By Andrew Mackinnon
Last updated: 17th August, 2024
“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said that when the messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”
Letter from Baruch Levy to Karl Marx, 1879
“… them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie…”
Jesus Christ
Revelation 3:9
The New Testament in the Bible
King James Version
The letter above from Baruch Levy to Karl Marx can be said to be something of a mission statement for the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
“The dissolution of other races” refers to the multiculturalism that the synagogue of Satan has vigorously promoted for many years, even decades, in white countries around the world, such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ukraine, Russia, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, via immigration from non-white countries in order to undermine the homogeneity and cultural identity of white races such as the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Gallic, Nordic and Slavic races.
“The abolition of frontiers” refers to the dramatic increase in this multiculturalism that we are witnessing today in white countries around the world as a result of steadily increasing and unrelenting non-white immigration from non-white countries such as Mexico, China, India and Muslim countries in the Middle East such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria (which have been deliberately destroyed via invasions instigated by the synagogue of Satan without justification in order to facilitate immigration of their citizens to white countries around the world). In the United States of America, for example, the objective of the synagogue of Satan is that its borders with Mexico and Canada will be abolished so that a North American Union modelled upon the European Union comprising Mexico, the USA and Canada will be formed.
“The annihilation of monarchy” refers to the brutal murder of the Russian Czar, Nicholas II, and his family on 17th July, 1918 before the Jews (i.e. Edomites) imposed nightmarish communism on Russia in place of his Christian rule and established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This nightmarish communism, which the Jews also established in China last century, is their plan for the entire world.
“A world republic” is one single, homogenous, geographic entity (i.e. the entire world) which is intended to be controlled and ruled over by the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) people alone. The last sentence of the quote above highlights the Jewish people’s furious obsession with material wealth and ill-gotten gain, evidenced by their design of the banking systems that operate in most countries around the world, gravitating as they do around privately owned banks that profit by charging interest on money that they create out of nothing when they lend to the citizenry. Jews love newly arrived immigrants because it’s easier for these privately owned banks, in which they own shares, to earn interest by lending to these less well-informed immigrants than it is to lend to the existing citizenry who have well and truly begun to wise up to this fraud.
The biggest obstacle to this plan of the Jews (i.e. Edomites) to establish world government is the church of Jesus Christ, which is why so many crypto-Jews (i.e. Jews in secret or Edomites in secret) pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ in an effort to hijack, subvert and weaken the church of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, many of the churches in white countries around the world today are led and controlled by crypto-Jews pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ. Jews are enthralled by the ownership of real estate (i.e. land and buildings), so obtaining control of church real estate and then receiving a weekly income in the form of tithes and offerings from church members oblivious to the real intentions of their ‘leaders’ is like a dream come true for the Jews.
I used to wonder where the adherents of the synagogue of Satan physically meet and network on a regular basis. In earlier years prior to 2016, when my attention was focussed away from the Jews (i.e. Edomites) on the “Illuminati”, I hypothesised that they meet in Masonic Lodges. However I couldn’t think of very many of these at all in the general vicinity of where I live in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Then when I realised that the “Illuminati” is a diversion to steer attention away from the Jews, I hypothesised that they meet in their Jewish synagogues. I’m now convinced that many of them meet and network in Christian churches and use their various satanic signs and symbols to identify each other.
The following people are all crypto-Jews (i.e. Jews in secret or Edomites in secret) and adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) whose allegiance is to Baruch Levy’s vision in the letter above for a world dominated by and ruled by Jews. Obviously this is not an exhaustive list of crypto-Jews.
Queen Elizabeth II, former Queen of the United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth was a crypto-Jew (i.e. crypto-Edomite) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ. She was the Supreme Governor of the Church of England who gave an annual Christmas address yet never gave an address at Easter, the most important time of the year for the Christian church which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Queen Elizabeth II leaves King Edward VII Hospital on 3rd March, 2013, accompanied by her trusted nurse wearing a belt buckle containing, from left to right, the square and compasses symbol of Freemasonry and the pentagram symbol of the synagogue of Satan.
Queen Elizabeth was knowingly involved in the synagogue of Satan. The only way the most powerful woman in the United Kingdom has a nurse standing by her side wearing a belt buckle containing satanic symbols is if she, Queen Elizabeth, approves of the symbols.
Donald Trump, former President of the United States of America
Donald Trump is a crypto-Jew (i.e. crypto-Edomite) whose allegiance is to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan. Trump has made the “666” hand sign of the synagogue of Satan on innumerable occasions by joining his index finger to his thumb on one hand to form the circle of the number six so that the other three fingers form the remaining part of each of three sixes. Trump also frequently makes the pyramid hand sign of the synagogue of Satan, which represents top-down, hierarchical control, by joining the corresponding thumbs and fingers of both hands together. He also frequently wears a red tie. Note carefully that red and black are primary colours of the synagogue of Satan. Male adherents of the synagogue of Satan often wear red ties and female adherents of the synagogue of Satan often wear a black blouse covered with a red jacket or a red blouse covered with a black jacket.
