By Andrew Mackinnon
The claim that six million Jews (i.e. Edomites) were executed by gassing during World War II is a blatant lie. The truth is that there were no gas chambers in the concentration camps used to execute Jews (i.e. Edomites) and not one Jew (i.e. Edomite) was executed by gassing. In some countries such as Germany, those who dispute the idea that six million Jews (i.e. Edomites) were executed by gassing are imprisoned under law. This is the kind of legal support that this massive lie needs in order to be perpetuated.
The German Jews were imprisoned in Germany during World War II because they were considered to be a national security risk. The white Germans believed that the German Jews were seeking to subvert Germany. (For one thing, the German Jews were promoting all kinds of sexual degeneracy in Germany through the entertainment industry, just like Jews are promoting sexual degeneracy in white countries today through television (which they control), Hollywood (which they control) and internet pornography (which they largely control and actively promote). Jewish people predominantly want to corrupt the morality and integrity of white people by promoting sexual degeneracy in order to subvert the culture of white people and destroy them. This is the virulent mindset of most Jewish people of hatred towards white people which drives their actions.) The intention of the white Germans was to detain their Jewish fellow citizens in concentration camps, not to execute them systematically. There was no industrial killing program involving gas chambers. About 300,000 Jews died in the concentration camps as a result of starvation, disease and other causes such as execution by firearm.
The following web page contains much of the evidence that convinced me beyond any doubt that no Jews were executed by gassing:
Nobody who believes that Jews were gassed has any clear idea how many Jews were killed at Auschwitz. Was it 4 million? Was it 2.5 million? Was it 1.1 million? The museum at Auschwitz used to have a plaque saying that 4 million were killed at Auschwitz. Then they changed it to 1.1 million after 1989. That’s a difference of 2.9 million. That’s clear evidence of deception.
The figure of six million Jewish victims was chosen not because it has any basis in fact but because it conforms to a pre-existing Zionist prophecy, which emanated from the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, which is the originator of “Zionism”.
“Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill’s The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found.
Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi “gas chambers,” a “genocide” of the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war.”
General Dwight Eisenhower was a five-star general in the United States Army during World War II and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II. He later went on to become the 34th President of the United States of America between 1953 and 1961.
Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of Britain from 1940 to 1945 and from 1951 to 1955.
General Charles de Gaulle led the Free French Forces during World War II. He later founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958 and served as its first President from 1959 to 1969.
The reason why these three men never mentioned the execution of Jews by gassing in the 7,061 pages that they wrote is that not one Jew was executed by gassing in Nazi Germany during World War II.
I encourage you to copy the following search text into your search engine of choice and research the mountain of evidence available that shows that the Jewish holocaust is a blatant and deliberate lie:
holocaust AND (jewish OR jew OR jews) AND (lie OR lies)
This search text yielded 1.4 million search results in the search engine as at 10th January, 2016.
The idea that 6,000,000 Jews were executed by gassing is a massive lie that has been used to control and subjugate the rest of the world to this very day. In fact, the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan is absolutely committed to dominating the entire planet via world government and using the lie of the Jewish holocaust as a shield with which to neutralise criticism of its actions. This only works because many adherents of the synagogue of Satan who knowingly follow Satan and who are openly wreaking so much havoc in the eyes of citizens all around the world, such as Benjamin Netanyahu, pretend to be descendants of Jacob and the Israelites in order to conceal the reality that they’re Satanists. Jesus Christ Himself describes these imposters with the following words:
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
Jesus Christ
Revelation 3:9
The New Testament in the Bible
King James Version
Multitudes of people around the world are fully aware of what I am relaying on this web page and are absolutely committed to exposing this deception. It’s only a matter of time before the idea that 6,000,000 Jews were executed by gassing is universally known to be a lie. The truth is that it’s really up to you how long that is.
The Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan established communism in white, Christian Russia last century as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and systematically slaughtered tens of millions of white, Christian Russians. In fact, part of the purpose of the lie that 6,000,000 Jews were executed by gassing during the Second World War is to divert attention away from these tens of millions of white Christian Russians who were brutally murdered by Jewish communists, as the following essay by Eustace Mullins makes clear:
The lie of the Jewish holocaust was devised in order to hide this genocide that the Jewish communists perpetrated in Russia. How often does the mainstream media in the western world talk about this genocide in Russia last century of tens of millions of Christian Russians? Never. How often does the mainstream media in the western world talk about the lie of six million Jews being murdered in Nazi Germany? With alarming regularity. That is because the overwhelming majority of the mainstream media in the western world is owned and controlled by Jews, which is using the lie of the Jewish holocaust to generate sympathy for the Jewish people, in order to conceal the fact that they are imposters pretending to be descendants of Jacob and the Israelites, who were trying to take over Germany prior to being incarcerated in concentration camps during the 1930s and 1940s.
Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) routinely pretend to have allegiance to any number of religions, such as Christianity (e.g. Queen Elizabeth was a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ, who led the Church of England and subverted it as a Satanist), Judaism (e.g. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, is a Freemason and a Jewish adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist) pretending to be a descendant of Jacob and the Israelites), Islam, Hinduism et cetera.
Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) exploit the sympathy that the world has showered upon the Jewish people as a result of the lie of the Jewish holocaust, in order to deflect criticism of nefarious actions they wittingly take in pursuit of the satanic objectives of the synagogue of Satan.
The subject of the nature of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) people is a difficult one, because most people such as myself have little knowledge of Jewish culture and would much prefer not to have to spend time researching it. My understanding is that the overwhelming majority of the people in the world today who call themselves Jews follow the teachings of the Talmud, which is an overtly satanic book that preaches virulent hatred towards followers of Jesus Christ. I have recently come to the conclusion that contemporary Judaism, which is based on the Talmud, and contemporary Satanism are not two separate belief systems but one and the same. With this conclusion, a lot of the confusion surrounding the perpetrators of the conspiracy facing us is swept away. Most people who profess to be Jews today are Satanists. Their god is Lucifer.
If Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) face criticism, they’ll claim that this criticism arises out of “anti-Semitism”, by which they mean anti-Jewish sentiment. They’ll use their fake identity as descendants of Jacob and the Israelites to pretend that they’re being persecuted. However, these Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan are not descendants of Jacob and the Israelites at all, but are employing a device commonly used by Satanists, which is deception involving the concealment of their true identity of descendants of Esau and the Edomites and the pretence of being something they’re not (i.e. God’s chosen people), in order to neutralise any opposition to the satanic plan to which they’re committed as Jewish adherents of the synagogue of Satan.
These Jewish adherents of the synagogue of Satan pretending to be descendants of Jacob and the Israelites, on whom the world has showered sympathy based on the lie of the Jewish holocaust, are the very same people who have got the entire world by the throat and are ruthlessly oppressing it. This is how sociopaths and psychopaths operate. They claim the status of victims, when in reality they’re anything but victims. People who are involved at any level of the synagogue of Satan, which is the occult, are the most sociopathic, psychopathic and controlling people you’re ever likely to meet, irrespective of whether they pretend to be Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus or anything else.
The synagogue of Satan has also been working feverishly to establish communism in white countries around the world, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia, United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, via the introduction of socialism in all instances as a foundation from which to begin. In fact, its plan is to impose satanic communism worldwide involving iron-clad control via world government ruling over:
> a Eurasian Union – Not in force
> the European Union – In force
> a Middle Eastern Union – Not in force
> the African Union – In force
> an Asia-Pacific Union – Not in force
> a North American Union – Not in force
> the Union of South American Nations – In force
The primary purpose of the unjustified and genocidal invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, which have resulted in the psychopathic murder of hundreds of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi citizens, as well as the intended wars in Syria and Iran, was to throw these countries into chaos so that they can be more easily absorbed into the planned Middle Eastern Union in the future. This world government is initially intended to be the United Nations as a proxy of – a front for – the synagogue of Satan, so that the satanic nature of this world government is initially concealed from view.
I believe that Adolf Hitler was supported covertly by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, in order to enable him to come to power over Germany. I believe that the manner in which the synagogue of Satan exploited Adolf Hitler’s reign in Germany and the Second World War that the synagogue of Satan actively fomented, enabled the synagogue of Satan to achieve at least two primary objectives. The first of these objectives was to establish the modern day State of Israel. The second of these objectives was to establish the modern day European Union as a vital first stepping stone towards the implementation of world government. While the summary information below about the second of these two primary objectives is not directly relevant to the lie of the Jewish holocaust and should perhaps therefore be moved to another web page on this website, it still holds high explanatory power and is therefore worthy of your attention if you want to broaden your understanding of the conspiracy that we’re facing.
Primary Objective Number One: Establish the modern day State of Israel
The synagogue of Satan intended that Adolf Hitler oppress Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) German citizens over the course of the Second World War, such as by imprisoning them in concentration camps, in order to generate sympathy for Jewish people as a whole after the Second World War had ended in 1945. The reason that the synagogue of Satan wanted to generate this sympathy for the Jewish people was that it needed this outpouring of sympathy to justify the occupation of Palestine by the Jewish people and the establishment of the modern day State of Israel in its place in 1948 after the Second World War had ended. The lie of the Jewish holocaust was propagated after the war had ended in order to ensure that the tide of world public opinion wouldn’t turn against the newly established State of Israel. The synagogue of Satan fabricated the lie of the Jewish holocaust to ensure that world public opinion would tolerate the occupation of Palestine and the dispossession of the Palestinians by the Jewish people to form the State of Israel that still generates so much conflict today.
What has been done to the Palestinians in Palestine by the synagogue of Satan is absolutely heartbreaking. Palestinians are absolutely correct that the Jewish people have no right to occupy what was formerly their country called Palestine. The reason why the Palestinians persevere today, in the face of such insurmountable odds and in the face of such appalling suffering, is that they know beyond any doubt whatsoever that they have been treated brutally and unjustly.
The Balfour Declaration of 2nd November, 1917 regarding the establishment of the state of Israel was a letter written by the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour that was addressed to Baron Walter Rothschild:
Following is the text of this letter:
Foreign Office,
November 2nd, 1917.
