The biblical institution of marriage has been deliberately rendered unviable in white countries around the world for at least four decades.

By Andrew Mackinnon

This is one of the most important issues in white countries around the world. I earnestly hope that others will take the straightforward concepts that I will express in this post, think upon them and expand upon them in their own words.

The church of Jesus Christ in white countries around the world, which has predominantly been led by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ for decades, has played an instrumental, complicit role in allowing this issue to lay ruin to the culture of white countries around the world by deliberately avoiding addressing and fixing this issue, which is something that Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ are passionately disinterested in doing, let alone addressing and fixing any other important issue afflicting white countries around the world.

The interest that privately owned banks in white countries around the world, governed by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists), charge on money that these banks create out of nothing when they lend for residential property, such as houses and apartments, is deliberately intended by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the Rothschilds-led synagogue to place newlywed husbands and wives, particularly those in their twenties, under immense financial pressure as they begin to repay their mortgages in married life so that it will not be possible for newlywed husbands and wives to raise newborn children at the same time, since they are realistically limited to being supported by one income alone, being the incomes of the husbands while their wives stay at home to care for their newborn children.

Based on my fifty years of life experience and my knowledge of the Bible, for the following reasons, every instance of sexual intercourse between married husbands and wives should be anticipated to result in the conception of new life, which is a supernatural gift from God that is provided during sexual intercourse:

> God never intended married couples to use condoms during sexual intercourse in order to seek to prevent pregnancy from occurring.

> God never intended married couples to use contraception of any kind during sexual intercourse, including diaphragms and contraceptive pills, in order to seek to prevent pregnancy from occurring.

> God never intended married couples to be able to determine whether the wife is fertile before engaging in sexual intercourse, in order to seek to avoid conceiving one or more children as a result of sexual intercourse by not having sexual intercourse when the wife is determined to be fertile.

> God never intended married couples to practice natural family planning according to the female menstrual cycle, whereby married couples seek to determine whether the wife is fertile before engaging in sexual intercourse, in order to seek to avoid conceiving one or more children as a result of sexual intercourse by not having sexual intercourse when the wife is determined to be fertile.

(In Leviticus 20:18, God sternly warns husbands and wives not to have sexual intercourse during a wife’s menstruation (i.e. period).)

However, given the difficult circumstances under which white people are living in white countries around the world, it is understandable if white married couples in white countries around the world practice natural family planning in this manner.

Therefore, no man or woman should enter the biblical institution of marriage unless they are willing to either conceive children through sexual intercourse or abstain from sexual intercourse so that children are not conceived and primarily rely on the biblical institution of marriage to provide them with lifelong companionship with a member of the opposite gender without sexual intercourse.

However, given the difficult circumstances under which white people are living in white countries around the world, it is understandable if white men and women in white countries around the world enter the biblical institution of marriage despite being unwilling to either conceive children through sexual intercourse or abstain from sexual intercourse so that children are not conceived and primarily rely on the biblical institution of marriage to provide them with lifelong companionship with a member of the opposite gender without sexual intercourse.

Following is a typical female menstrual cycle of 28 days duration, however the female menstrual cycle normally lasts between 21 days and 35 days.

I cannot remember where I obtained the following information from by copying and pasting it into a Microsoft Excel workbook in early 2019 and then recalibrating the numbered days of the menstrual cycle so that the first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day after the menstruation (i.e. the period) has finished.

However, I can remember that when some variation of the following information was taught to me in science class in secondary school in the mid-1980s as a teenager of 14 to 16 years of age by my science teacher who was teaching the science class biology from the textbook, I was not paying attention because I concluded that the female menstrual cycle was too difficult for me to understand, which is still true today for me personally. I suspect that God never intended mankind to understand the female menstrual cycle in as much detail as I have copied below from an unknown source.

NFE = “Not fertile”
FE = “Fertile”
ME = “Menstruation” (i.e. “Period”)

NFE Days 1-2 Gonadrotopin (GnRH), follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH) are released, which causes the egg to grow. As the eggs grow, estrogen levels increase. Cervical mucus is dry.

NFE Day 3 Due to estrogen increase, uterus lining becomes thicker and generates richer supply of blood vessels in preparation to receive the fertilized egg.

FE Day 4

FE Day 5 Mucus becomes wet and produces cloudy, sticky, yellowish or white discharge.

FE Day 6

FE Day 7 Mucus becomes clear and stretchy. This signals the start of the ovulation. You will have the maximum chances of conception during this time.

FE Day 8 Exaggerated rise in estrogen and body temperature.

FE Day 9 Estrogen levels drop significantly, which causes the ovary to release the egg – ovulation. The egg is fertile for 12-18 hours.

FE Day 10 The empty egg follicle produces more estrogen and progesterone to help prepare for possible pregnancy.

NFE (?) Day 11

NFE (?) Day 12 If your body temperature has been high for 3 days, it may mean your fertile window has ended.

NFE Day 13 Mucus becomes cloudy.

NFE Day 14

NFE Day 15

NFE Days 16-17 Peak levels of progesterone.

NFE Day 18

NFE Day 19

NFE Day 20 Corpus Luteum breaks apart. If pregnant, progesterone drops and mucus becomes tack. If pregnant, progesterone level is high.

NFE Day 21

NFE Day 22 Mucus is absent.

NFE Day 23 Decrease in progesterone and estrogen levels. If not pregnant, your menstruation (i.e. period) will start the next day.