Trump’s role as a presidential candidate was to persuade the citizens of the United States of America that there was a candidate who shared their concerns and grievances. Puppets like Donald Trump are wheeled out at elections in order to improve the confidence of the citizenry in the moribund system of ‘representative’ democracy that governs the United States of America and which guarantees that the best interests of the majority of the citizenry are consistently betrayed.
The only system of government that will ensure that the best interests of the majority of the citizenry are consistently upheld is direct democracy, whereby every citizen can vote voluntarily via the internet or via telephone on every issue in their jurisdiction, whether federal, state or county, with the majority vote determining the policy that is enacted.
John Kerry, former Secretary of State of the United States of America
Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State of the United States of America
Vladimir Putin, current President of Russia
Angela Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany
Angela Merkel is a crypto-Jew (i.e. crypto-Edomite) who was often seen making the pyramid symbol of the synagogue of Satan, which represents top-down, hierarchical control, by joining the corresponding thumbs and fingers of both hands together.
Theresa May, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
David Cameron, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Philip Hammond, former Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom
Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of France
Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, current President of Turkey
Scott Morrison, former Prime Minister of Australia
Scott Morrison is a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He also pretended to be the Prime Minister of Australia and had zero interest in applying himself to the duties required of this role in good faith. Scott Morrison’s allegiance is not to the citizens of Australia but to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.
On 7th April, 2016, the photograph above appeared on the following web page of the Sydney Morning Herald, showing Scott Morrison, the Treasurer of Australia at the time, making the All-Seeing Eye symbol of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan by holding just one side of his glasses.
This All-Seeing Eye symbol signifies Scott Morrison’s allegiance to the synagogue of Satan since the All-Seeing Eye symbol is a primary symbol of the synagogue of Satan, which represents, among other things, how pervasively powerful it considers itself to be.
Scott Morrison studied a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of New South Wales majoring in “Applied Economic Geography” but ironically refuses to acknowledge the role that non-white immigration into Australia plays in increasing demand for housing and increasing house prices by increasing the population density in locations such as Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Locations such as these are of a relatively fixed geographic size with a relatively fixed supply of housing. When the population in locations such as these increases via immigration, the demand for this relatively fixed supply of housing increases, causing an increase in house prices. This is an economic and geographic concept that Scott Morrison should be aware of as a result of his university studies.
It is not that Scott Morrison doesn’t understand this role that non-white immigration plays in increasing house prices. It is rather that he welcomes this role that non-white immigration plays because it has been the intention of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan for decades to make housing, the fourth most basic need after water, food and clothing, prohibitively expensive for white Australian citizens.
This was achieved in the mid-1980s by allowing the deductibility of the operating loss on investment properties against other unrelated forms of income, like wages and salaries, popularly known as “negative gearing”, so that more people would be able to afford to take out loans from the banks to buy investment properties, thereby fueling demand for housing from investors and raising its price.
Without negative gearing, the overwhelming majority of property investors wouldn’t be able to afford to meet the repayments required by the mortgages they took out to purchase their investment properties and therefore wouldn’t be able to purchase these properties. Negative gearing therefore led to dramatically increased demand for housing from investors and a dramatic escalation in house prices. The banks and their shareholders were very happy because lending for housing had dramatically increased via this increased lending to investors, which led directly to an increase in their interest revenue and profit.
(Mortgages, in which borrowers pay up to 80% of the principal amount borrowed in interest to the banks over the long life of the mortgage, are the backbone of banking profits, predicated upon the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) fraud of charging interest on money that banks create out of nothing when they lend for any purpose, including mortgages for real estate.)
It is very reasonable to conclude that it was the banking industry that pushed the idea of negative gearing in the mid-1980s in the first place and persuaded the Australian federal government to allow it with the multiple objectives of increasing the interest revenue of banks via lending to investors, increasing the cost of housing via increased demand from investors, thereby putting the cost of housing out of reach of a large proportion of white Australian citizens, and increasing the cost of housing to ensure that future interest revenues of banks arising from mortgages to owner occupiers and investors alike would increase as a result of the size of mortgages necessarily increasing to meet the increased cost of housing. This kind of ‘strategy’ causes bankers to break into wide grins, which is why so many right-thinking people dislike them so intensely.
Buoyed by its success in putting the cost of housing beyond the reach of Generation X, including the author of this post, the Australian federal government looked for other ways to further increase the demand for housing in Australia and so send house prices even higher. It ramped up non-white immigration from the 1990s onwards to dramatically increase demand for housing. In what was the biggest slap in the face to white Australian citizens in a long time, it also allowed foreign citizens who are not Australian citizens to purchase housing in Australia (i.e. residential real estate in Australia) which also dramatically increased the demand for housing in Australia.
Lastly, the Australian federal government allowed Australian citizens to use their superannuation to purchase investment properties, thereby fuelling demand for housing via demand for investment properties.