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.” I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Arthur James Balfour
Therefore, the Rothschild-led synagogue of Satan had planned in 1917, long before the end of the Second World War in 1945, to establish the State of Israel in Palestine. The above Balfour Declaration, written on 2nd November, 1917, is proof that the purported Jewish holocaust, which is alleged to have occurred some twenty-five (25) years later between 1939 and 1945, had nothing to do with the establishment of the State of Israel, but rather that there was a plan in place by the synagogue of Satan which predated even the start of the Second World War to establish the State of Israel in Palestine.
The Rothschilds were intimately involved in the establishment of the State of Israel and were later responsible for the construction of the Supreme Court of Israel:
The following entry in Wikipedia under the subheading “Supreme Court Building” confirms that the Supreme Court of Israel that opened in 1992 was donated to Israel by Dorothy de Rothschild:
I strongly believe that the reason why the synagogue of Satan wanted to establish the State of Israel in the Middle East in 1948, was to provide a source of tension that would justify ongoing conflict and intervention in the Muslim countries that comprise the Middle East over the ensuing decades so that the synagogue of Satan can impose a Middle Eastern Union upon these Muslim countries. The synagogue of Satan has long wanted to control the Muslim countries in the Middle East which together contain about half of the oil reserves on the entire planet. Anybody who controls these oil reserves like the synagogue of Satan does now has economic control over the entire planet, because the gasoline and diesel fuel that are distilled from crude oil are required for all of the activities that define modern societies, such as personal transportation involving motor vehicles. Even agriculture – the growing of food, requires gasoline or diesel fuel to power the tractors and farm machinery that are used to till the earth and harvest the crops. The trucks that transport the harvested crops to market require the diesel fuel that is distilled from crude oil in order to power them.
The desire of the synagogue of Satan to impose a Middle Eastern Union on the Muslim countries in the Middle East doesn’t arise only from its desire to control the oil reserves in these countries. It arises also from the synagogue of Satan’s desire to bring the citizens of these countries, who are mostly Muslims, into submission. It’s important to understand that the SOS is overtly satanic and that the Satanists who belong to the synagogue of Satan are the most controlling people on planet earth today. Satanists want to control everything and everybody. Members of the synagogue of Satan register off the scale in terms of sociopathy and psychopathy.
The synagogue of Satan intends that a Middle Eastern Union will be ruled over by its planned world government, along with the other unions that it’s currently in the early stages of establishing in the world today, such as the European Union, the African Union, the “Union of South American Nations” (ie. South American Union), its intended Eurasian Union (comprising Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus), its intended Asia-Pacific Union (including Australia) and its intended North American Union (comprising the United States of America, Canada and Mexico).
It’s very important to recognise that because the synagogue of Satan is only in the early stages of establishing these unions, there is still time for billions of people around the world to rise up and prevent the synagogue of Satan from achieving its planned satanic world government. Personally, there are many things on this beautiful planet that God has created that I adore. I want to see the people of this planet free from the stultifying and violent grip of the synagogue of Satan, so that they can live and enjoy their lives as God their Creator intended.
Primary Objective Number Two: Establish the modern day European Union
The synagogue of Satan utilised Adolf Hitler as a perceived enemy of the United Kingdom and its allies in order to influence public opinion in countries around the world to accept the necessity of the Second World War from 1939 to 1945. The synagogue of Satan wanted a Second World War centered upon Europe in order to throw European countries into disarray so that the synagogue of Satan could begin to work towards its planned European Union. The increasing centralisation of power that the European Union quite obviously represents today, which is replicated in the slowly emerging African Union and “Union of South American Nations”, is foundational to the plans of the synagogue of Satan to establish world government. Without this centralisation of power, the synagogue of Satan cannot succeed in establishing world government.
After the end of the Second World War in 1945, the synagogue of Satan mischievously exploited the death and destruction that arose from this war to argue that European countries, including white, European countries, needed to be more closely integrated, in order to prevent such violent conflict from ever occurring again. The modus operandi of creating a problem (eg. the Second World War) and then proposing a solution to the problem which meets the ulterior objectives of the entity proposing the solution, which is the same entity that created the problem in the first place, is commonly used by the synagogue of Satan. This is a diabolical strategy which obviously revolves around outright deception. Of course, Satan, who the synagogue of Satan worships, is the father of lies. This deceitful argument that European countries needed to be more closely integrated, in order to prevent wars between them in the future, has led to the current European Union in existence today. This is similar to the argument that greater interdependence between nations around the world through increasing ‘globalisation’ will lead to “world peace”. This deceitful argument has been promoted ad nauseum at the instigation of the synagogue of Satan, such as by female beauty contestants, to persuade citizens in countries around the world to accept the slow but steady march towards world government that has been occurring over the past thirty years and much longer.
In the wake of the Second World War from 1939 to 1945, the synagogue of Satan promoted the idea of economic integration of European countries and it explicitly and disingenuously promoted this integration as a means of preventing the vast death and destruction, that occurred during the Second World War, from ever happening again in Europe in the future. This idea of economic integration led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952 and the European Economic Community in 1958, both of which were precursors to the current European Union, which is essentially the synagogue of Satan’s first rung on the ladder towards its objective of world government.