The alleged coronavirus named COVID-19 does not exist.

By Andrew Mackinnon

The information in this post has been compiled from the work of Dr Andrew Kaufman published in the following video:

Dr Andrew Kaufman, M.D. has the following qualifications and background:

> Licensed and Board Certified in Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry
> Former Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University
> Former Medical Instructor of Hematology and Oncology, Medical University of South Carolina
> Psychiatry Residency, Duke University
> Doctor of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina
> Bachelors of Science in Biology, MIT

The actual definition of coronaviruses is a group of related RNA (ribonucleic acid) viruses that cause diseases in human beings, mammals and birds.  These viruses cause respiratory tract infections in people that can range from mild (e.g. the common cold) to lethal.

It is alleged by the perpetrators of the so-called Coronavirus hoax that COVID-19 belongs to this group of related RNA viruses known as coronaviruses.

However, the diagnostic test for COVID-19 does not detect a virus at all but instead detects the presence of exosomes in the human body and diagnoses a subject of the test as having COVID-19 if these exosomes are present.

When the human body exhibits an immune response to an illness within it or an attack against it, such as the common cold, the flu, stress or exposure to excess microwave energy (electromagnetic radiation), cells in the human body release what are called “exosomes”.

Here is a more complete list of things that can induce the production of exosomes in cells in the human body:

> Diseases
> Infection
> Asthma
> Cancer
> Injury
> Stress
> Toxic substances
> Ionising radiation
> Electromagnetic radiation

From the 23 minute 40 second mark to the 25 minute 23 second mark in the video above, you can view a comparison of exosomes and COVID-19 under the microscope.

From the 26 minute 43 second mark to the 28 minute 52 second mark in the video above, you can view the comparison of the characteristics of exosomes and COVID-19 which I have reproduced below.

Exosomes have the following characteristics:

> Diameter inside cell: 500nm (nanometer, being one billionth of a metre or one millionth of a millimetre)
> Diameter outside cell: 100nm
> Receptor: ACE-2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2)
> Contains: RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
> Found in: Bronchoalveolar fluid (lung fluid)

COVID-19 has the following characteristics:

> Diameter inside cell: 500nm
> Diameter outside cell: 100nm
> Receptor: ACE-2
> Contains: RNA
> Found in: Bronchoalveolar fluid

Since the appearance and characteristics of exosomes and COVID-19 are the same, exosomes and COVID-19 are therefore one and the same thing.

The diagnostic tests being used to detect the presence of COVID-19 are testing for the presence of exosomes and then fraudulently diagnosing the subjects of the tests as having COVID-19 if the presence of exosomes is detected.

COVID-19 is not a virus and does not exist as a virus.  It is the fraudulent diagnosis applied to patients whose immune response to a range of illnesses and threats to their health has caused the cells inside their bodies to produce exosomes.

Those perpetrating the so-called Coronavirus hoax are preying on the lack of expertise amongst the citizenry in disease, immune response and diagnostic testing.  They are exploiting this lack of expertise amongst the citizenry in order to perpetrate fraud which revolves around the fraudulent diagnostic tests for COVID-19 that focus on detecting the presence of exosomes in the human body.

Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil of the United Kingdom has confirmed the findings of Dr Andrew Kaufman and has the following qualifications and background:

> Consultant General
> Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon
> Bachelor of Medicine
> Bachelor of Surgery
> Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
> Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland
> Chief Organiser & Founder Global Nishtarians Organisation
> Three decades of experience working in one of the teaching hospitals in the United Kingdom

Dr Adil explains from the 4 minute mark to the 7 minute 5 second mark of the following video that COVID-19 is an exosome:

You can play this video at 1.25x speed in order to hasten his slow speaking voice by bringing up the volume control at the bottom of the video, clicking on the cog icon to the right of the volume control and setting the speed to 1.25x.

As a result of exposing the so-called Coronavirus as a hoax, Dr Adil’s license to practice medicine was suspended for twelve months by the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom.

We are in Dr Adil’s debt for utilising the weight of his many years of expertise and experience from practicing medicine as a highly qualified doctor and health professional in order to expose the so-called Coronavirus hoax.

The current push in western countries to make the wearing of masks mandatory is both a symbolic and practical extension of the widespread censorship that has permeated every aspect of western society, particularly over the past four years since the Brexit victory in the United Kingdom in 2016 and the victory of Trump supporters in the presidential election in the United States of America in 2016, in which they progressed their political agenda by electing a president who at least pretends to represent their interests.

The message conveyed by those perpetrating the so-called Coronavirus hoax to the citizenry through the push to make the wearing of masks mandatory can be summarised as follows:

“Shut up and do what we tell you.”

Those perpetrating the so-called Coronavirus hoax want to control every aspect of the lives of the citizenry.  They believe they can achieve this objective by promoting a narrative comprising falsehoods in order to create an alternate, false reality and by demanding that the citizenry conform their lives to this alternate, false reality.  They must be held accountable for this widespread and far-reaching fraud that they have engaged in.

Currently there is a concerted push to demonise Australian citizens who are opposed to the impending compulsory wearing of masks by attributing actions to them which they have not even taken.  Those perpetrating the so-called Coronavirus hoax have organised for graffiti to be sprayed in public places in opposition to the hoax in order to diminish the credibility of those opposed to the hoax in the public eye.  They have also organised for people to clash in an overly dramatic manner with retail staff and police in Victoria where the wearing of masks is mandatory in order to make those opposed to the hoax look ridiculous in the public eye when it is obviously the mandatory wearing of masks that is ridiculous.  These are dirty tactics that the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan perpetrating the so-called Coronavirus hoax has come to be known for.

These tactics are reported by the mainstream media in articles such as the following in order to give the impression that the actions in question were taken by those opposed to the so-called Coronavirus hoax:

See the first video on the web page above for the reporting of graffiti by the mainstream media.

There is no rational reason why anybody opposed to the so-called Coronavirus hoax would spray graffiti in public places because it is obvious that it reduces support for those opposed to this hoax instead of increasing it and that it therefore reduces opposition to the so-called Coronavirus hoax instead of increasing it.

See the first video on the web page above for footage of the overly dramatic manner of an agent of the perpetrators of the so-called Coronavirus hoax when clashing with retail staff and police.

There is no rational reason why anybody opposed to the so-called Coronavirus hoax would talk to retail staff and police in the overly dramatic and overly confrontational manner in which the agent of the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan spoke to retail staff and police while she pretended to oppose the so-called Coronavirus hoax.  Predictably, the comments section of the latter article above has blown up with people outraged at her ridiculous manner, which has obviously served to reduce support for those opposed to this hoax instead of increasing it and which has therefore reduced opposition to the so-called Coronavirus hoax instead of increasing it.

These dirty tactics are part of the concerted push now underway in Australia to make the wearing of masks mandatory for all Australian citizens.  This is the epitome of absurdity, because the alleged coronavirus named COVID-19 does not exist.