So comprehensive has the Australian federal government’s effort over the past three decades been to inflate the price of housing that this account of it is most likely incomplete.
Malcolm Turnbull, former Prime Minister of Australia
Malcolm Turnbull became the Prime Minister of Australia on 15th September, 2015. On that same day, the photograph above appeared on the following web page of the Sydney Morning Herald, showing Malcolm Turnbull making a pyramid symbol with his hands, by joining the corresponding thumbs and fingers of both hands together.
This pyramid symbol signifies Malcolm Turnbull’s allegiance to the synagogue of Satan since the pyramid is a primary symbol of the synagogue of Satan, which represents top-down, hierarchical control.
Malcolm Turnbull has Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) ancestry and has previously pretended to be a Roman Catholic. Malcolm Turnbull’s wife, Lucy Turnbull, is the former Chief Commissioner of the New South Wales government’s Greater Sydney Commission, which is concerned with planning the future development of Sydney, New South Wales so that it can fit as large a population of non-white immigrants as possible.
The purpose of the council amalgamations in New South Wales in more recent years was to facilitate quicker approval of high-rise, residential apartments in locations such as Sydney, New South Wales to absorb the multiple scores of thousands of non-white immigrants that the Australian federal government and the New South Wales government is determined to continue to add to locations such as Sydney each year. This large-scale, non-white immigration is intended to frustrate the lives of existing white Australian citizens in locations such as Sydney by increasing traffic congestion (and the associated air pollution generated by motor vehicles) and increasing the demand for housing to cause a continuing increase in its price (as well as a continuing increase in rents).
By causing the price of housing, the fourth most basic need after water, food and clothing, to become prohibitively expensive, as well as rents, the synagogue of Satan has achieved several of its objectives, such as making it more difficult for white men and white women to marry and establish a permanent home suited to their permanent marriage relationship and such as making it more difficult for citizens living in rented accommodation to administer their necessary possessions as they live the nomadic lifestyle of moving from one rented property to another.
(Incidentally, the solution to this problem is to build an inexpensive “tiny house” on a car trailer, containing all of one’s possessions, and simply tow it from one place to another when the time comes to move. Unfortunately, this is obviously an adaptive response to the dysfunctional housing market that we now find ourselves grappling with.)
Large-scale, non-white immigration also serves to diminish the wealth of the average white Australian citizen by increasing the size of the population in Australia.
The wealth of Australia is embodied in its geographic landmass, the livestock that live upon it (such as cows for milk, chickens for eggs and sheep for wool), the trees that grow upon it (to provide timber for the construction of houses) and everything that comes out of the ground (such as vegetables and fruits for food, minerals for the production of steel, coal to generate electricity and gas for heating).
Therefore, the wealth of the average white Australian citizen is equivalent to their share of the land in Australia by virtue of their citizenship of Australia. This is a reliable proxy for the quality of life of the average white Australian citizen.
Large-scale, non-white immigration causes the size of the population in Australia to increase while the geographic landmass of Australia remains fixed in size. Therefore, large-scale, non-white immigration causes the average white Australian citizen’s share of the land in Australia to decrease, thereby diminishing the wealth and quality of life of the average white Australian citizen.
This negative effect of large-scale, non-white immigration on the wealth and quality of life of the average white Australian citizen fulfills the objective of the synagogue of Satan to disempower existing white Australian citizens so that they can be more easily dominated by Jews (i.e. Edomites) and ruled over by Jews.
Importantly, large-scale, non-white immigration is also intended to provide a continuing stream of customers to borrow from the four major commercial banks in Australia, so that their Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) fraud of creating money out of nothing and lending it at interest can continue. The mainstream media is lying when it says that these banks obtain a large portion of their funding from overseas and then lend it on to their customers in Australia. Banks create money when they lend at interest. The Bank of England has admitted this in plain language.
About 3% of the money in circulation in the Australian economy is physical notes and coins. The rest is money that was created when banks lent to customers (e.g. mortgages, business loans, personal loans, car loans and credit cards).
When one of the four major banks in Australia approves a loan to a customer, such as $15,000 to purchase a motor vehicle, it creates this $15,000 and increases the money supply in Australia by $15,000. On the assets side of its balance sheet, it debits an account called “Loans” for $15,000 to reflect this loan of $15,000 which is owing from this customer to the bank. On the liability side of its balance sheet, it credits an account called “Deposits” for $15,000 to reflect its obligation to provide this customer with $15,000, which is made available to this customer in their bank account.
When a bank customer makes a repayment of their loan, the “Loans” account on the assets side of the bank’s balance sheet is reduced by the amount of principal repaid, the “Deposits” account on the liability side of the bank’s balance sheet is reduced by the amount of the repayment (i.e. principal plus interest) and the “Revenue” account in the equity section of the bank’s balance sheet is increased by the amount of interest paid, which is the source of the bank’s profits.
