The days of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) running white countries around the world are over.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 21st August, 2024

If white citizens of white countries around the world were not capable of bringing about the changes they want for white countries, then Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) would not be trying to impede their cause of exposing, opposing and overcoming the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, by censoring the content that white citizens of white countries produce on the internet, defaming white citizens of white countries overtly in the Jewish-controlled (i.e. Edomitish-controlled) mainstream media of white countries under the direction of the domestic intelligence agencies of white countries on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, which domestic intelligence agencies of white countries operate under the direction of the United Nations on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, targetting white citizens of white countries for harassment under the direction of the domestic intelligence agencies of white countries on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, gang stalking white citizens of white countries under the direction of the domestic intelligence agencies of white countries on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, et cetera, ad nauseam.

White citizens of white countries around the world are the real descendants of Jacob and the Israelites living on the earth today, whereas Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) are imposters pretending to be “God’s chosen people”.

White people are descendants of Jacob and the Israelites.

Jewish people are descendants of Esau and the Edomites.

White citizens of white countries around the world outnumber Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) in white countries.

The days of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) running white countries around the world under the direction of the United Nations on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, such as by allowing and vigorously encouraging non-white immigration into white countries and telling white citizens of white countries how their white countries are going to be run, are over.

White citizens of white countries around the world are going to banish Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) from any involvement in running white countries.

White citizens of white countries around the world are going to run their white countries themselves and decide for themselves how their white countries are going to be run.