How to increase or decrease inflation in white countries around the world…

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 19th August, 2024

How to increase inflation in white countries around the world:

Allow non-white immigration into white countries around the world, in order to increase the sizes of the populations in white countries around the world, thereby causing increases in demand for goods (e.g. groceries), services (e.g. residential properties for rent) and assets (e.g. residential properties for purchase) in white countries around the world and thereby causing increases in prices of goods, services and assets in white countries around the world.

How to decrease inflation in white countries around the world:

Deport non-white non-citizens of white countries around the world (with the exception of genuine refugees, on compassionate grounds) back to their countries of origin, in order to decrease the sizes of the populations in white countries around the world, thereby causing decreases in demand for goods (e.g. groceries), services (e.g. residential properties for rent) and assets (e.g. residential properties for purchase) in white countries around the world and thereby causing decreases in prices of goods, services and assets in white countries around the world.

Offer non-white citizens of white countries around the world amounts of money from the federal governments of white countries around the world, such as $7,500 per adult and $2,500 per minor, to voluntarily relinquish their citizenship of white countries around the world and return to their countries of origin, in order to further achieve the same result.