Whenever principal is repaid, the money represented by that principal no longer exists and the size of the money supply in Australia decreases by the amount of that principal repaid. The interest paid still exists as part of the money supply but it has been paid to the bank as revenue, which will then use it to pay its staff and other expenses, with the remainder constituting its profit.
Without a continuing supply of customers to lend to, the Australian economy will grind to a halt as borrowers pay down their loans, being the principal they have borrowed and not yet repaid, with interest, causing the money supply in Australia to decrease to a point which hinders economic activity. The banks only create an amount of money matching the principal of the loan when they lend. They don’t create the interest that they charge on the loan. There is therefore never enough money in circulation to pay down all loans with interest, hence the need for new customers to lend to so that more money can be created.
As another individual has very intelligently observed, this fraud of banks creating money out of nothing, when they lend it for purposes such as mortgages, and charging interest on it is, in essence, “a cleverly disguised system of slavery”. The borrowers repaying the mortgages work with bended back generating goods and services in order to earn the money required to pay the interest on the mortgages. The beneficiaries of the interest revenue, such as the employees of the banks, whose salaries are paid out of the interest revenue, and the shareholders of the banks, whose dividends are paid out of the profits derived from the interest revenue, can spend their salaries and their dividends on the goods and services that the borrowers arduously generate in the course of meeting their interest obligations on the mortgages.
The borrowers are, in effect, the slaves of the banks, their employees and their shareholders, because they perform work to meet their interest obligations on the mortgages without receiving anything of significance in return. The principal loaned to them via their mortgages was created out of nothing by the banks, which required negligible effort by the banks in contrast to the arduous effort required by the borrowers to earn the money required to pay the interest on their mortgages.
Over the life of the average mortgage, the borrower pays around 80% of the principal borrowed in additional interest to the bank which lent the principal as a mortgage. Mortgages, relating as they do to the fourth most basic need of shelter after water, food and clothing, are the backbone of the Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) fraud of creating money out of nothing and charging interest on it.
As some have profoundly observed, money, being both physical money (i.e. notes and coins) and electronic money (i.e. debt), is, in and of itself, of negligible value. For example, physical money (i.e. notes and coins) is, in and of itself, only worth the paper, ink and metals required to produce it. Electronic money (i.e. debt) is, in our modern world, little more than electronic impulses stored on computers. It’s the ability to exchange both physical money and electronic money for real goods and real services that gives them their profound value. Herein lies a clue as to the agenda of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan which designed the banking system we are currently forced to live with. As is obvious by now, the agenda is to convert both physical money and electronic money (which both have negligible value) into goods and services of value, such as land, houses, motor vehicles and tools, to name a few goods, and overseas travel and automotive maintenance and repair, to name just two of any number of services. This is the agenda in which bank employees and bank shareholders are furiously engaged as the recipients of interest on debt paid to the banks by borrowers.
Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister of Australia
Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia
Kevin Rudd is a crypto-Jew (i.e. crypto-Edomite) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Kevin Rudd’s mother’s maiden name is “DeVere”, which is a Jewish last name. Kevin Rudd is married to a crypto-Jew, Therese Rein, and shares the last name “Rudd” with actor Paul Rudd who is openly Jewish. Since Kevin Rudd is quite obviously a Freemason or a crypto-Jew, who supports the political and economic integration of Australia with Asia, large-scale, non-white immigration and the fraud of ‘carbon dioxide-driven climate change’, I believe that Kevin Rudd is a crypto-Jew.
On 26th June, 2013, the photograph above appeared near the bottom of the following web page of the Sydney Morning Herald, showing Kevin Rudd, the Leader of the Labor Party at the time (having just displaced Prime Minister Julia Gillard in a leadership spill), making the All-Seeing Eye symbol of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan by holding just one side of his glasses.
This All-Seeing Eye symbol signifies Kevin Rudd’s allegiance to the synagogue of Satan since the All-Seeing Eye symbol is a primary symbol of the synagogue of Satan, which represents, among other things, how pervasively powerful it considers itself to be.
On 14th November, 2013, the photograph above appeared on the following web page of the Australian ABC website, showing Kevin Rudd making a pyramid symbol with his hands, by joining the corresponding thumbs and fingers of both hands together.
This pyramid symbol signifies Kevin Rudd’s allegiance to the synagogue of Satan since the pyramid is a primary symbol of the synagogue of Satan, which represents top-down, hierarchical control.
On 6th April, 2016, the photograph above appeared on the following web page of the Australian ABC website, showing Kevin Rudd making the “666” hand sign of the synagogue of Satan with his right hand by joining his index finger to his thumb on his right hand to form the circle of the number six so that the other three fingers on his right hand form the remaining part of each of three sixes.
This “666” hand sign signifies Kevin Rudd’s allegiance to the synagogue of Satan since the “666” hand sign is a primary symbol of the synagogue of Satan, which represents its allegiance to Satan.
