Many leaders of the church of Jesus Christ in white countries like Australia are Satanists.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 17th August, 2024

Many leaders of the church of Jesus Christ in white countries like Australia make zero effort to expose the following machinations of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan:

> Fluoride is added to drinking water in order to cause mental lethargy and cancer, since fluoride is a carcinogenic neurotoxin.

> 9/11 was a staged attack to justify the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq by the United States of America, the murder of multiple hundreds of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi citizens and the destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq, which, in turn, were intended to justify the immigration of non-white Afghan and Iraqi citizens to the white countries that invaded them, such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Australia, as well as other white countries.

> The allowance of non-white immigration into white countries like Australia by the Jewish-controlled (i.e. Edomitish-controlled) governments of those white countries is intended to bring about dramatic, demographic change in those white countries that results in the replacement of white people in those white countries with non-white people.

> White people are the real descendants of Jacob and the Israelites living on the earth today.

> Jewish people are descendants of Esau and the Edomites who are pretending to be God’s chosen people.

> Banks in white countries like Australia create money out of nothing when they lend and charge interest on it, which is forbidden in the Bible as usury and should therefore be banned in white countries.

> The production and distribution of pornography in white countries like Australia in any form, including hard-copy pornography and internet pornography, is an attack on Christians in those countries and on the Christian culture of those countries (by seeking to influence Christians in those countries to commit the serious sins of lust and fornication that are expressly forbidden in the Bible) which should therefore be criminalised.

> ‘Carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ is a fraud courtesy of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which belongs to the World Meteorological Organization, which belongs to the United Nations.

> Non-existent COVID-19 and associated mandates, including mask mandates, lock-downs and vaccination mandates, is a criminal fraud courtesy of the World Health Organization, which belongs to the United Nations.

> The United Nations is attempting to gain authority over all countries in the world via frauds like ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’ and non-existent COVID-19, in order to establish world government on behalf of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, which controls the United Nations.

The only possible explanation of the fact that many leaders of the church of Jesus Christ in white countries like Australia make zero effort to expose the machinations of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan listed above is that many leaders of the church of Jesus Christ in white countries like Australia are Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) and non-Jewish (i.e. non-Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) who are pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ. Their objective is to discourage followers of Jesus Christ from exposing, opposing and overcoming the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, so that its destruction of the church of Jesus Christ in white countries like Australia will continue.