compare their recollection of their pre-television watching personality with their recollection of their post-television watching personality.

As a result of making this comparison, it becomes obvious that the impact of watching television on the personalities of young children is very negative, simply because the content broadcast on television, which is produced by the mainstream media, is very negative, simply because the mainstream media is controlled by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.

Watching television causes young children to become less trusting of others, more anxious, more apt to compare themselves to others, less adventurous, less bold, more timid and more shy, to name just a few negative effects of watching television on children that I can think of.

Watching television also exposes young children to many things that they are not old enough to understand, which leaves them feeling overwhelmed and helpless.

The personalities of young children before they start watching television are their authentic, God-given personalities but watching television very negatively impacts their authentic personalities and changes them into different personalities.