John Howard, former Prime Minister of Australia
Paul Keating, former Prime Minister of Australia
Bob Hawke, former Prime Minister of Australia
Malcolm Fraser, former Prime Minister of Australia
Peter Costello, former Treasurer of Australia in the Australian federal government and Chairman of Nine Entertainment Co., which owns the Brisbane Times, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age and WAtoday
Barnaby Joyce, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
Philip Ruddock, former Attorney-General of Australia, current Mayor of Hornsby Shire, New South Wales
Bronwyn Bishop, former Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives
Amanda Vanstone, former Minister in the Australian federal government
Marise Payne, former Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Australian federal government
Stuart Robert, former Minister for Government Services in the Australian federal government
Peter Dutton, former Minister in the Australian federal government, Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia
John Hewson, former Leader of the Opposition, former Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia
Bruce Baird, former member of the Australian federal parliament for Cook and former member of the New South Wales Parliament for the former electorate of Northcott, father of crypto-Jews (i.e. crypto-Edomites) Mike Baird, former Premier of New South Wales, and Julia Baird, journalist for Nine Entertainment Co.
Ross Cameron, former member of the Australian federal parliament for the electorate of Parramatta and son of crypto-Jew (i.e. crypto-Edomite) Jim Cameron, now deceased, former member of the New South Wales Parliament for the former electorate of Northcott
Jock Cameron, Executive Director of the National Student Leadership Forum in Australia and son of crypto-Jew (i.e. crypto-Edomite) Jim Cameron, now deceased, former member of the New South Wales Parliament for the former electorate of Northcott
Like his father Jim Cameron and his brother Ross Cameron, Jock Cameron is a Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherent of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanist) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
The National Student Leadership Forum in Australia is designed to influence up-and-coming, young-adult leaders to embrace and support the flawed system of ‘representative’ democracy in Australia instead of pondering sensible alternatives such as direct democracy, in which citizens vote voluntarily via the internet or via telephone on every single issue upon which our elected ‘representatives’ currently decide on our behalf.
Clive Palmer, Chairman of the United Australia Party, former member of the Australian federal parliament for Fairfax
Craig Kelly, Leader of the United Australia Party, former member of the Australian federal parliament for Hughes
Pauline Hanson, Senator for Queensland in the Australian federal parliament and President of the One Nation Party of Australia
Pauline Hanson’s role as the leader of the One Nation Party is to control the opposition of white Australian citizens to the ‘globalisation’ and world government agenda of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan and to discredit them by her own actions so that other white Australian citizens won’t be inclined to embrace this same opposition to this ‘globalisation’ and world government agenda. This was her role when she became a member of the Australian federal parliament in 1996 and it’s her same role today, now that she’s returned as a member of the Australian federal parliament in 2016 as a Senator for Queensland.
Evidence to support the contention that Pauline Hanson is disingenuous in her role as the leader of the One Nation Party and that the One Nation Party is designed to control and contain the opposition of white Australian citizens to the ‘globalisation’ and world government agenda of the synagogue of Satan can be found on the following web page:
This web page includes evidence to support the contention that the One Nation Party was created by the Liberal Party of Australia to manage the opposition of white Australian citizens to the ‘globalisation’ and world government agenda that the Liberal Party of Australia (and the Australian Labor Party) has been actively and deliberately carrying out on behalf of the synagogue of Satan, which controls the Liberal Party of Australia (and the Australian Labor Party) in an ironclad manner. Former Prime Minister of Australia and Freemason Tony Abbott of the Liberal Party of Australia played an instrumental role in the creation and management of the One Nation Party in the mid-1990s and likely played a role in the management of this party in the subsequent two decades.
Malcolm Roberts, Senator for Queensland in the Australian federal parliament and member of the One Nation Party of Australia
Philip Lowe, current Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Glenn Stevens, Ian Macfarlane, Bernie Fraser, Robert Johnston, Harold Knight, John Phillips, Herbert Coombs, former Governors of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Chris Jordan, current Commissioner of Taxation of the Australian Taxation Office
Michael Cranston, former Deputy Commissioner of Taxation of the Australian Taxation Office
Michael Pezzullo, former Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, Australia, former Secretary of the Department of Immigration, Australia
Dominic Perrottet, former Premier of New South Wales, Australia
Gladys Berejiklian, former Premier of New South Wales, Australia
Gladys Berejiklian is a crypto-Jew pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ who publicly supported homosexual marriage during the 2017 poll in Australia on this issue.