ME 24-28 If not pregnant, dead tissue lining the uterus disintegrates marking the start of menstrual cycle. Low progesterone and estrogen levels. Body temperature: 96 degrees Fahrenheit to 98 degrees Fahrenheit (i.e. 35.6 degrees Celsius to 36.7 degrees Celsius)

Because I have extensive training in mathematics, economics, accounting and finance, holding a Bachelor of Economics majoring in Accounting & Finance from Macquarie University in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, I have always been acutely and instinctively aware of the immense difficulty of repaying a mortgage on a house on one income alone, being the income of a husband in a marriage. Therefore, I have never been willing to conceive children through sexual intercourse. However, nor have I been willing to abstain from sexual intercourse within marriage so that children are not conceived and primarily rely on the biblical institution of marriage to provide me with lifelong companionship with a member of the opposite gender without sexual intercourse.

Therefore, I have never been married and I have never had sexual relations of any description whatsoever with anybody. As somebody who has always had a higher than average sexual drive, partly because of my mother diligently raising me to be healthy by continuously providing me with nutritious food to eat and partly because of the pervasively hyper-sexualised culture, courtesy of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, in the white country of Australia in which I grew up into adulthood from 1972 when I was born, this has obviously not been easy. Objectively, I consider my life of five decades to date without sexual intercourse in marriage to be a wasted life, because I know that sexual intercourse in marriage is an exquisite union of the Holy Spirit of God living inside a husband who is an obedient follower of Jesus Christ (Acts 5:32) with the Holy Spirit of God living inside a wife who is an obedient follower of Jesus Christ (Acts 5:32). This life of mine is not something that I would ever wish upon anybody, however it is obvious to me that Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) are delighted that the interest that privately owned banks charge on the money they lend for mortgages on residential property, such as houses and apartments, has forced some intellectual and thoughtful white males such as myself into this kind of truncated existence.

I know that I am not the only white male to have taken this path because the school system in white countries around the world is heavily based on the study of mathematics, which implicitly trains school students in their millions, including white males, in logic, rendering them more likely to avoid getting married because they cannot see any clear path ahead to a successful marriage based on earning a high enough income to have the consequential ability to accommodate one or more children who will likely be conceived as a result of sexual intercourse, since they will realistically be the only ones earning incomes as husbands while their wives stay at home to care for their newborn children.

God intends that newlywed married couples be willing to conceive one or more children as a result of sexual intercourse from their first instance of sexual intercourse, which God intends should take place soon after they are officially married.

Therefore, sensible men who want to honor this intention of God will be acutely and instinctively aware of the need to own suitable accommodation for themselves and their wives before they are officially married and subsequently have sexual intercourse, such as a house financed by a mortgage with a privately owned bank or an apartment financed by a mortgage with a privately owned bank.

Sensible men who want to honor this intention of God will also be acutely and instinctively aware of the need to be able to pay their mortgages on their houses or on their apartments and provide for their needs and their wives’ needs, including food and clothing, on one income alone, being their own incomes as husbands, so that if their wives do become pregnant as a result of sexual intercourse, they can support themselves and their wives on one income alone, being their own incomes as husbands, at such time as their wives are no longer capable of working, being pregnant and being expectant mothers.

God never intended that newborn children soon be placed in childcare during the day at a young age, such as two years of age, while their mothers return to work at jobs. God always intended that mothers abstain from working at jobs after birthing children and that they stay home and care for these children until they begin school, such as when they reach the age of four years, at which time mothers can work part-time at jobs during school hours if they and their husbands wish.

Therefore, husbands need to be able to pay their mortgages on their houses or on their apartments and provide for their needs and their wives’ needs, including food and clothing, on one income alone, being their own incomes as husbands, after their wives are no longer capable of working as a consequence of becoming pregnant and expectant mothers, right up until the time that the children birthed reach the age of four years and start attending school, at which time mothers can work part-time at jobs during school hours if they and their husbands wish.

However, the interest that privately owned banks in white countries around the world, governed by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists), charge on money that these banks create out of nothing when they lend for residential property, such as houses and apartments, is deliberately intended by Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the Rothschilds-led synagogue to place newlywed husbands and wives, particularly those in their twenties, under immense financial pressure as they begin to repay their mortgages in married life, which makes it so difficult as to be effectively impossible for newlywed husbands and wives to raise newborn children at the same time, since they are realistically limited to being supported by one income alone, being the incomes of the husbands while their wives stay at home to care for their newborn children, which one income alone is not sufficient to fund the living expenses, including mortgage repayments, of them and their wives, on account of the interest that privately owned banks in white countries around the world charge on money that these banks create out of nothing when they lend for residential property, such as houses and apartments.

Interest payable on principal borrowed from a bank, in the form of a mortgage on residential property, such as a house or on an apartment, over the course of repaying that principal generally equates to about 80% of principal borrowed paid in interest over the course of repaying that principal for the average borrower. Obviously this is too much, especially because privately owned banks in white countries around the world charge interest on money that these banks create out of nothing when they lend for residential property, such as a house or an apartment, in the form of a mortgage.

Privately owned banks in white countries around the world should not charge any interest on money that these banks create out of nothing when they lend for residential property, such as a house or an apartment, in the form of a mortgage.

Privately owned banks in white countries around the world, which are licensed to operate by the governments of white countries around the world, should be abolished by the governments of white countries around the world and replaced by a publicly owned federal bank in each white country around the world which does not charge any interest on the money that it similarly creates out of nothing when it lends but which funds its operating expenses via account-keeping fees and transaction fees.

There is no need for banks in Australia to charge interest on the money they create when they lend.

Therefore, the biblical institution of marriage has been deliberately rendered unviable in white countries around the world for at least four decades with the result that a significant number of white males of marriageable age in their twenties in white countries around the world have consciously avoided getting married because they predicted that they would not earn enough income from their jobs to repay a mortgage on a house or on an apartment without the assistance of a second income from their wives if their wives were not able to work due to caring for their newborn children which result from sexual intercourse within marriage.