Mike Baird, former Premier of New South Wales, Australia, son of crypto-Jew (i.e. crypto-Edomite) Bruce Baird, former member of the Australian federal parliament for Cook and former member of the New South Wales Parliament for the former electorate of Northcott
Bay Warburton, current Chairman of Shore School Council, former Chief of Staff to Mike Baird, former Premier of New South Wales, Australia
Nick Greiner, former President of the Liberal Party of Australia, former Premier of New South Wales, Australia
Robert Stokes, former New South Wales Minister for Infrastructure, former New South Wales Minister for Planning and former member of the New South Wales Parliament for Pittwater
Brad Hazzard, former New South Wales Minister for Health and former member of the New South Wales Parliament for Wakehurst from 25th May, 1991 to 25th March, 2023
Mark Latham, member of the New South Wales Legislative Council and Leader of One Nation in New South Wales, Australia
Fred Nile, former member of the New South Wales Legislative Council from 19th September, 1981 to 25th March, 2023, former leader of the Christian Democratic Party from 7th April, 1998 to 29th March, 2022, former leader of the Call to Australia Party from 22nd June, 1977 to 7th April, 1998
Michael Spence, current President and Provost of University College London, United Kingdom, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, Australia
Annastacia Palaszczuk, current Premier of Queensland, Australia
Brian Houston, Founder and former Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church
Phil Pringle, Founder and current Senior Pastor of C3 Church
Ian Jagelman, former Senior Pastor of C3 Church Lane Cove, New South Wales, Australia
Richard Green, Senior Pastor of C3 Church Ryde, New South Wales, Australia
Justin Welby, current Archbishop of Canterbury of the Church of England
Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury of the Church of England
Here is a non-exhaustive list of Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) who are pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ and who are operating in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia:
(Kanishka Raffel, the current Archbishop of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, is presumably a Freemason pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ, presumably not a Jew (i.e. Edomite) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ, whose allegiance is to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan.)
> Glenn Davies, former Archbishop of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Peter Jensen, former Archbishop of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Phillip Jensen, former Dean of St Andrew’s Cathedral in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Michael Jensen, Rector of St Mark’s Anglican Church in Darling Point – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Mark Thompson, current Principal of Moore Theological College in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney – Jew (i.e. Edomite) or Freemason
> John Woodhouse, former Principal of Moore Theological College in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> David Mansfield, former Chief Executive Officer of Anglican Aid – Jew (i.e. Edomite) or Freemason
> Kel Richards, author of the Aussie Bible – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> John Dickson, former Founding Director of the Centre for Public Christianity – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Simon Smart, Executive Director of the Centre for Public Christianity – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Al Stewart, formerly involved in City Bible Forum – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Rob Smith, Honorary Assistant Minister, St Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Craig Roberts, CEO Anglican Youthworks, former Senior Minister of Neutral Bay Anglican Church – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Bruce Morrison, Senior Minister of St John’s Cathedral Parramatta – Jew (i.e. Edomite) or Freemason
> David Ould, Assistant Minister of St John’s Cathedral Parramatta – Jew (i.e. Edomite) or Freemason
> Nigel Fortescue, Senior Minister of Christ Church St Ives – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Barry Newman, Synod Representative of Christ Church St Ives – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Gavin Parsons, former Senior Minister of St David’s Anglican Church, Forestville – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Scott Taylor, Assistant Minister of St David’s Anglican Church, Forestville – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Justin Moffatt, Senior Minister of St Philip’s Anglican Church in York Street, Sydney – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Gavin Perkins, Senior Minister of St Jude’s Bowral – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Jodie McNeill, Senior Minister of Jamberoo Anglican Church – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Roger Cunningham, Senior Minister of Emu Plains Anglican Church – Jew (i.e. Edomite)
> Mark Groombridge, Assistant Minister of Northmead Anglican Church – Jew (i.e. Edomite) or Freemason
The Anglican Diocese of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia is the institutional church of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia which belongs to the Church of England. Queen Elizabeth, who formerly headed the Church of England as its Supreme Governor (in disobedience to the teaching of the Bible which forbids women to lead the church of Jesus Christ – 1 Timothy 2:12), was knowingly and deliberately involved in the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan as a Jew (i.e. Edomite) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
The Anglican Diocese of Sydney has preached a false gospel for a long time. In a nutshell, it preaches that it is impossible for Christians to live in obedience to God – they will fail continually – and that the only hope they have is placing their trust in Jesus’ death on the cross for the forgiveness for their sins.
The Bible puts it differently. It documents Jesus’ atonement for our sins through his death on the cross and describes the relief from guilt and shame it provides. It absolutely admonishes Christians not to continue in their sins, knowing that they have been forgiven for their past sins.
The diocese preaches a gospel of spiritual defeat and inability to overcome sin, which is why it languishes.
The Bible preaches a gospel of spiritual victory and ability to overcome sin.
Most Christians who attend an Anglican church in the diocese are going to receive this defeatism brainwashing. Even the strongest people can end up submitting to what they hear preached time and time again. I wrote to a minister at the Anglican church I attended in 1992, being Rob Smith, explaining very excitedly how I’d come to see the gospel of victory we’re called to live. He thanked me verbally for my letter and gently cautioned me to expect to live a gospel of defeat.
The Church of England and the Anglican Diocese of Sydney are both massive containment exercises to prevent the church of Jesus Christ from growing like it should. In more recent years, the Anglican Diocese of Sydney has added three (3) new members each year for every two thousand (2000) people in the church. The purpose of the Church of England and the Anglican Diocese of Sydney is to keep the peasants in their place at the bottom of the pyramid that our society under the control of the synagogue of Satan resembles. The Anglican Diocese of Sydney keeps the peasants in their place by continually reminding its members of their sinfulness, whereas the Bible calls the saints to lives of obedience in which they overcome sin. The Anglican Diocese of Sydney thereby takes on the role of the accuser of the brethren, which, of course, is the role of Satan himself. I attended an Anglican church in Sydney from May, 1991 to very early 1999. The amount of condemnation that was heaped upon the members sitting in the pews listening to the preaching was unbelievable. Beyond any doubt whatsoever, this condemnation is spiritual abuse.
After realising that the Anglican church I attended amounted to little more than Christianity in a vacuum, I left in disgust. Years later, I realised that the Anglican Diocese of Sydney contains Christianity so that it never spreads out to correct glaring problems in society, such as our fraudulent banking system in which privately owned banks create money out of nothing when they lend and charge interest on it. I hold a Bachelor of Economics majoring in Accounting & Finance from Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and I am not misinformed.
We are being played for fools and the Anglican Diocese of Sydney works to keep Christians ignorant of the ways in which they and their fellow citizens are being exploited. It spends part of its budget on “helping the poor” so that it can appear to care about poor people in society when it really doesn’t care about them at all. It cares about perpetuating the status quo which entrenches poverty in our society. The token concern for the poor that the Anglican Diocese of Sydney displays is a strategy commonly used by the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan to conceal its true, nefarious objectives behind token charitable works.
Anglicare in Sydney has been set up by the diocese to have the appearance of being concerned about the poor by making this token effort when the truth is that the leadership of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney couldn’t care less about the poor. Anglicare in Sydney helps thousands of people every year but our fraudulent banking system which creates money out of nothing and lends it out at interest is grievously harming multiple millions of people every year. The leadership of the diocese is fully aware of this fraud and does not have the slightest interest in exposing it. Many of those leading the diocese are crypto-Jewish (i.e. crypto-Edomitish) adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ.
This banking fraud is the key tool that the synagogue of Satan uses to oppress the poor WORLDWIDE. What did Justin Welby come out in opposition to as the Archbishop of Canterbury a few months after taking up his role on 21st March, 2013? Payday lenders. What a joke. Justin Welby is fully aware of the fraud of our banking system. However he didn’t expose this fraud because he’s a Jew (i.e. Edomite) pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ whose allegiance is to the synagogue of Satan. Instead he made a public statement against payday lenders to feign concern for the poor.
The opposition to the synagogue of Satan is the church of Jesus Christ. The easiest way to control the opposition is to lead it. The Church of England in the United Kingdom is completely controlled by the synagogue of Satan. This control extends to the Anglican Diocese of Sydney and was put in place long before I attended an Anglican church in Sydney from May, 1991 to very early 1999 (or the Sunday School of another Anglican church in Sydney in 1981 and 1982 when I was eight to ten years of age).
Christians often turn up to Anglican churches weary of the challenges they meet out in the world. The leadership of the Anglican churches in Sydney, many of whom are crypto-Jews (i.e. crypto-Edomites) and Freemasons pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ, tell these Christians in the pews that the reason they’re facing these challenges is that we live in a fallen world. They tell these Christians in the pews that this is never going to get better in this life – that it will only get better in the next life. What they don’t tell them is that there is a group of people on earth who wittingly follow Satan and who are leading humanity astray. These people occupy positions of leadership in all areas of society and make life problematic for the citizenry in their multitudes. Many of these people are openly or secretly Jewish. Many of the non-Jewish males who wittingly follow Satan belong to the occult organisation of Freemasonry, which is controlled by the synagogue of Satan. Many of the non-Jewish females who wittingly follow Satan belong to the occult organisation of the Order of the Eastern Star, which is controlled by the synagogue of Satan.
The deception that has been perpetrated in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney preys upon the youth of many of the members in the pews. Youth are taught to acknowledge that their church leaders know best and to respect the authority of their church leaders. This is false teaching. They should be teaching them to measure everything against the Bible. Imposters in the pulpits in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney and on the ministry staff rely on every means to build their credibility, including gaining multiple academic qualifications, but often discourage members of these churches from pursuing these qualifications too vigorously themselves. They paint such pursuit as idolatry. Therefore, the perceived credibility of the church members is weakened while the perceived credibility of these imposters is strengthened. This makes it more difficult for the church members to challenge these imposters when they feel that they are leading them astray. If they do challenge them, these imposters often resort to tactics used by adherents of the synagogue of Satan to invalidate and brush off the concerns that they have raised.
The Anglican Diocese of Sydney is a liberal church pretending to be represent orthodox Christianity which is opposed to:
> the use of the accurate King James Version of the Bible (preferring as it does to use the deliberately inaccurate New International Version of the Bible, which is published in the United States of America by Zondervan, which is owned by HarperCollins, which is owned by News Corp, which was founded and is currently chaired by crypto-Jew (i.e. crypto-Edomite) Rupert Murdoch, whose secret allegiance is to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan, since this use interferes with its Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) agenda to subvert the growth of followers of Jesus Christ by directing them towards deliberately inaccurate Bible translations, such as the New International Version of the Bible.
> acknowledgement of the historical existence of Adam and Eve, since this acknowledgement interferes with its Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) agenda to undermine the authority of the Bible by promoting Charles Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution” and thereby subvert Christianity and weaken the faith of followers of Jesus Christ.
(Adherents of the synagogue of Satan like Richard Dawkins promote Charles Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution” outside of the church. However, the synagogue of Satan was very eager for this satanic doctrine to be promoted inside the church as well so that followers of Jesus Christ sitting in the pews would be exposed to it.
This has been achieved by infiltrating the church with adherents of the synagogue of Satan (i.e. Satanists) who are pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ, such as Barry Newman, who has attended Christ Church St Ives for at least nearly fifty (50) years and who has enthusiastically and vigorously undermined the historical existence of Adam and Eve for a bare minimum of half of these years from the pulpit.
Adherents of the synagogue of Satan pretending to be followers of Jesus Christ have attended theological colleges, obtained theological qualifications and become ministers and assistant ministers in the church of Jesus Christ, such as the Anglican church.
These tares have held fast to their promotion of Charles Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution” from the pulpit in order to undermine the authority of the Bible and thereby subvert Christianity.
Moore Theological College, which is the theological college of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, has adopted Charles Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution” as the official explanation of the origin of human beings and teaches this to all of its students who are training to become ministers in the church of Jesus Christ in order to ensure that this satanic doctrine will continue to be preached in churches in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.)
> condemnation of the corrupting influence of television and film originating from the synagogue of Satan, since this condemnation interferes with its Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) agenda to facilitate the subversion of the sanctification of followers of Jesus Christ who are exposed to this corrupting influence.
Tim Costello, former Chief Executive Officer of World Vision Australia, former President of the Baptist Union of Australia and brother of Peter Costello
Rick Warren, Founder and Senior Pastor of Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California, United States of America
Mark Driscoll, Founder and former Senior Pastor of Mars Hill Church, Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Steve Furtick, Founder and Senior Pastor of Elevation Church, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America
Duncan Robinson, Pastor of Northgate Ministries, Belrose, New South Wales, Australia and former Breakfast Announcer at Hope 103.2 FM, Sydney, Australia
Paul Ravesteyn, Founder and former Pastor of Northgate Ministries, Belrose, New South Wales, Australia
Jules Pritchard, Pastor of Harvest Time Church, Forestville, New South Wales, Australia
Phillip Randall, CEO of Hope 103.2 FM, Sydney, Australia
Aaron Wright, former Breakfast Announcer at Hope 103.2 FM, Sydney, Australia
Sam Robinson, former Breakfast Announcer at Hope 103.2 FM, Sydney, Australia
Katrina Roe, former Mornings Announcer at Hope 103.2 FM, Sydney, Australia
Laura Bennett, Afternoons Announcer at Hope 103.2 FM, Sydney, Australia
Ita Buttrose, Chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Leigh Sales, former host of 7.30, broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Tony Jones, former host of Q&A, broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Rupert Murdoch, Founder and Executive Chairman of News Corp
Kerry Packer, former Australian media proprietor
Kerry Stokes, Australian media proprietor
Roger Corbett, former Chairman of Fairfax Media, the former owner of the Sydney Morning Herald, former Chief Executive Officer of Woolworths Limited and former member of the board of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Andrew Forrest, Executive Chairman of Fortescue Metals Group Limited
Alex Jones, Founder of Infowars
Alan Jones, Australian radio broadcaster
Jordan Peterson, psychologist
Stefan Molyneux, Founder of
Here is a non-exhaustive list of crypto-Jews (i.e. crypto-Edomites) working as journalists at “The Australian” newspaper, owned by News Corp Australia:
> Paul Kelly
> Janet Albrechtsen
> Dennis Shanahan
> Angela Shanahan (wife of Dennis Shanahan)
> Greg Sheridan, who has peddled injurious, Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) lies for far too long on all manner of topics gravitating around Jewish (i.e. Edomitish) criminal activity, such as the ‘War on Terror’ and the associated wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria
> Gerard Henderson
> Peter van Onselen, whose crypto-Jewish (i.e. crypto-Edomitish) brother Leith van Onselen runs the controlled opposition website
Here is a non-exhaustive list of crypto-Jews (i.e. crypto-Edomites) working as journalists at the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, formerly owned by Fairfax Media but now owned by Nine Entertainment Co., whose chairman is former Treasurer of Australia, crypto-Jew Peter Costello:
> Peter FitzSimons
> Ross Gittins
> Elizabeth Farrelly
> Peter Hartcher
> Julia Baird
> David Crowe
> Jenna Price
> Jessica Irvine
> Shane Wright
Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft Corporation